INIIDF-Chapter 20 Walking Database

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The night was hazy, and the streets of the small port village were dimly lit, with houses on both sides glowing with lantern light. Faint whispers, laughter, and the essence of life emanated from the surroundings.

‘B.I.B.’ followed the instructions of its host, Liam, and traversed through the streets like a ghost, observing for any unusual activities in the unseen dimensions.

At this hour, only the inn and tavern remained open, with doors slightly ajar.

Silently, ‘B.I.B.’ arrived, showing no hesitation. It phased through walls, its dark visor with a faint glow scanning the interior of the tavern.

Originally quiet in the night, even normal conversations inside the tavern would sound noisy. However, at this moment, the atmosphere inside the inn seemed eerie.

Beep Beep…

‘B.I.B.’ focused its gaze on the row of people at the bar, dressed in shabby attire with unkempt hair, making a commotion, loudly calling for drinks from the bartender.

As a Stand with an armored appearance, ‘B.I.B.’ could see, hear, and even possess a sense of touch. However, it lacked the ability to smell.

Nevertheless, there was no need to smell; one could imagine the salty and sea-soaked scent emanating from these people.

The other patrons in the bar, obviously locals, lowered their voices, occasionally glancing at the rowdy group at the bar with suppressed discontent.

Clearly, the people at the bar were pirates.


If ‘B.I.B.’ walked unseen through the well-lit bar, it gathered snippets of conversations from other patrons.

“These guys have a really bad attitude… they must be pirates!”

“It’s too late to contact the Marines now…”

“At least they’re not causing any damage. Let’s endure it; they’ll leave after they’ve had enough to drink, right?”

‘B.I.B.’ learned that these people appeared in the village suddenly in the evening. Although they were rude and uncivilized, there was no evidence to brand them as pirates.

After entering the village, they inquired about the bizarre stories circulating on the island, especially those regarding the supposed resurrection of Pirate King Roger’s spirit.

They spent the night gathering information and then swaggered into the tavern, causing a scene. Although the villagers knew these people were trouble, no one had a solution at the moment.

Observing the swords and guns at the waists of the pirates, the residents dared not make any reckless moves.

It wasn’t the Upwind Pirate Crew mentioned in the restaurant that afternoon… ‘B.I.B.’ quickly deduced that the messy pirates at the bar were of the type that hadn’t even made it onto a Bounty poster.

However, that wasn’t surprising.

‘B.I.B.’ flashed its white-light eyes and directly accessed the memories copied from its host, Liam, retrieving Chapter 96 of the “Pirate KingOne Piece” manga.

In this chapter, the Straw Hat Pirate Crew had just been wanted, but only Captain Luffy had a Bounty poster. Even powerful members like Zoro and Sanji, whose strengths were not much below Luffy’s, remained nameless on the list.

So, underestimating them because they didn’t have Bounty posters was careless.

‘B.I.B.’ made this judgment. Although the possibility was extremely low, if it got injured, all the damage would ultimately be transferred to Liam.

‘B.I.B.’ didn’t want that.

Liam already had a demanding training routine, and ‘B.I.B.’ didn’t want to add to his burden.

So, ‘B.I.B.’ quietly approached, lingering near the pirates at the bar, planning to eavesdrop on what they were discussing.

“What Pirate King’s spirit? How is it possible to have such a thing!” A pirate on one side, with a flushed face from drinking, sneered.

“Burp… crap. If you didn’t find any information, go check it out in King City tomorrow!” The pirate in the middle wiped the beer foam off his mustache, slammed his empty cup on the table, and shouted, “Hey! Bring another bucket of booze!”

The young female bartender was startled, her face turning pale. She forced a smile and said, “I’m sorry, dear customer, but the alcohol is all gone…”

“What?” The mustached pirate in the center looked angry, pounding the table with a bang, “How can there be no more alcohol? Aren’t there drinks on those people’s tables?!”


The entire atmosphere in the tavern changed.

The residents, already alert to these suspicious-looking individuals, stood up from their tables, wielding sticks or lifting chairs, their faces a mix of tension and anger.

The row of pirates at the bar also stood up abruptly, showing fierce expressions, intimidating the law-abiding citizens.

“Are we going to resort to violence?” The residents, some brandishing sticks, others holding chairs, nervously and angrily stared at the pirates.

‘B.I.B.’ approached one of the pirate’s faces, then reached out, grabbing the back of his head. In the pirate’s surprised voice, ‘B.I.B.’ forcefully pressed his face into the tabletop with the beer mug!


The pirate screamed.

How big was the mug, and how big was his face? It resulted in a ring of blood.

Everyone present was shocked!

