INIIDF-Chapter 91 The First Island

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The next day, at dawn.

A breeze blew in from the depths of the Grand Line.

Outside the lighthouse at Twin Capes, bathed in the morning light and sea breeze, Liam picked up his iron rod and stretched his muscles.

The waves crashed against the red shore at his feet, creating a misty spray. Liam swung his rod horizontally, cutting through the water, and the spray passed right through ‘B.I.B.’, who was standing still.


Liam leaned on his rod, pushed off with his right foot, and jumped into the sea.

Crocus gazed at the distant sea and said, “I wonder where Laboon has swum to…”

Robin let out a silent yawn, her short hair slightly disheveled, and muttered, “Maybe it’s already been found by whalers and chopped into pieces of meat…”

‘This girl, why does she say such scary things?’ Crocus couldn’t help but glance at her.

“Hopefully, it hasn’t gotten lost!” Liam’s voice came from below.

Crocus looked out at the sea.

Liam’s feet were tapping on the undulating sea surface, making crisp sounds like “puda” “puda,” and he didn’t sink at all, it looked as if he was walking on water like a dragonfly.

“What are you doing…” The old ship doctor was quite surprised as he looked at this scene and asked.

Liam tried to push off the water to jump back to shore but failed, so he had to crawl up using both hands and feet.

“Shanks called this Geppo, one of the Rokushiki techniques!” Liam sat beside the standing iron rod, with only the soles of his shoes wet. He laughed before continuing, “But this is more like a water step! I can’t walk in the air yet…”

“…” Crocus was speechless, standing with his arms crossed on the shore.

After a while, he asked, “The Grand Line isn’t easy to navigate… Especially the route before the first island, where the magnetic fields of the seven routes interfere with each other, causing the weather and sea currents to be completely chaotic! As for Rayleigh, I’m not sure where he is right now…”

Liam stood up, leaning on his iron rod, and pointed towards the blue sea ahead, murmuring, “So… if I keep going from here, will I eventually find Rayleigh San?”

‘What’s wrong with him?’ Robin thought to herself seeing as Liam’s expression and tone were strange!

“Maybe! If you run into Shanks, you can ask him. He might know Rayleigh’s location.” Crocus said, “But if I had to guess… I’d say Rayleigh is hiding somewhere in the middle of the Grand Line, on the Sabaody Archipelago…”

Robin was surprised, “The middle… That’s on the other side of the Red Line, where the Holy Land Mariejois and Marine Headquarters are located!”

That red-haired guy, this Crocus, and the person Liam asked Crocus to write a letter of introduction for, this Rayleigh, all seemed to have been crewmates on the same pirate ship.

Since they are pirates, why would they stay in such a place? That’s right under the World Government and Marine’s noses!

“The most dangerous place is the safest?” Robin muttered to herself.

“No,” Crocus smiled slightly, “It’s just that the place has the most pretty girls…”

Robin: “…”

“Rayleigh, I heard from the captain, used to be a loner,” Crocus laughed, “But after he joined the crew, he slowly started to enjoy the lively atmosphere! The Sabaody Archipelago is the convergence point of the seven routes, probably the liveliest place on the Grand Line…”

Liam thought that Crocus probably had more reasons that he didn’t say.

Most of Roger’s pirate crew knew about the prophecy of a great war that would happen over twenty years later…

If Rayleigh wanted to wait for the Joy Boy from that prophecy on behalf of Roger, he would undoubtedly choose to stay on the Sabaody Archipelago, where he could use his own eyes to witness the emergence of the new Joy Boy.

Is it Monkey D. Luffy?

‘It should be him’, Liam thought.

The sun was half-risen over the sea, its golden-red light coloring the water. From a distance… it looked like a giant straw hat slowly rising from the sea.

After a simple breakfast at Crocus’s lighthouse, Liam and Robin packed up and prepared to set off.

Crocus, with his arms crossed, said, “Actually, even if you find Rayleigh, this letter won’t matter much… He can tell if you’re sincere just by looking at you. He’s that formidable.”

