INIIDF-Chapter 84 Take Off!

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The villagers brought an endless stream of pots and pans, forming a small mountain. Even the bottoms of the bowls were licked clean, leaving the table in disarray.

“I’ve never seen Lily eat so much…” The old village leader muttered, tugging at his mustache.

Under the astonished gaze of everyone but Robin, Liam’s bloated belly slowly shrank and returned to its original trim waistline before their very eyes.

“Phew…” Liam stood up, feeling light and refreshed after his feast.

He removed the sling supporting his arm, casually flexed his wrist and clenched his fist.

Although the bandages on his head and body were still in place, he felt mostly recovered.

Liam could sense that his strength had noticeably increased after the intense battle.

Noticing the shadowy “B.I.B.” approaching, Liam quickly raised his hand to stop it, “Wait a second!”

“B.I.B.” stopped.

“I just finished eating…” Liam grumbled, calculating the time. His face turned bitter, “Including the day and night I slept, how long have you been out this time? Oh, come on…”

The downside of an automatic stand: if you’re not careful, it stays out too long…

And after a fierce battle, absorbing all that accumulated “experience” would be overwhelming.


On the bustling island of Lasgap, Robin and Liam, who looked like a ghost, walked through the city, shopping for essentials such as food, water, and basic medicine.

Liam, who had just merged with the B.I.B., felt half dead…

“Oh right, weapons!” Liam suddenly woke up and turned into a gun shop.

As soon as he entered, a metallic smell of blood hit him.

Looking around, he saw various swords and knives hanging on the walls, stacked in barrels, and displayed on racks. There were also some axes, maces, and other weapons.

There were few firearms, as they didn’t seem to be the specialty of this shop.

The shopkeeper paid little attention to the two teenagers at first. But then he took a closer look at Liam, pulled a newspaper out of a drawer, and compared him to a photo in a news article. Quietly, he put the paper down and became more enthusiastic, eagerly showing off the shop’s sharp blades.

“Do you have any iron rods?” Liam asked.

“What?” The shopkeeper was surprised.

“I’m not good with blades… I always feel like I could accidentally cut myself. A heavy stick feels more reliable,” Liam explained.

“I see, that’s quite unexpected…” The shopkeeper replied.

“Pff…” One of the customers, probably a pirate, couldn’t help but laugh, “Kids are afraid to use knives!”

“Haha!” The surrounding customers joined in the laughter.

The shopkeeper rolled his eyes. The island was full of such petty, yet smug, pirates.

The boy they were mocking had hunted more bounties than all of them combined… He just couldn’t be bothered with them.

“Isn’t that too heavy?” the shopkeeper asked as Liam picked up an iron rod from the bottom of a crate.

Liam lifted the rod and felt its weight. “It is heavy! But it’s perfect for training, isn’t it?”

Someone used their finger to push a blade out of its sheath, revealing the white blade and pointing it at Liam with a grin, “When I was your age, I’d already drawn my blade and seen blood!”

Liam casually threw the iron rod at the man.

The rod pressed against the man’s blade, causing his face to change dramatically. He couldn’t catch it – the iron rod was so heavy!

With a clatter, his blade fell to the ground.

Liam, however, used his foot to hook the iron rod with the tip of his foot and flicked it upward. The iron rod seemed to fly easily back into his hand.

“Your swordsmanship isn’t that great either!” Liam laughed, holding the iron rod over his shoulder with one hand. Behind him, Robin was paying with some bills she took from the green Den Den Mushi.

The man who picked up his sword looked embarrassed, and the others started laughing at him instead.

Liam and Robin left with the iron rod, and the weapon shop owner watched their backs disappear, muttering to himself, “Such a formidable young man… I wonder if he can survive on the Grand Line…”


“Are we really going to the Grand Line?”

Robin asked suddenly on the way, as she stuffed some books she had bought into the mouth of the green den mushi.

“Is there anywhere else you want to go?”

Liam looked around. After walking down several streets, he still couldn’t find a shop that sold Log Poses… Even though he knew it was hard to get one outside the Grand Line, this was ridiculous.

Without a Log Pose, you couldn’t navigate the Grand Line.

How do you get a Log Pose? Go to the Grand Line.

How do you navigate the Grand Line? Get a Log Pose…

Liam seriously suspected that the World Government, full of evil intentions, was deliberately controlling the distribution of Log Poses in the Four Seas.

