INIIDF-Chapter 67 Truly Worthy

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The originally tall and thin, pale-faced man, amidst the tide-like falling petals, revealed the appearance of Robin with short black hair.

Robin’s ink-green eyes stared at Liam before her. She clenched her fists, pursed her lips, and asked, “How did you recognize me?

Huh? Morley leaned against the pirate ship and tilted his head in confusion. How did this man become a little girl? It seems he knows Giorno too.

“How did I recognize you?”

Liam tapped the Flower-Flower Fruit (Hana Hana no Mi) chip on his left arm with his hand and casually took out the chip of his other Devil Fruit.

B.I.B.’ approached from behind, his right hand covered in red flame patterns, and reached over to take the Flower-Flower Fruit (Hana Hana no Mi) chip from his left hand and shoved it into Liam’s chest.

Liam flicked his fingers lightly, and his palm was already full of simple petals.

“Didn’t I tell you before, the scent of the Flower-Flower Fruit (Hana Hana no Mi) is quite unique?”

The petals fell.

“You actually recognized me from the scent?” Robin opened her mouth. Do I really have such a strong scent?

And why did he take away his own Flower-Flower Fruit (Hana Hana no Mi) again…

Liam had spent some time with her after all, and seeing her expression, he guessed her mood and smiled, “I just borrowed it to play with! It’s been a long time since I used it, and I miss it.”

“I recognize you, little girl.” At that moment, Morley’s big head leaned even closer, next to the two on the deck, watching Robin’s appearance carefully, his voice deep and powerful, “You’re the ‘Devil Child’ Nico Robin has a bounty of a whopping 79 million belly, right? No wonder I felt like I’ve seen you before…”

Robin was startled by Morley and couldn’t help but step back, using Liam’s body to shield herself from Morley’s clear, wide eyes.

“She’s scared of me!” Morley muttered.

Liam said, “Of course. You’re a Marine after all! According to her, you should be here to catch her.”

“I am not.” Morley said, “I think she’s just a little girl, quite pitiful.”

Liam said, “But she’s the ‘Devil Child.'”

Morley chuckled, “She looks so scared, does she look like a Devil?”

Liam shrugged and turned to Robin, his hands outstretched.

A Marine from the Giant race…

Robin peeked out from behind Liam and looked at the giant, who in her memory was about the same size as Saul.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” Morley’s voice was deep and tender, teasing, “Do you like me that much?”


“You haven’t met… this person?”

On the pirate ship, Liam flipped through a sea chart in the captain’s room only to see Robin huddled against the hull, kneeling on the deck, burying her head and asking him in a muffled voice.

As Liam looked over the pirate chart, he said directly, “I let you escape, so don’t feel guilty.

“… Robin lifted her head, not expecting Liam to react like that. Her eyes were slightly red and she pursed her lips, “So, did you really meet him? How did…?”

Liam put down the sea map, “This guy is very powerful, but I didn’t do anything, what can he do to me? Besides, I think he’s a pretty good guy.”

Had it been the other brother with the last name of Dog, Liam would have guaranteed no resistance and obediently followed him to Marine Headquarters for modification.

“… Robin was speechless.

The Marine who used the Hie Hie no Mi (Ice-Ice Fruit), was he good? He killed her benefactor, Saul.

But it was also this Marine who clearly violated Marine regulations and repeatedly let herself go…

“Of course, it’s also thanks to meeting a certain powerful guy later that I escaped from his icy grip!”

Liam smiled as he thought of that.

If he hadn’t met Shanks halfway across the ocean, he’d probably be undergoing modifications at the Marine Headquarters Training Base right now, right?

That kind of development path seems pretty good. But he just doesn’t like it.

Liam shook the map in his hand. “By chance, Musexin Island… If I remember correctly, it’s the island the guy who saved me earlier said he was going to. I’m quite curious. Forcing him to travel such a long way, what kind of place is it?”

“You seem to have quite a story!” Morley clung to the side of the ship, his big head moving back and forth between Liam and Robin, his craggy face full of gossip. “Have you run into any dangerous Marines?”

Robin pursed his lips. “There was a Vice Admiral from Marine Headquarters… Giorno was captured by this person to protect me…”

Huh? Liam was prepared for Morley to know his real name, but he hadn’t expected Robin to mention the alias he was currently using.

