INIIDF-Chapter 60 Boy Hunter

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The commotion inside attracted even the patrolling Marines.

“No way, that kid… really killed that pirate?”

“Pirate Suler… I’ve heard about him. It’s said that his danger level far exceeds his apparent bounty… but since there was never any evidence, the headquarters never raised his bounty!”

“Kid, it’s amazing that you managed to deal with him. You didn’t just find him halfway, did you?”

The Marines muttered among themselves.

They all stared at the bloodied boy carrying the pirate’s body.

Some instinctively doubted that such a young boy could kill a pirate.

However, the more experienced and seasoned Marines could vaguely sense a certain “this kid isn’t kidding” aura from Liam.

It was the aura of someone who had killed.


Liam threw the pirate’s body at the Marines’ feet.

“Marine Oji-San, I worked my butt off to deal with this guy. Now I don’t even have the strength to pick my nose,” Liam said lazily. “Can we get this done quickly so I can go home, take a good shower and get some rest?”

He wasn’t lying.

After all, this was his first fight to the death without relying on his Stand or Devil Fruit abilities.

He lacked experience in many areas.

The most important one was endurance management. Those who have experience in professional sports might be able to relate to this; when your nerves are frayed, your stamina is depleted very quickly.

Therefore, even a short fight would leave Liam exhausted. Adding the Life Return technique he learned during the fight, which drastically increased the explosive power of his leg, put an additional strain on his body.

Although he didn’t feel it during the fight, after it ended, Liam felt completely drained and wanted nothing more than to lie down and not move.

At that moment.

In a way, the Marines couldn’t see… Liam was covered in jet-black armor, like Iron Man.

This, too, was an application of ‘B.I.B.’, perfectly copying the features of his body.

Armor, being armor, could of course be worn.

When Liam’s stamina was severely depleted, far below the level when he separated the Stand from its original full-strength state…

While wearing the armor, Liam could use its power directly.

B.I.B.’ was like an external stamina tank for Liam.

Under the complex gaze of several Marines, Liam left the Marine base, swaggering off with the pitiful 130,000 belly bounty.

Under the starry night, Liam returned to the inn.

In the hallway, as he walked to his room, the black armor on Liam’s body disintegrated, with mechanical plates flying off and assembling into ‘B.I.B.’ behind him.

Liam didn’t even bother to take out his key. He used the Pipe-Pipe Fruit to open a hole in the door, rolled through it, tumbled across the floor, and sprawled out, falling asleep instantly.

B.I.B.’ phased through the wall. It noticed movement in Liam’s pocket and saw a green Den Den Mushi crawl out with a whoosh.

The little green snail grumbled at Liam, “Puru puru,” apparently complaining about being crushed.


B.I.B. thought for a moment, then picked up the sound-asleep Liam.

To an ordinary person, it would look like this…

In an empty room, a sleeping boy was suddenly lifted off the floor by an invisible force.

Then, like a scene from a horror movie, the boy was dragged into the bathroom.

Soon the bathroom light came on, followed by the sound of clothes being removed.

Water began to spray.

Under the shower head, Liam continued to breathe rhythmically, deep and steady, sleeping soundly despite the unseen force washing him.

B.I.B.’ noticed that the two knife wounds on Liam’s body, especially the ones on his cheek and arm, were healing much faster than normal as he slept deeply.

Liam had mentioned earlier that perhaps because he had awakened a Stand, he had a talent for life energy, which made it easier to learn Life Return.

But it could also be the other way around.

Maybe it was because his body had that talent that he was able to successfully awaken a Stand.

Liam, now clean, was thrown onto the bed and continued to sleep soundly.

The pitch-black armor sat silently on the floor beside him, waiting for its host to awaken.

The green Den Den Mushi crawled onto ‘B.I.B.’s’ leg, rubbed itself contentedly, and curled up into its shell to sleep.

As dawn approached.

