INIIDF-Chapter 77 “No.”

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A stocky woman with a grim face opened the window at the side of the road.

The shouting at Liam earlier and the egg on Liam’s pants leg were obviously her doing.

Robin was confused; wasn’t this Liam’s hometown? Why was he being pelted with eggs?

“Hello, you know me…” Liam looked at the egg liquid mixed with shell dripping down his pant leg, then looked up and asked the burly woman in the window, “Can you tell me where my house is?”

“I don’t know you!”

The burly woman roared, and slammed the window shut, then there were some banging noises inside, a cacophony of clanging noises, and finally, bang – the door was violently flung open.

She was holding a metal spoon, pointing at Liam, and cursing, “You ungrateful brat, I don’t know you! Get out of here!”

In the small village, more and more people came out of their houses and into the street when they saw the two teenagers – especially Liam. It was clear that everyone in the village recognized him.


“Is it really Liam?”

“Ugh! That rotten kid, what is he doing back here now?”

“He still knows how to come back?”

“Get out!!!”

At first, it was just a murmur, but gradually the crowd became more and more agitated.

Especially when they saw Liam’s calm, seemingly guilt-free face, their anger only grew.


Another rotten egg hit Liam.

Liam looked around, “I just asked for directions, that’s all.

His response was met with paper balls, vegetable baskets, eggs, clumps of dirt… all sorts of things thrown into disarray and raining down on his head, body, arms, legs, and feet.

Robin crossed her arms, ready to use her Flower-Fruit (Hana Hana no Mi) ability.

But she quickly realized that the barrage of thrown objects was deflected by an invisible force before it reached her.

It was his “ghost”…

Robin suddenly realized that Liam wasn’t dodging the thrown objects because he didn’t want to.

“So unfriendly?” Liam looked at the mess on him, “Fine, I’ll find it myself then…”

“I told you to get out, didn’t you hear?!” The burly woman charged with the large metal spoon, “You brat!”


The big metal spoon smashed into Liam’s head, instantly breaking the skin on his forehead, with bright red blood flowing down.

The burly woman was also startled; why didn’t that brat dodge?

“Auntie, you’re in the way.”

Liam casually shoved, pulling the burly woman aside.

The woman stumbled and fell heavily to the ground. How did that brat get so strong?

She screamed and cursed, “Liam! You’ve grown some nerve, haven’t you? It’s pathetic! Abandoning your sick mother to become a pirate, now you’re even beating people in the village…”

“He’s not the person we knew!” The other villagers shouted, “Kick him out!”

Ignoring the voices, Liam walked along the village streets, looking for any familiar buildings or scenes.

Robin followed in silence, staying close by his side.

Seeing Liam’s attitude, the villagers became even more angry, almost to the point of tears.

“Liam, you brat, don’t you have any remorse at all?” A man with a wooden stick shouted angrily, tears streaming down his face. “I really misjudged you!”

“Your mother was so sick back then, and she still took care of you. How could you heartlessly abandon her? You were gone for two or three years!”

“You don’t deserve to come back! Get out!”

The villagers shouted and threw things. Their anger was mostly directed at Liam, so no one noticed that Robin, walking beside Liam, remained untouched by the debris.

Liam let them shout, only pushing aside any screaming men or armed women who blocked his view or path.

After months of diligent training, with the help of Stand ‘B.I.B.’, his strength was now such that ordinary villagers couldn’t stop him.

The villagers were both angry and amazed. What was going on? How had this boy become so strong? If he was so powerful, why didn’t he fight back?

Robin looked at Liam, now covered in dirt, with injuries to his head and arms, and felt completely worried.

At the same time, her heart felt heavy; she had a rough idea of what had happened…

A young girl from the village rushed out of the crowd with a frying pan and hit Liam hard on the head.

A trickle of blood flowed from a pre-existing wound.

The village girl cried, “Liam, you big bad guy! Don’t you know that your mother… Aunt Lily… is already dead! Boo hoo hoo hoo… Why did you even come back… boo hoo hoo…”

“I found it, over there.”

Liam pushed the frying pan away and looked towards the other end of the village, near the foot of the mountain.

There was a small wooden house with a faintly visible flower garden.

However, there were no more fluttering sheets on the clothesline outside the door, nor was there the woman named Lily from his fragmented memories.

Clang, the frying pan fell to the ground, and the village girl cried even harder.

The other villagers were heartbroken as well, their eyes turning red and tears falling.

Liam walked towards the house.

As he moved, the other villagers grew angrier and surrounded him.

“No remorse at all, you little pirate!”

“What’s the point of coming back now?!”

Liam didn’t really look at the faces blocking his way; he just pushed them aside when they got in his way.

Stones and eggs continued to hit him.

“Who is that little girl?” Someone reached out to grab Robin beside Liam. “She must be a little pirate too! None of them are good!”

“That’s enough.” Liam grabbed the person by the collar and threw them aside.

Robin followed Liam silently, getting closer and closer to the flower garden and the small wooden house.

“No way!” Two burly men with angry faces spread their arms to block the door. “We’re not letting you in!”

Liam grabbed one and ‘B.I.B.’ grabbed the other.

One by one they pushed the men aside.

Thud, thud, the two burly villagers were a bit stunned.

In fact, despite their anger, many people were nervous inside.

What was going on? After two years as a pirate, had Liam become so strong? So many of us and we can’t stop this kid?

As they continued to make a fuss, Liam’s indifferent attitude made them feel very uncomfortable.

“Enough! Isn’t this embarrassing?” An old voice suddenly sounded from the small wooden house. “Disperse now!”

“Village Chief…” The villagers outside looked at each other.

Liam pushed open the door of the small wooden house and entered.

Robin followed, closing the door behind her as she saw the angry villagers reluctantly disperse outside.

The setting sun shone through the small window, dividing the interior of the wooden house into light and dark areas.

Liam looked around at the simple furniture in the small wooden house… there were faint memories, not quite images, but impressions and feelings that surfaced in his mind.

He saw a newspaper on the obviously cleaned table.

It was an old newspaper with news about the young hunter Giorno.

“Why didn’t you fight back when they hit you?” An old man with a stick emerged from the shadow of a chair.

Liam casually replied, “Well… if I were them, I would also be one of those beating this person named Liam.”

He wiped the mixture of blood and egg liquid from his face and smiled, “So I can understand those people out there. They must have really loved the lady of this house!”

“Is that so?” The stooped old village chief, leaning on his cane, walked up to Liam and asked, looking up, “You went to sea for two or three years, did you find the medicine you said would cure your mother?”

Liam lowered his head slightly, “No.”


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