For them, the more efficiently pirates die after recklessly entering the Grand Line, the better…

“It’s dangerous, isn’t it?” Robin asked. The other day, Laffitte almost pushed us to our limits… What kind of powerful monsters awaited us on the Grand Line?

“That’s why we’re going!” Liam said, “West Blue isn’t as dangerous as the Grand Line, but it also doesn’t have as many opportunities as the Grand Line!”

He smiled at Robin, “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you.

‘I’m not worried about me…’ Robin silently shook her head.


At the foot of the mountain, in front of a gravestone surrounded by flowers.

Looking at the photo of the woman on the gravestone, Liam, with his hands in his pockets, smiled as he said, “Going to Kano Country in this state doesn’t feel right! Let me go to the Grand Line first and achieve some success, and then, well… I’ll go back to our hometown and visit!”

“That’s it then. I’ll come back to see you when I get a chance.”

Liam turned and walked away with a casual wave of his hand.

A bouquet of flowers placed in front of the headstone obscured the photo of the woman named Lily, whose face wore a smiling expression.


The old village leader waved Liam and Robin goodbye.

“You have changed so much! I know I can’t stop you…” The old village chief sighed as he looked at Liam, “Make sure you stay alive! You promised your mother you’d go back to Kano country for her.”

Liam wanted to say it wasn’t a big deal, but the old man’s words sounded like a flag being raised.

“Do you have a boat?” The old man asked.

Robin replied, “It’s docked that way…”

“Leave the boat for the village,” Liam said. “Take down the flag or repaint it, it can still be used.”

Seeing Robin’s confusion, Liam said, “Come on, I’m no good at sailing! I’ve learned to steer a little…but this is the Grand Line!”

The Grand Line’s weather, currents, and complexity were many times that of the Four Seas! Even the genius navigator Nami often found herself in a hurry when she first entered.

Robin said, “I know a little about navigation…” but her voice lacked confidence. Liam guessed she was comparing it to her Ph.D. in history.

“Then how do you plan to enter the Grand Line?” The old village chief was immediately alarmed. “Stop fooling around…”

Liam smiled slightly and took the slumbering green den mushi out of his pocket.

At the same time, a surge of dark Stand energy flowed from Liam’s body, and ‘B.I.B.’ emerged.

The Stand armor struck the sleeping green Den Den Mushi, pulling out a chip that emitted a white glow – Shiro Shiro no Mi (Castle Castle Fruit).

Thud thud thud…

As the startled green Den Den Mushi “blooped” and “blooped”, it ejected a pile of backpacks, boxes, iron bars, and other items from its body.

B.I.B.’ implanted the Shiro Shiro no Mi (Castle Castle Fruit) chip into Liam’s chest.

Then it walked towards the main body, merged with it, and almost without pausing, it emerged from the back of the main body again – having passed through the body of the user of the Shiro Shiro no Mi (Castle Castle Fruit) ability, ‘B.I.B.’ copied the ability of the fruit onto itself.

Liam twitched twice, opened his eyes with a refreshing feeling, and pointed to his chest.

B.I.B.’s blue flame-patterned armored arm extracted the Shiro Shiro no Mi (Castle Castle Fruit) chip from his chest.

Liam had a principle: the main body and the stand could not both be ability users at the same time.

As he performed this fluid sequence of actions, the old village chief and Robin saw nothing… except for the sudden ejection of items from the green Den Den Mushi’s body.

The old village chief was left with a head full of question marks. What had happened? Was this a circus magic show?

Then he witnessed something even more amazing.

Liam picked up the scattered backpacks, boxes, and other items one by one and casually tossed them into the air next to him. These things disappeared!

He even grabbed the “blooping” green Den Den Mushi and tossed it, making it disappear as well!

Robin was stunned, her mouth agape. She suddenly remembered that when she first met Liam, he had his spirit use the Flower-Flower Fruit (Hana Hana no Mi) ability… Thinking of this, she was gently pushed by Liam, and then her entire body rapidly shrank, lifted off the ground, and flew toward a portal, heading toward an unknown city castle.

“…!!” The old village chief’s mouth opened so wide that his jaw almost fell to the ground. He watched in shock as the young girl, Jolyne Kujo, vanished into thin air, too stunned to speak.

Then Liam waved at him with a smile, “Goodbye.

And he disappeared as well.


The old village chief stood on the ground for a long time, unable to regain his composure. In the air where he couldn’t see, within the Stand energy, ‘B.I.B.’ levitated and looked back towards the Grand Line’s entrance, the direction of Reverse Mountain.

The dark armor flew away gracefully.


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