INIIDF-Chapter 71 I’m Not Interested in the Shiro Shiro no Mi (Castle-Castle Fruit)

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A splash of bright red blood stained the pristine white wedding gown.

The panicked crowd.

Terrified screams.

Angry screams…


The sudden shot that killed the old boss, and it looked as if it was decapitating him.

The panic that followed…

All this made Capone Bege obsessed, like drinking sweet nectar, it was pure ecstasy.

“Capone Bege!”

“It’s the ‘Bullet’ people!!!”

The fat boss threw away his half-smoked cigar in anger before he roared, “You bastard! How dare you do this?!”

“Breaking the rules!” Other black-suited bosses were furious, “It’s one thing to use these evil tactics on other low-level guys, but today… you deserve to die!”

Everyone knew that the young godfather of the Bullet, Capone Bege, was unruly.

But no one could have expected, or dared to believe, that he would be so unruly.

Many knew of Capone Bege’s perverse obsession with decapitation. He didn’t just like to cut off heads, he especially liked to decapitate the “heads” of organizations. He especially enjoyed the panic that ensued when a group was left leaderless.

But until today, no one could believe that he would actually be beheading the old godfather of the Dagger, one of the five major criminal organizations.

“Really crazy!”

The boss of the ‘Gunpowder’, another of the Five Major Crime Organizations, pulled out a pistol and pointed it at Capone Bege, “But we only have ourselves to blame for allowing this monster to grow… Now let’s kill him with our own hands!”


The gun fired.

The bullet hit the Godfather of Bullet, but left only a faint mark on his suit without drawing any blood.

“It’s useless…” Capone Bege bit into his cigar, hands in his suit pockets. “Your days are long gone.”

As for the gun in his hand, it disappeared after killing the old godfather. Capone Bege was never interested in anything but the ‘head’.

“Capone Bege!”

A voice filled with gritted teeth and anger came from the bride, her white wedding dress now half stained with blood.

The ‘Dagger’ Princess, her beautiful face icy cold, her eyes dark, stared intently at the bastard who had killed her father with one shot: “I want you dead!”

As she spoke, the black-suited men, moving against the panicked crowd, formed a semicircle, surrounding Capone Bege from behind.

All of the black suits aimed their guns at Bege’s head, back, and every vital point.

“Fire!” The bride shouted.

Without hesitation, dozens of guns fired simultaneously.

Bang bang bang… the sound of gunfire merged into one. Bullets rained down on Capone Bege… but his expression became more and more mocking, more and more pleased, “Such futile resistance! Heh heh heh heh…”

“The difference between us is substantial…”

Capone Bege let the bullets rain down on him, his face unchanged, still biting his smoking cigar.

“And that’s the difference in military strength!”

As he sneered, three small windows suddenly opened in his chest, ka ka ka, dropping three miniature gates and revealing tiny black-clad soldiers inside.

From each open window in his chest, a cannon was fired.

Behind each cannon, the black-suited soldiers held long-barreled guns, all aimed at the people in front of Capone Bege.

Screams, cries and the sounds of chaotic flight continued to echo in the surroundings…

In the disordered crowd, Shanks furrowed his brow and muttered, “A fight between criminal organizations?”

“Liam, the prey you mentioned…” he glanced down but found Liam standing with his hands crossed in front of him, seemingly concentrating on something.

‘Is he trying to get Capone Bege’s Devil Fruit power?’ Robin wondered, thinking about the strange Devil Fruit that made his body tough enough to withstand bullets and allowed mysterious “windows” to open on his body.

From this distance, Robin could barely make out some of what was happening in the chaotic center.

“That’s the Shiro Shiro no Mi (Castle-Castle Fruit)!” Liam said while manipulating his Flower-Flower Fruit (Hana Hana no Mi), “It allows him to become a humanoid fortress, which is why his body is so indestructible. He can also store his subordinates and weapons inside his body… Not only does this make it convenient to carry them around, but it also allows him to reverse the numerical advantage in fights…”.

This boy even knows such information? Shanks thought, puzzled.

Robin, meanwhile, noticed that when Liam mentioned the Shiro Shiro no Mi (Castle Fruit), he seemed to look at her… Why did that look seem so strange?

What kind of plan is he up to now?

“Heh heh heh…”

Capone Bege laughed maniacally amidst the rain of bullets.

Between his chest and back, a total of eight doors opened, each containing several black-clad “Bullet” members, his elite subordinates.

“Capone Bege! You damned monster!!”

The fat boss, covered in blood and injured, kneeled weakly, panting and cursing in anger.

“Heh heh heh heh…”

Capone Bege’s legs transformed into tank treads with a “ka ka ka” sound, and he quickly rolled to the side of the fat boss.

“I forgot to mention, the ‘head’ here is not just this old man!”

Capone Bege pointed his palm at the fat boss’s blood-stained forehead, and a small cannon barrel popped out of his palm with a “ka ka” sound.


With a loud explosion, the fat boss’ head was blown off, and black smoke rose from his corpse.

Bang bang bang! Boom boom boom!

Countless bullets and artillery shells rained down on Capone Bege like mad.

Although the Shiro Shiro no Mi (Castle Fruit) made him tough, he wasn’t invincible.

Amidst the intertwining bullets and cannon fire, a figure emerged from the flames and somehow appeared in front of Capone Bege.

“The Fangs’ pirates didn’t come to the island?”

Inside Capone Bege’s body, within his castle fortress, a mass of material twisted into the shape of Capone’s body, mirroring his outer self and biting a cigar.

His subordinates nervously replied, “No, Godfather!”

“We haven’t heard from them…” Said a subordinate holding a Den Den Mushi.

“As expected from pirates, all just a bunch of worthless trash…” Capone Bege stood behind an open door on his chest, admiring the chaos he had created.

Suddenly, a face, seemingly torn and revealing raw flesh, appeared near the open door on the chest of the outer Capone Bege, looking in.


The tank-like Capone Bege, rampaging through the chaotic battlefield, was stopped for a moment. Coldly, he pointed a handgun at the forehead of the disfigured person in front of him, “Even in this state, you still want to fight? I really admire you. How about becoming one of my subordinates?”

The figure that looked like an oversized giant ignored him and focused on the open door in the tank’s chest, straining to see inside…

“Tsk, can’t you blossom inside?” he said regretfully.


Capone Bege pulled the trigger without hesitation.

A shot that blew the disfigured man’s head off… No, this shot actually made the whole person disappear?

This bizarre situation instinctively made Capone Bege feel uncomfortable.

A hand covered with blue flame patterns reached for his chest.


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