“Vice Admiral? The ability to freeze ice… Could it be that person?” Morley was genuinely surprised this time, pointing at Liam’s back in amazement. “This is a very powerful expert! Who was it that saved you from his hands?”

“You’re a Marine and you use the word ‘rescue’, really?” Liam said, “Anyway, he’s a very powerful guy. I wonder if we’ll meet him on our trip to Musexin Island!”

Is he really that powerful? Morley expressed his doubts. Kuzan, a Vice Admiral, is a strong candidate for Admiral within the Navy Headquarters.

“Hey! Pretend to be dead if you don’t really want to die, and hurry up and take the helm!”

Liam shouted at the pile of pirates, dead and alive, on the deck.

People rushed about, and several pirates climbed over each other to roll into the captain’s room.

“Oh, I thought I had to push from behind the ship~!” Morley laughed.

“Sorry about that.” Liam turned around and shouted into the captain’s room, “If we don’t reach Musexin Island by dawn tomorrow, don’t bother going to the naval base for modifications, just jump into the sea to feed the sea beasts!”

Thus, the ship of the Fangtooth Pirate Group, carrying a ship full of pirate loot, headed for its original destination – Musexin Island.

The waves roared and the sky gradually darkened.

Morley, who was over ten meters tall, had already climbed onto the deck and sat down, leaning against one of the thick masts to rest.

Within the pile of pirates, a pair of eyes opened softly, surreptitiously watching their surroundings.

When he saw that the movement was slowing down, especially since that wicked little demon hunter hadn’t appeared for a long time, he gritted his teeth and slowly crawled out of the pile of corpses.

“Damn you! I’ll make you pay!” Covered in blood, the pirate groped around the deck in the dark. If he remembered correctly, the secret passage was… Just then, he felt a shadow beside him.

A huge heat source was rapidly approaching. The pirate instantly froze, turned his head nervously, and was instantly terrified!

Morley’s huge eyes watched his every move… Soon, Morley grabbed the pirate, who had fainted from fright and shoved him under the pile of pirates.

The screams from the deck also frightened the pirates in the captain’s room, who clenched their buttocks.

“This can’t go on…”

“When we reach Musexin Island, we’ll all be finished!”

The pirates steered while whispering, their eyes flickering.

On a level they couldn’t see.

Clad in jet-black battle armor, his eyes glowing white, he stood among them, silently watching their conspiracy.

“That brat and that…” When they mentioned Robin, they gritted their teeth, especially angry, “That treacherous traitor! Damn it, she’s really a Devil Child… They’ll rest in the hut below as long as we pretend to bring them some food…”

“I’ve also hidden some poison!” One of the pirates lowered his voice, “I bought it from someone related to ‘Venom’.”

“Great! Even though this brat is powerful, she definitely can’t resist the fierce poison of ‘Venom’…”

This pirate’s eyes were malicious, whispering proudly when suddenly his voice stopped abruptly.


He opened his mouth and spat and hot blood began to splatter around his fellow pirates in front of him.

The other pirates watched in horror as a bloody hole inexplicably opened up in the man’s chest as if something had burst from inside him!

B.I.B.’ withdrew his hand from the pirate’s chest.

Grabbing the collar of the slowly unconscious man, B.I.B. took him out the window and threw him directly into the sea.

Under the cover of night, the undulating sea resembled flowing layers of mountains, mysterious and deep, swallowing everything.

The few remaining pirates in the captain’s room were already so frightened that they almost lost control of themselves, trembling all over like chaff, no longer daring to look each other in the eye.

Meanwhile, in the cabin.

Somehow, Robin managed to make herself a cup of hot milk. When she came to, she was already at Liam’s room door.

Flower petals fluttered around the doorknob and Liam’s hand appeared, opening the door.

Liam was sitting on the chair with his legs crossed, holding his head and laughing. “In front of Morley, you called me Giorno instead of Liam…”

Robin carefully placed the hot milk on the table. “I’ve seen the papers saying that you hunt pirates as a hunter… You use the name Giorno.”

“Truly worthy to be Robin Nee San!” Liam plucked a few petals into the cup, finishing the fresh milk tea with flowers. “Indeed, it still tastes good.”

Didn’t you call me Robin-Nee San before? Robin pursed her lips. The corners of her mouth turned up slightly.


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