INIIDF-Chapter 76 Change Careers

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Upon receiving the communication from the main body, ‘B.I.B.’ directly punched out the core chip of Shiro Shiro no Mi (Castle Castle Fruit) from Robin’s body.

The bright white chip covered with swirling City Castle patterns was held in his hand full of blue flame patterns.

With a bang, the giant Tree of Knowledge City Castle began to collapse.

The star model in the center of the room was shattered.

The bookshelves collapsed and countless books fell like raindrops.

Robin stood up with a hint of sadness and calmly watched the scene.

“With my level, I have no way to preach about the mission you carry, nor do I feel qualified or in a position to judge the ideals sacrificed by the scholars of Ohara…”

Liam patted Robin’s slightly cold, slender shoulders as he spoke.

“…” Robin turned her head to look at him, saw Liam smiling, and said, “But in the future, if something like this happens again, I will definitely be by your side.

The Tree of Knowledge City Castle completely collapsed.

Robin turned into white matter and merged with the ruins and Liam was violently ejected from Robin’s body.

With a “biu” sound, Liam flew out of Robin’s body and returned to his original size.

Robin couldn’t see ‘B.I.B.’ beside her, but she could guess what had happened.

She leaned her elbows on the table, covered her face, and said softly, “I’m not going to cry anymore…”

“You don’t have to!” Liam waved at the black battle armor, and the opponent walked over and punched him in the chest, pulling out a triangular chip glowing with white light – Flower-Flower Fruit (Hana Hana no Mi).

“Anyway, the one who sheds tears is not necessarily weak…”

Liam put on the right armor with red flame patterns.

Robin wiped her face, raised her head, saw Liam approaching, and punched her in the chest with his right fist, piercing it.

“People who don’t cry aren’t necessarily fragile.”

Liam withdrew his hand slowly as he continued to speak. “You should eat and drink when you should, laugh when you should, cry when you should. If you’re bored, go find some Poneglyphs. Although I’m not interested in them…”

Robin felt it immediately when the Flower-Flower-Fruit (Hana Hana no Mi) returned.

“Of course,” Liam thought for a moment and added, “If you really decide not to cry in the future…”

He scratched his head, “It’s up to you! It’s not bad either.”

Robin smiled faintly, and waved her arms, and a circle of arms bloomed like flowers.

“It seems this ability really suits you, Robin Nee San!” Liam laughed.

Robin looked confused, “Why do you call me Robin Nee San?”

‘I am younger than him.’ Robin silently thought in her heart

“It’s a secret!” Liam blinked and made a hushing gesture, “If you figure it out later, don’t tell me.”

Robin nodded before she saw Liam grab something in the air with his right hand – oh, his ghost, standing next to him.


Liam suddenly slammed the table. The table shook and the slumbering green Den Den Mushi jumped up.

In a panic, Little Green’s body immediately changed color to match the table, and at the same time, it retreated into its shell, its whole body tense, seeming to begin to harden… only to realize that it was just Liam teasing it, and immediately screamed in surprise.

“I got you there!” Liam chuckled.

“Huh?” The Green Den Den Mushi suddenly sensed that something was wrong.

With his arm clad in armor, Liam grabbed the Shiro Shiro no Mi (Castle Castle Fruit) and thrust it into the Green Den Den Mushi’s body.

A few minutes later, Liam forcefully opened Green Den Den Mushi’s mouth and stuffed items like backpacks and suitcases into it one by one.

“Waa, Waa, Waa…”

The Green Den Den Mushi sobbed with tears streaming down its face, wondering what had happened, and why this was occurring.

For the first time, he had a caretaker and didn’t have to pretend to be a receiver or work every day. Joy overlapped, what should have been a dream time of leisure and waiting for death, but why was it like this, waa, waa, waa, waa…

Liam also stuffed Robin’s package into Little Green’s mouth.

“If you can’t be a Den Den Mushi anymore, you can only become a Space Ring.”

The Green Den Den Mushi seemed to have been played with too much and collapsed on the desk. Liam grinned, and patted its snail shell while saying.

A few minutes later, The Green Den Den Mushi, previously despondent, became cheerful again.

Its soft belly turned into dozens of connected wheels, crawling all over the place… occasionally, it would suddenly grow in size, taking on the shape of a castle, it was clearly enjoying adapting to the Shiro Shiro no Mi (Castle Castle Fruit)… suddenly, bang!

It became too large, and directly toppled over the cabin ceiling.

“Hehe…” Liam laughed as he kicked this large mass of snail into the sea, “Think about it down there!”

“Hehe…” Robin looked up at the torn ceiling, at the flowing blue sky and white clouds, and laughed out loud.


Sailing on West Blue for another day.

The pirate ship flying the “JOJO” flag slowly approached an island.

“Up ahead should be Lasgapp Island…”

On the deck, Liam held a face mask and peered into the distance through his faintly glowing eyes.

“Pirates often pass through this island.” Robin stepped out with a nautical chart, “This is the island closest to the entrance of the Grand Line in West Blue…”

Looking at the vague coastline, a strangely familiar feeling seemed to be brewing in the depths of his mind… Liam casually threw away the face mask and smiled, “Let’s land then!”

The face mask, wrapped in dark Stand energy, stopped spinning before it floated back to the motionless battle armor face beside it, and clicked shut.

He walked to the side of the ship, picked up the rudder, and threw it to the shore, nailing it down.

Robin picked up the Green Den Den Mushi that crawled all over the deck and followed Liam off the ship and onto the island’s soil.

Did he grow up here?

A breeze blew, and pure white feathers slowly fluttered down.

Robin and Liam arrived at the City town on the island. People came and went on the streets, many of them looking strange and suspicious, making it obvious that they were clearly not good people.

But just because they looked like not-so-good people didn’t mean they were pirates.

There must be a branch of the Navy on this island, and pirates arriving on the island would not be stupid enough to put a label on their face that said “I’m a pirate, I’m going to the Grand Line, come arrest me…”.

They all hid their identities as much as possible, quickly bought supplies in the city towns, quickly returned to their secretly moored pirate ships, and set sail…

“What do you want to buy?” Liam asked as he walked.

Robin, of course, had used the Flower-Flower-Fruit (Hana Hana no Mi) to disguise herself as a nondescript short-haired girl.

“Maybe buy some books to read… Anyway, now that we have this guy, we can buy and pack whatever we want.” Liam pointed to the green cave.

Robin shook her head and asked, “Aren’t you going home?”

“The problem is, I don’t know where home is…” Liam tapped his head with his finger, thud, making a sound that sounded as if his head was empty. “So we’ll walk and look around, maybe someplace will trigger some memories or something…”

The two of them wandered casually between the towns and villages of the island.

Walking, eating…

Buying clothes, books…

As the sun set, the twilight light shone on the small mountain village ahead of them. Liam stopped suddenly and looked into the distance.

Robin was eating skewers in small bites and looked up, “Could it be…”

“It should be right,” Liam said, stepping forward confidently.

Robin hurried to catch up.

Liam and Robin walked on the main road of the small mountain village. Liam looked around, searching for the house with the small flower garden.

Pa Da!

Suddenly, an egg flew over and hit Liam’s trousers, bursting open.

“Why are you back?!”


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