Robin silently imagined what Rayleigh might look like: strong limbs, tall stature, but with bright eyes, and wearing round black-framed glasses…

“Is that so!” Liam waved the letter in his hand and smiled, “Anyway, thanks a lot! Goodbye…”

“Robin, let’s go,” Liam called out, and his figure suddenly disappeared, leaving Crocus surprised.

Robin also waved her little hand at the old ship doctor and vanished in place.

“…” Crocus released his crossed arms in shock and looked back at the towering Reverse Mountain. “Maybe I can understand now why they managed to come down from the mountain top…”

“Shanks, Rayleigh…” Crocus gazed out at the vast, empty sea, “Will this boy be part of the great wave of change twenty years from now?”

“What a pity, Roger!” The old ship doctor thought of his captain, who laughed heartily in his memories, and sighed, “If only my medical skills could have kept you alive for another twenty years…”

‘B.I.B.’ sped across the sea as a window was open in its chest.

Liam and Robin sat side by side at the opening, watching the changing weather outside.


This was thunder and lightning. In the low, dark clouds, ‘B.I.B.’ flew steadily.

Although the Stand’s flying speed wasn’t very fast, it was safe and steady, unaffected by the weather.

The thunder hadn’t gone far when suddenly it was calm and clear again.

Not a few minutes later, a tempest arose on the sea. Wind and rain passed through ‘B.I.B.’s nearly intangible body without leaving a trace…

Robin reached out her hand, and snowflakes, passing through ‘B.I.B.’s Shiro Shiro no Mi (Castle-Castle Fruit) coverage, shrunk and fell into her palm.

Liam remarked, “Crocus said that the weather and sea conditions in this segment are completely chaotic due to the magnetic interference of the seven routes… So the weather is related to magnetism?”

“I don’t know…” Robin shook her head as the snowflakes melted in her palm.

Liam thought, could it be that Nami’s Clima-Tact works by creating various special magnetic fields?

If magnetism can affect the weather…

Then can’t Kid control the wind, rain, and lightning at will?!

Inside the City Castle.

In the dormitory layer, Liam walked in with his iron rod.

Clang! Clang!

He tapped the ground twice with the rod, formed a seal with one hand, and shouted, “Great Heavenly Dragon! Training Ground— Appear!”

Robin, sitting in a corner reading a book, was speechless.

With a rumble, the structure of the entire layer rapidly changed as the walls and floors began to writh and quickly expanded into a spacious training ground.

White fluid welled up from the floor, forming various training equipment.

Robin was crouched in the corner, had a small table form beside her from the wall, with a pot of hot tea appearing on it.

“Thank you,” Robin said to the wall.

In the center of the training ground, a lump of white fluid on the floor quickly solidified into a black suit of armor in front of Liam.

‘B.I.B.’ reached into the flowing white substance and pulled out an iron rod identical to the one in its main body’s hand.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

The main body and the Stand began to practice with their iron rods in the training ground.

Robin flipped through her book, sipped her tea, and couldn’t help but smile.

This scene reminded her a bit of the days on the previous island…

During the smooth flight of the Stand’s flight…

“Damn it!”

One day in the training ground, Liam suddenly yelled.

Robin peered over her book to see Liam holding his head in thought for a moment, then staring blankly at the “armored man” in front of him.

Robin vaguely heard Liam muttering to it, “How long has it been since I last recalled you… Damn, this is bad…”

She also remembered that during their time on the island, Liam would scream in agony and roll on the ground after his daily training when he recalled his ghost…

Robin covered her mouth and smiled slightly, and just as usual, Liam would…

“No, I need to find an island to land on.” Liam rubbed his chin, pondering, “I need to eat something good first…”

If I don’t gather some energy, my little body might be completely drained by ‘B.I.B.’ this time!

‘B.I.B.’ obeyed, flew for a while longer, and found an island ahead, descending towards it.

Liam instructed it to open a door in its chest.


As soon as the door opened, a cold wind mixed with snow rushed in.

(End Of Chapter)

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