INIIDF-Chapter 63 Jasmine? Morley!

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The 15-16 meter Jawline Giant swam happily along the shore, creating wave after wave.

Liam sat on the shore, raised his hands and yelled, “Hey, that’s enough!”


The giant-scale man swimming butterfly-like in the sea scratched his head apologetically, “I haven’t swum like this in a long time, so I got a little too excited!”

Soon, the giant created a big wave and effortlessly flipped to the shore as if jumping over a low wall.

“Why did you float up from the bottom of the sea?” Liam asked, looking up.

The Green Den Den Mushi was so frightened at the sight of such a big guy that it shrank back into Liam’s pocket, its two eyes like lollipops peering out cautiously.

The giant-sized man was all wet and complained coquettishly, “Oh no, I just miscalculated the distance and pushed up from the bottom of the sea… I’m a Devil Fruit Ability user, and I got submerged by the backwash of the sea. There was really nothing I could do! I had to do my best to breathe in, breathe in, and breathe in…”

As the Jawline Giant spoke, he also took a deep breath, inflating his belly like a giant meat balloon.

Oh, is that how you increase your buoyancy? For a Giant Ability user, even when submerged in seawater, they still have the strength to hold their breath?

Liam could only speculate. But as a Devil Fruit Ability user, playing like that is really brave! Aren’t you afraid of accidentally drowning in the sea?

Liam looked at the giant. Well, indeed,he is quite “bold”…

Noticing that the giant in front of him was holding his breath and blinking without speaking, Liam said speechlessly, “Why are you holding your breath now?

“Phew-annoying! Why are you scolding me?” The giant-sized man exhaled, deflating his stomach and making a rumbling sound, “Do you like me? Am I that popular?”

Liam sighed. With your deep and majestic voice, and the look of a skirt with chest hair all over it… Your attitude is pretty good!

“But it’s strange, isn’t it? Just now, when I accidentally sunk down and felt uncomfortable, I suddenly felt strength again!” The Jawline Giant said happily, “It’s like a long, long time ago, before I ate the ‘Push-Push Fruit’!”

Liam looked aside at the triangular Devil Fruit chip in the hands of ‘B.I.B.’, taken from the giant in front of him.

The Push-Push Fruit…

He gestured with his eyes, and ‘B.I.B.’ flew several meters off the ground, stuffing the chip into the Jawline giant’s thick chest hair… Damn it! Liam couldn’t help but hold his forehead. It really is striking.


As the fruit’s power returned, the giant immediately noticed the change. He muttered to himself, “Strange…” Unable to help himself, he looked down at the young man. Did he do something?

Steal someone’s Devil Fruit? Can it be returned?

Morley speculated in his heart, but since the boy didn’t proactively mention it, he didn’t ask any further.

Liam frowned, seeming to find something very puzzling.

At that moment, he was wearing the helmet of ‘B.I.B.’ and repeatedly watching the scene of Chapter 904 of the ‘OnePiece’ manga, where the leader of the Western Army Legion of the Revolutionary Army appeared… Compared to the giant in front of him, they’re basically the same person, right?!

“Young man, what’s your name and why are you alone by the sea?” Giant Morley asked curiously, taking off his soaking wet coat and squeezing out the seawater.

“Giorno. Of course I’m playing in the water by the sea.”

“Giorno… Ah, you’re the young hunter they’ve been talking about!” Morley exclaimed happily, “You’re definitely not just playing in the water, you’re training, aren’t you? You’re really annoying, deceiving people.”

Liam asked back, “Giant Oji San, what’s your name?”

“I’m Morley.”


“No, Morley.”


“It’s Morley.”


“It’s Morley. Really, it’s Morley.” The giant man stroked his beard, showing considerable patience as he chuckled in his deep voice, “But you know, when I was born, my father thought I was a girl because I was so cute, so he actually named me ‘Jasmine’! It’s a custom unique to the country where I was born, very romantic, right? A name like a flower!”

Liam stared at the huge man, full of black beard and thick chest hair, lost in sweet reverie for a while before asking, “Which country are you talking about?”

Morley replied, “Oh, it’s ‘Kano Country’. It’s a beautiful place.”

“I see.”

Liam couldn’t help but cover his forehead, fragments of even more hazy memories flashing through his mind.

