INIIDF-Chapter 64 Acquaintance

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“Extra! Big news!”

At the back of the restaurant, Liam had the chef set up a long table in the open space, comfortable for Morley’s towering height so that they could eat together.

As they ate and chatted, they suddenly heard a commotion from inside the restaurant.

Liam went in carrying a plate of noodles. Behind him, Morley’s clear eyes peered through the windows and doors, watching the commotion inside.

“What’s everybody talking about?” Liam leaned in next to a group of animated discussants. “Is it the news in today’s paper?”

“Yeah!” They were no strangers to this young hunter, “Giorno,” who was waving a fresh newspaper with excitement mixed with fear. “This is big news!!”

“Pirate Fleet Admiral ‘Gold Lion’ Shiki has successfully escaped !”

“The myth of Impel Down has been shattered, the first prison break in history!!!”

Liam borrowed a newspaper and scanned it quickly while eating noodles, confirming the news of Gold Lion’s successful escape from Impel Down.

The news extensively praised Gold Lion’s strength, even comparing him to Pirate King Roger, who was executed two years ago! In addition, it dug up the time many years ago when Gold Lion’s fleet repulsed Roger’s pirate crew, describing it vividly to make readers feel as if they were there.

Finally, it was a harsh criticism of the incompetence of the Marines, who had inflated the security of Impel Down to mythical levels, only to let someone escape.

And such a brutal criminal! Escaping could lead to what kind of bloodshed on the sea again… wasting the taxes paid by the whole world, Marine?

“Tsk tsk!”

Liam waved the newspaper with Gold Lion’s news in front of Morley’s windows and doors and chuckled, “The first jailbreak! Haha, Gold Lion stole your achievement.”

Morley didn’t care; he was worried, “This is the big pirate who can compete with Roger and Whitebeard; it will be dangerous once he’s out!

“Anyway, there will always be people like that on the sea, right?” Liam said, “If it’s not Golden Lion, it’ll be someone else. Whether in the past or now…”

Kaido, Big Mom, in terms of ferocity, no one is lower than Gold Lion.

In fact, after he escaped, Gold Lion and his men went straight into seclusion to conduct research, almost succeeded in making secret weapons, and then ran into the Straw Hat Pirates and was easily killed… all in all, the commotion he caused after escaping couldn’t compare to the event of his escape.

Morley said, “You’re right! Golden Lion, Whitebeard… and the current Big Mom, Kaido, were originally members of the same pirate crew. Their pirate crew, Captain Rocks, was truly terrifying!”

The Rock Pirates.

The people who came off that ship… are really great characters.

The Yonko alone has three!

There’s also Captain John, the owner of Buggy’s unforgettable treasure, and the mysterious Silver Axe and King Jika…

But Liam didn’t think it was necessary to idolize the rock pirates.

If, when Roger’s pirate crew disbanded, most of the other crew members hadn’t retired and continued to sail the sea, the legendary pirates they would have produced might not have been much worse than the Rock Pirates.

Red-Haired Shanks already has a Yonko seat nailed down. Rayleigh, Jaba, the right and left hands of the two pirate kings, aren’t they still very close to so-called Yonko, Admiral?

Other characters who didn’t have much of their story told in the main manga, aren’t they necessarily worse than John, Silver Axe or King Jika on the rock ship…?

Unfortunately, the old crew members of Roger’s ship followed their captain on a long voyage, arrived at the final island of Laugh Tale, saw the truth of the world with their own eyes, and were no longer interested in continuing to sail the sea.

Except for Shanks, Buggy, and other new generations, the journey of the old crew members, with Roger going down, with Roger surrendering, with Roger’s death, was also buried together.


Having eaten and drunk his fill, as he always did, Morley followed Liam to the sea to help him with his training.

Of course, speaking of exercise, for Morley, with his gigantic frame, it was almost like digesting food after a meal.

Liam was very fast, but Morley could keep up with him by simply turning his head or moving his body to cover the same distance as Liam running a full circle.

Liam’s punches rained down like a storm, but Morley easily blocked them with his big hands, without any effort.

“Your punches are impressive!” Morley crouched at the edge and tilted his head. “And your speed… is that a technique you use?”

Liam paused, leaning on his knees to catch his breath.

Not far away, on the open ground, ‘B.I.B.’ was training alone, not affecting the main body at all.

“I guess it’s a bit of technique…” Liam wiped the sweat from his forehead, confused. “How do giants increase their strength? Is it all through real combat?”

Morley murmured in his deep voice, “I’m not sure either… I’ve never been to the Giant Country! But I haven’t done any special training; just eating, drinking, and resting seriously seems to make me quite strong. Maybe it’s because I’m a giant, and am naturally stronger than you ordinary humans?”

Sitting on the ground, Liam looked up at this giant of a man and felt impressed. “Your huge body probably represents abundant life energy…”

Hmm? Thinking like this, could it be that Giants are Giants because of Life Return, absorbing some special components that naturally evolve into a gigantic physique?

And the World Government, Caesar, and their experiments in giantization, are they trying to reverse-engineer the principle of giantization?

Liam recalled the Skypiea Arc, where plants became giant upon reaching Skypiea. According to the manga, those plants slowly grew huge by absorbing certain coral particles from the Sea of Clouds…

“You said you were from Kano Country,” Liam asked again, “I’ve heard that the Happo Navy there is very formidable. Did you not learn some powerful techniques from them?”

Morley replied, “I heard about their Hasshō-ken – Eight Impact Fist and such… but my head was spinning trying to understand it! So I gave up.”

Couldn’t understand it? Liam found it strange. It’s just a matter of practicing Hasshoken; what’s so hard to understand about it…

Time passed.

In the blink of an eye, another half month had passed.

The name of the young hunter Giorno had spread a bit.

So had the rumors about the giant marines who often teamed up with the young hunter. Various bizarre rumors circulated… Some even said that Giorno was secretly trained by the Marines as a soldier or something. Why else would a perfectly good bounty hunter be with a Marine all the time?

Liam didn’t care about those comments. Morley was indifferent as well.

That day, he reabsorbed ‘B.I.B.’ into his body, gritted his teeth with a twisted expression, endured the soreness and fatigue that surged through his limbs, and began to meticulously sort through the various pieces of information he had gathered during his time outside.

It had been a few days without action; it was time to raise the level of the pirate hunt.

This time it was an entire pirate crew worth millions!

Liam sifted through the information provided by ‘B.I.B.’ and suddenly noticed a face that looked somewhat familiar in these memories.

It was someone ‘B.I.B.’ had found in an alley behind a bar. The person was disheveled, covered in wounds both old and new, and looked desolate as he rummaged through trash cans, picking up empty bottles to suck on.

“Who is this person?” Liam thought deeply, unable to remember where he had seen them before. He snapped his fingers and summoned ‘B.I.B.’ for answers.

“He used to be Liam’s pirate companion…”


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