A piercing scream echoed through the quiet morning streets near the bar.

A beautiful woman pointed to several groggy, naked men waking up on the side of the road, confused and disoriented.

A belly note fluttered down on one of them.

Men holding farm tools sternly lectured these early-morning wanderers, calling them perverts.


In his room at the inn, Liam woke up, yawned, and stretched out.

“I feel much better after a good night’s sleep!”

Liam said with a smile before he rolled over skillfully and landed barefoot on the floor.

“Huh? When did I take my shoes off… and change clothes and take a bath and go to bed?”

Liam wondered, scratching his head, and then he saw the black armor standing up.

“Wait. Hang on, buddy.”

Liam raised his hand to stop ‘B.I.B.’ from approaching. “Let me have a hearty meal first…”

Someone picked up Belly’s note and looked at it closely.

On the bill, there was a line of blood-red writing – a signature: Jotaro Kujo!

“So, you messed with that mysterious bounty hunter, huh?”

“You deserve it! Perverted scum.”

More and more people gathered, and the naked men blushed with shame and anger.

At the same time, they were confused, glancing at each other and thinking: Weren’t we chasing a rich-looking kid? What does this mysterious pirate hunter have to do with it? What in the world happened last night?!

Click! Click!

The flash from the cameras could be seen.

It turned out that the mysterious bounty hunter named Jotaro Kujo had been attracting many reporters lately, like sharks smelling blood. They had infiltrated this island, hoping to catch a glimpse of Jotaro, who often appeared at the naval base here, and get the first scoop…

Unfortunately, despite their best efforts, even when they got very close to the tall figure in the big cloak and the star-spangled mask, he always managed to slip away!

It was as if they were chasing a ghost!

In the inn’s dining room, Liam ordered a huge meal and ate with great gusto.

It was reminiscent of a Saiyan’s appetite.

The waitress who served the meal was stunned. Though she knew the boy had a big appetite, she hadn’t expected it to be so enormous.

B.I.B.’ sat silently at the side and waited.

Liam soon had a full belly and patted it contentedly.

He stood up, his swollen stomach swaying as he walked.

But with each step, the bulge shrank.

By the time he reached the entrance of the inn, his stomach was completely flat.


Liam clenched his fists and burped out a cloud of steam, grinning.

“Alright, time to practice something – whether it’s Soru, Geppo, or Rankyaku – the youthful version!”

‘B.I.B.’ inserted the Pipe-Pipe Fruit chip into his body from behind.

As Liam took his first step forward, he stumbled.

Staggering a few steps, he grimaced and shivered, “Good thing I filled my belly first…”

In the woods at the edge of town.

Liam placed the green Den Den Mushi on a rock by the side of the road.

The little snail yawned lazily as Liam, with utmost seriousness, clasped his hands together and bowed to it.

“You can see ‘B.I.B.’, move incredibly fast, far beyond ordinary Den Den Mushi, and even harden your body to some extent and change your body color…”

Liam continued, “Clearly, in mastering the body, controlling Life Energy, and Life Return, you are my Sensei!”


The green Den Den Mushi’s head tilted in confusion as if it sensed that something wasn’t quite right.

It felt like this human’s mentality had changed, and he looked scary right now。

“Don’t run!”

Through the forest, Liam sprinted across the ground.

Meanwhile, high up in the branches, the green Den Mushi was crawling quickly and nimbly.

“Focus my consciousness into my feet, make them move ‘on their own’, unleash even greater power…”

Liam’s thoughts raced.

He remembered the feeling he had experienced during last night’s battle, suddenly moving at high speed.


Liam’s foot sank into the ground and his speed increased dramatically.

Days passed like this.

At the naval base today, a boy who called himself Giorno dragged another pirate in and kicked him in front of several marines.

“10,00,000!” He shouted brightly.

The pirate he kicked was already bruised and battered, unconscious.