The bedsheets fluttering in the warm sun, a small hill covered in flowers, a woman with a smile named Lily…

Liam and the giant Morley, over ten meters tall, walked towards the city together.

However, due to Morley’s size, he couldn’t walk directly on the main streets of the city. So the two of them circled around the outskirts of the city, heading toward the naval base.

Along the way, Liam kept looking up, watching the giant.

Morley joked with his head down, “Why are you looking at me like that? Do you like me?”

Liam couldn’t help but ask, “Morley, are you really a Marine?”

“Of course!” Morley shook his wrinkled Marine uniform and said proudly, “I’ve caught a lot of pirates!”

Did the leader of the Western Legion of the Revolutionary Army become a Marine?

After a moment of thought, Liam asked, “But I’ve heard about you – your exploits as a pirate, and even your eventual capture!”

“Oh?” Morley lowered his head.

Liam added, “I heard it once in a bar, I can’t remember who said it. It was said that you were imprisoned in the legendary Impel Down!”

As the manga progressed into the Impel Down Arc, Okama King Iva took the poisoned and dying Luffy to the new Okama Paradise for treatment – the underground level 5.5 of the Great Prison, which Morley had dug out using the Push-Push Fruit ability during his escape from prison.

At this, Morley said in a flirtatious tone, “Yes, Pirate Morley, I was imprisoned in the Underwater Impel Down!”

Liam was slightly startled, but quickly understood.

The news of Morley’s escape from the Impel Down was probably never made public by the World Government or the Marines.

Liam said, “But what about your bounty…”

“That was 80 to 90 years ago!” Morley raised a delicate finger and pursed his thick lips slightly, “That bounty is long outdated… Besides, those who saw Pirate Morley back then are either old or dead…”

Liam pondered. Giants have an average lifespan of three hundred years, so they are really hard to deal with…

“It’s rather surprising that a young man like you would hear about my past,” Morley said to himself, touching his chubby cheeks with a delicate finger and looking down at Liam, “It seems I won’t be able to continue being a Marine here for much longer!”

“Why do you want to be a Marine?” Liam asked curiously.

“Because I want to catch pirates,” Morley said, “I saw a lot of people suffering in prison and when I got out I wanted to help more people.”

Liam said, “But you don’t have to be a Marine to do that, do you?”

“Well, it’s better to have an organization, right?” Morley nodded. No wonder this guy would join the Revolutionary Army in the future…

Considering the timing, Luffy should be born in two or three years at the latest, and I wonder if his father, Monkey D. Dragon, has already started forming the Revolutionary Army?

“And I really want to find out…” Morley continued as they walked, “What exactly Marine and the World Government are up to by putting so many people in jail.

As they walked, they saw a group of people dressed in black suits hurrying outside of City Town.

Between them, they could vaguely see several people with anxious expressions who were obviously forced to follow.

They were members of the Hunting Guns criminal organization on this island.

The criminal organization culture in West Blue is traditional, and many kingdoms are even supported by these forces. Unless they commit blatant and outrageous acts, the Marines simply don’t bother with these men in black suits.

It’s probably like the “Shichibukai” in black suits on land.

Liam watched the black-suited group depart and asked, “So do you have an answer for what’s going on?”

Morley replied, “It’s pretty disappointing.”

Liam arrived at the Marine base with the towering giant man, surprising many people.

The Marines thought that Morley, this monstrous figure, had done something to Giorno, the boy.

“I would never hurt such a sweet boy!” Morley complained to his fellow Marines, bowing his head.

The Marines sweated nervously, finding it difficult to deal with this tall, mustachioed man in a skirt who spoke in such a deep voice.

The senior Marine officer at the branch base shouted, “And you! There have been even more complaints about you lately! How much trouble have you been causing out there? Not only ‘Hunting Guns Gang,’ but also ‘Gunpowder,’ ‘Daggers,’ even ‘Bullets’-several branches are complaining about your violent law enforcement!” He slammed a stack of documents on the table in frustration. “They say you are interfering in their internal affairs in the name of the Kingdom, and they demand an explanation from Marine!”

Morley replied earnestly, “These criminal organizations have gone too far. They harass ordinary civilians at will. How can I, as a Marine, turn a blind eye?”

