INIIDF-Chapter 81 Hypnosis

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“Another Devil Fruit ability?” Laffitte frowned.

When did Devil Fruit users become so common?

He pulled at his leg and kicked the frail arms around it into a pile of petals.

“Ugh!” Robin cried out in pain, clutching her arms as she fell to her knees.

Liam looked at her, smiled wordlessly, and said, “Run.”

“Do you still have the time to care about others?” Laffitte walked slowly towards the badly injured Liam and said slowly, “Before I kill you…”

His voice seemed to carry an unusual power, forcing Liam to look at him.

Laffitte waved his cane in front of Liam.

The cane turned… gradually Laffitte’s pale face also turned rapidly in Liam’s vision…

Finally, only his crimson lips remained, grinning extremely wide, the white teeth between them uttering a gradually distant voice…

“Tell me…”

Laffitte’s voice seemed to carry an unspeakable magic, waves of power that struck deep into Liam’s heart.

Liam’s raised fist slowed and finally lowered gently.

“All your secrets.”

As the words fell, the sparkle in Liam’s black eyes vanished, leaving them completely empty.

Like a puppet, Liam stood there in a daze.

Laffitte wiped the blood from his body and brushed his finger across Liam’s face, leaving a trail of blood. “I didn’t expect to have to use hypnosis on you!”

‘Liam…’ Robin looked up in despair, just in time to see Liam standing dazed in front of Laffitte and beginning to speak, “I…”

Just as Laffitte smiled faintly.


B.I.B.’s fist swung from the side and ruthlessly smashed into Laffitte’s face.


The invisible fist squeezed and twisted Laffitte’s pale features mercilessly.


This time, Laffitte was truly taken by surprise.

This brat was clearly under his hypnosis! Why could he still use his abilities?!

Laffitte was spun around by the invisible punch.


He crashed into a dazed Liam.


The light returned to Liam’s eyes, and he instantly came to his senses.

Realizing that Laffitte was pinning him to the ground, he quickly turned and pressed his knee against Laffitte’s neck.

Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang…

Without any hesitation, each of Liam’s punches landed with full force, mercilessly raining down on Laffitte’s deathly pale face, immediately causing blood to spray.


Instantly covered in blood, Laffitte looked completely disheveled, his face full of malice as he drew the hidden sword from his cane.


The sword flashed in front of Liam and a trail of blood splashed through the air.

“Lin- Giorno!” Robin shouted in fear.

“Run!” Liam, with a bloody wound slashed across his chest, shouted, not looking at her.

At the same time, ‘B.I.B.’ grabbed a white glowing chip and jammed it into Liam’s back.

Biting her lip hard, Robin looked back at the unconscious old village chief, staggered to her feet, and ran for the beach.

“Pirate brat, look after yourself first!” Laffitte’s elegant half-silk ceremonial hat had long since been discarded. His black hair was dishevelled, and sticky with blood, and he held the slim, blood-dripping sword from his cane and said coldly, “I won’t be careless again. I’ll kill you slowly…”

As he spoke, he raised the sword to stab Liam.

It shone like a cold star in the night. Liam did not dodge or evade but raised his fist to meet the incoming sharp blade.

‘Courting death!’ Laffitte’s eyes flashed as he looked at this scene.

Liam’s expression remained unchanged as he swung his fist at the tip of the sword with all his might.

Unexpectedly, Laffitte’s slender stick sword suddenly transformed into a tube slightly wider than an arm!


Laffitte was shocked.

Liam’s fist passed unhindered through the ‘long sword tube’, with greatly reduced resistance inside the tube, and the speed of his strike suddenly increased!

Liam, his face smeared with blood, let out a roar, his arm muscles bulging as he unleashed his full power. His fist tore through the tube and slammed mercilessly into Laffitte’s stunned face.


Laffitte staggered back repeatedly, barely managing to stay on his feet before finally collapsing to the ground in a sorry state.


The Demon Sheriff’s black hair was even more disheveled, and his previously deathly pale face was now covered in blood, bruised and swollen, completely devoid of its former sinister grace.

“What exactly is your Devil Fruit ability?” Laffitte gritted his teeth.

“Hypnotise me again and I’ll tell you,” Liam grinned and bared his white teeth, grabbed the slender sword that had reverted to its original form, weighed it in his hand and then threw it far away.

Since he wasn’t good with swords, he figured it would be easy for Laffitte to get it back.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, the slender sword whirled through the air before sinking halfway into the ground with a soft thud, right in front of several villagers who had come into the mountains.

Seeing that night had fallen and that the village chief and Liam had not returned, they had come in concern, just to see the flying sword.

“Ah! The village chief!” A sharp-eyed villager vaguely saw what was happening up ahead.

A villager pulled out the slender sword and looked at the two blurred figures fighting fiercely in the dim night, swallowing nervously.

“It’s Liam!”

“Who’s the other one?”


Liam and ‘B.I.B.’ attacked from both sides, delivering a ruthless headbutt to Laffitte.

Laffitte dodged Liam’s headbutt, but couldn’t avoid the invisible ghost in the air… because ‘B.I.B.’ wasn’t aiming to kill him, its killing intent had been greatly diminished!

“Damn it…” Laffitte’s eyes were bloodshot and he no longer appeared calm, he was furious at being put in such a position by a mere child.

He grabbed Liam’s head and lifted his knee to strike ruthlessly.

Liam struggled to block it with his hands, causing Laffitte’s knee to turn into a tube, greatly reducing the impact.


But the force behind the attack still made Liam cough up blood.

“Annoying…” Laffitte said darkly while wiping the blood from his face. He instinctively reached for his pistol, but suddenly remembered the invisible ghost lurking in the night!

He immediately withdrew his hand.

Liam lifted his head weakly, his face covered in wounds and showing signs of exhaustion.

“Do you have any strength left?” Laffitte spat blood and sneered, “I’m a Zoan… are you sure you want to compete with me in stamina?”

He lifted a foot and kicked Liam away.

“I bet you don’t even have the strength to get up now!”

Laffitte’s arms turned into wings, and in the night he looked like the silhouette of an evil demon.

Sounds approached from the surrounding area.

“Don’t move!”


“Let him go!”

The villagers, carrying various strange weapons, surrounded them.

Laffitte looked at them coldly, not bothering to pay them any attention.

His feet turned into claws, and with a flap of his wings, he aimed to deliver the final blow to Liam.

“Stop it! You winged monster!” The villagers threw everything they could at Laffitte.


]Laffitte swooped down, his claws gleaming cold in the moonlight, aiming for the fallen Liam.

In the darkness, ‘B.I.B.’ flew towards its host and enveloped him.

Once armored, Liam rolled to the ground and gathered his strength, narrowly avoiding Laffitte’s blow.


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