The Marines were used to the boy. He often roamed the island, especially the bars and docks, claiming to hunt down unsavory or suitable pirates.

But one Marine remarked in surprise, “This one’s alive?”

The experienced Marines were a little shocked as they looked at the boy named Giorno.

In just a few days, this boy seemed to have undergone a transformative change.

To be able to leave someone alive… it meant that this boy had become stronger! The experienced soldiers couldn’t help but think.

As they watched the boy proudly weigh the 10,00,000 bounty and turn away, they couldn’t help but think, “How great would it be if such a child could join the Marines!!!

Truly, they didn’t know where this boy’s future lay in the sea.

But one thing was for sure, it wasn’t on this little island.

Farther from City Town, deeper into the dense, primitive forest.

A young man, resembling a humanoid beast, agilely maneuvered through the rugged terrain.

On Liam’s shoulder was the green Den Mushi.

However, it was only one Den Den Mushi, far from enough to keep up with Liam’s foot speed and agility training.

At the moment, Liam was closely following a deer in the forest.

“Don’t run! Chopper!” Liam accelerated, laughing heartily behind him, “Let me taste your taste!!”

The deer ahead panicked, sprinting headlong and accidentally crashing into the riverbank, where a large crocodile leaped out of the water and bit viciously at the helpless deer.

Looking up at the jagged, bloodthirsty jaws, the deer’s cute, big eyes lost their sparkle and color.

Dá dá dá dá!

Even more power erupted beneath Liam’s feet, and in an instant, his speed increased dramatically.


Liam leaped over the deer’s head and kicked the crocodile in the head.

He struggled on the back of the struggling crocodile by the river, raised his fist high, narrowed his eyes, and struck down ruthlessly!


The crocodile’s eyes rolled white, its head instantly shattered, stars in its eyes.

“Sunshine Shot!”

Without stopping for a moment, Liam’s two fists spun like crazy, raining down on the crocodile’s head like a wheel.

The deer beside him widened its mouth in horror, trembling as it backed away.

After a satisfying morning’s exercise, Liam dragged a half-dead crocodile out of the woods.

The ‘B.I.B.’ in pitch-black armor was training on a rock outside the forest.

Even Liam couldn’t help but wonder at times. This guy looked like a Mecha, but he could train his body like a human, which was too cheeky!

Liam whistled and called ‘B.I.B.’ to follow him for a good meal.

The boy arrived at the restaurant with a dead crocodile in his hand.

Obviously, this caused quite a stir.

The restaurant manager, scratching his head, called for the waiters to drag the crocodile carcass to the kitchen.

“Did you really kill that crocodile?”

“How could he? He’s bragging, isn’t he?”

“Maybe he found it by the side of the road.”

“You try picking one up!”

Before Liam could say anything to the onlookers, they started arguing among themselves.

“Hello, you must be the famous young hunter, Giorno, right?” At that moment, someone unexpectedly sat down at Liam’s table.

With his chin resting on the table, Liam waited boredly for the crocodile feast to arrive. “Who are you?”

The person with the camera around his neck looked at him casually. Sure enough, he smiled familiarly, “I’m a journalist from World Economic News. Could I do a quick interview with you? We’d like to get to know you a little…”

“Oh! Then bring me a newspaper.”

“…The person fell silent for a moment and smiled as he took several newspapers out of his pocket and handed them to Liam.

“Yes, I am Giorno. Chopper Giorno! I have a dream…” Liam babbled casually, leafing through the newspaper.

Suddenly his hand stopped moving when he saw a section of entertainment news. In the accompanying photo was a blonde woman he recognized. The woman was holding a puppy in her arms.

Smiling, the journalist sitting next to him said, “This is Victoria Cindry, a famous genius dancer! A few days ago, she almost had an accident on stage… Fortunately, her dog ran onto the stage and bit her skirt, preventing a tragedy…”

“Oh really!” Liam closed the newspaper and smiled, “That’s nice.


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