“That’s their Kingdom’s internal affair!” The senior official fumed. “Who asked you to interfere?”

Morley fell silent.

It seemed that this kind of argument wasn’t the first time. No wonder this high official was so angry that he argued like this in front of outsiders… Liam cleared his throat and raised his hand, “Is there any information on pirates? I’m looking for some training!”

Morley said happily, “Let’s go together! I’m really good at this!”

Liam thought for a moment and smiled, “Okay.”

As night fell,

Liam arrived at a restaurant and ordered a bowl of noodles.

He specifically requested that the noodles be served as long and hot as possible. Liam didn’t start eating right away.

Dark energy surged around him and ‘B.I.B.’ emerged from him and sat across the table.

Through the steaming heat, ‘B.I.B.’ silently watched his counterpart. After a while of staring at the oil-soaked soup, Liam’s eyes turned red.

“Remember to remind me of their birthdays in the future. I only remembered today by accident because I was afraid I’d forget again.”


Without looking up, Liam sniffed and picked up his chopsticks, slurping the hot noodles.

He stopped eating and suddenly said, “Oh, and my birthday. My old birthday. I never cared, but they remembered it so well…”

“B.I.B.” said, “Mm.”

As Liam continued to eat, he unexpectedly choked up more and more.

He wiped his eyes in the steam from the noodles. “Damn, even now I’m such a ruthless person, why am I suddenly emotional?”

“B.I.B.” remained silent, watching his counterpart intermittently finish the bowl of Longevity Noodles.

On the way back to the hotel,

Liam looked up at the vastly different starry sky and suddenly said, “There’s another day I remember. My ‘death day’…”

On the increasingly deserted streets, Liam ran wildly, screaming loudly as he let out the sudden surge of emotion.

Back at the hotel, Liam opened the window and looked out at the moon. “I’m fine! I am enjoying my life alone…”

He sighed deeply, turned over, and went to bed, burying his head.

“Where’s the battleship?”

Liam packed and prepared to board the ship with Morley to fight crime and harvest pirates.

When he arrived at the shore, however, Liam saw only Morley’s towering figure; there was no battleship docked at the shore. He thought he might have a chance to experience it, to sit on a battleship and have some fun…

Morley said, “The cost of operating a battleship is high, and since I often operate alone, they won’t let me use it.”

Liam sighed, “You’re quite popular! Maybe they recognized you early on as a former pirate, pretended not to know you, and specifically exploited you for menial tasks…”

“Maybe!” Morley shrugged, crouching down and digging into the ground.

As his hands touched the ground, it seemed to transform into a flowing solid, splitting a path downward. Morley slipped easily into it.

Liam stroked his chin, “This Push-Push Fruit… seems a lot like the Door-Door Fruit! Are there hierarchical relationships?”

“Come down already!” Morley called from the flowing hole in the ground.

Liam jumped down and landed on Morley’s shoulder.

Morley closed the floor, sealing it seamlessly.

Underground, like an armadillo, Morley dug effortlessly deeper, creating passages that stretched tens to hundreds of feet. He excavated a larger tunnel space, took out a compass, and pondered for a moment, resting his chin on his finger, before digging horizontally.

“You really are amazing!” Liam exclaimed, sitting on his shoulder.

Traveling directly underground between islands… pretty impressive.

“Do the holes and tunnels you dig always close up?” Liam asked.

“I often forget!” Morley replied casually as he continued to dig quickly through tunnels, maneuvering within the seabed. “Looks like someone was using the tunnels and holes I dug, later called the ‘Warehouse King’ or something…”

An exclamation point appeared above Liam’s head.

So the Warehouse King, one of the Underworld Emperors who appeared at Big Mom’s tea party during Pudding and Sanji’s wedding, originally made his fortune by using the tunnels and holes Morley dug around the world?

On another island, a criminal organization was secretly meeting with a group of pirates and bandits. Suddenly, the ground split open and a massive figure climbed out.

A few minutes later, the members of the criminal organization were badly beaten and collectively defeated.

The pirates and bandits were carried off by Morley and Liam.

Morley lightly tapped his little finger against Liam’s fist, “Good cooperation.”

And so, except for the occasional giant pseudo-girl companion, Liam continued his monotonous daily routine of training, capturing pirates, training… between one island and another.


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