But before they could react, like a haunting ghost, the entire row of pirates at the bar, slammed their faces onto their beer mugs one after another and it looked as if they were fighting themselves.


“My face!”

The pirates screamed in agony, and the young bartender, along with other residents wielding sticks and chairs, stood frozen.

Everyone recalled the rumor, especially the children who had come for this reason. They yelled in despair, “It’s the spirit! It’s the spirit of the Pirate King!!”

Before he could finish, a pirate let out an even more miserable cry. His mouth, now full of blood, seemed as if he had been ruthlessly punched, with teeth scattered everywhere.

The pirates panicked, drawing their swords and slashing wildly at the air. However, they could only swing at empty space.

The unseen ghost, the one untouchable, controlled the situation. A resident, holding a stick and watching in astonishment, had his weapon snatched away. He opened his mouth to speak but watched as his stick floated in the air, ruthlessly lashing out at the undoubtedly pirate scoundrels from various tricky angles.

This was not an equal confrontation. Faced with the ghostly “spirit of the Pirate King,” the pirates could only endure the beatings. In no time, they were begging for mercy on the ground.

“Don’t move! If you touch us again, I’ll blow this little girl’s brains out with my gun!”

The mustached pirate from the bar, now holding a gun, pointed it at the terrified young bartender, yelling loudly into the air.

“Damn it!” The onlookers, unable to do anything but witness the beloved bartender being held hostage, grew anxious.

Observing this, ‘B.I.B.’ remained expressionless.

Naturally, as a combat armor, it didn’t have expressions.

Its eyes, glowing with white light, slightly flickered. It recalled the first chapter of “One Piece,” where Red Hair Shanks, threatened by mountain bandit Higuma’s gun, had pointed to the gun’s muzzle, saying it wasn’t a tool for intimidation.

That makes sense.

‘B.I.B.’ approached the mustached pirate, who looked nervous and clueless, and inserted its hand into the wrist of the hand holding the gun, giving it a gentle squeeze.

The pirate immediately emitted an inhumane scream, “Aaaaahhhhhhh!!!!”

The terrified young bartender, who was held captive, dared not breathe. She witnessed the pirate’s gun, smelling of alcohol and filth, suddenly reversing its position, pointing directly at the pirate’s own head.

“Ah… no, no!!” The pirate, in pain and drenched in cold sweat screamed in horror after seeing his gun uncontrollably aiming at himself.

The trigger pressed itself.


A splash of hot blood sprayed onto the terrified young bartender’s pale cheek.

The gun didn’t fall along with the blown-off head but continued to float in the air, turning its muzzle one by one towards the lifeless bodies of other pirates on the ground.

They were just small fry, nothing like Zoro or Sanji. ‘B.I.B.’ understood. These people had no potential for a bounty.

It gestured with the gun to the other residents, indicating to tie up these pirates.

After that, he would let them deal with it however they wanted when daylight came. ‘B.I.B.’ believed that its host wouldn’t be interested in these kinds of pirates.

The residents complied with faces pale, showing deep reverence for the unseen ghost in the air.

Damn it!

So, the legend of the Pirate King’s spirit on the island is actually true?!!! But why would a Pirate King kill other pirates?

Silently screaming in their hearts, everyone kept their mouths shut, afraid to utter a word.

‘B.I.B.’ was about to leave when someone whispered in a low voice, “It’s a Den Den Mushi…”

Turning back, ‘B.I.B.’ saw a resident pulling out a “pop-pop” bubble-blowing Den Den Mushi from the pockets of the pirates’ stripped clothes.

On the other end of the Den Den Mushi, Captain Rocchia of the Upwind Pirate Crew, with a bounty of 17 Million Belly, put down the receiver, smiling. “So, there really is the spirit of the Pirate King on that island? Haha haha…”

“Captain! Are we going to ask about the location of the Great Treasure?”

“Fool!” Rocchia scolded, “Who cares about some Great Treasure? Even if we find it, someone else will snatch it away. Naturally, we need to find out why Pirate King Roger was so powerful! He’s even more formidable than that legendary Whitebeard! If we can learn the secret of Pirate King’s strength, won’t there be a treasure waiting for us?”

“Oh, oh, oh! The captain is wise!”

“But Captain, can we really handle the spirit of the Pirate King?”

Some crew members were frightened by the commotion from the Den Den Mushi earlier.

Captain Rocchia sneered, “What are you afraid of? They call it a ghost, but it’s probably just some Devil Fruit Ability user controlling it! You guys probably don’t know, those Devil Fruit Ability users are a bunch of useless idiots! As long as we bring enough seawater, what’s to fear from a mere spirit, a mere Ability user?”

“Oh, oh, oh! The captain is wise!!!”

(End of this chapter)

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