INIIDF-Chapter 125 Unknown Island

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During the previous battle on the Pleasure Ship, Robin, wearing her Stand armor, threw a full-force punch at Stussy.

However, due to Stussy’s mastery of Tekkai at a high level, the attack was reflected, resulting in Robin’s arm being shattered.

Now, Robin’s arm hung limp, bent into unnatural angles.

Her face was pale, drenched in cold sweat, and her silver-white hair was damp and clinging to her head from the pain.

This was while she was still clad in her Stand armor.

Had it not been for ‘B.I.B.,’ which had copied Liam’s stamina and physical resilience and bolstered Robin’s own, she might have already collapsed from the pain.

For that reason, Liam didn’t place Robin inside the fortified city within ‘B.I.B.’

Though carrying her while flying through the air with his gaseous body was awkward and difficult, removing her armor now would likely cause Robin to pass out from the intense pain.

“Just hold on a little longer; we’ll see land soon.”

Liam, in his gaseous form, carried Robin as they flew across the Calm Belt sea.

At the same time, he was producing oxygen, feeding it steadily to Robin as she breathed.

Flying through the air encased in a cloud wasn’t exactly a pleasant experience, and for Robin, who was injured and extremely weak, it made even breathing difficult.

Robin gasped for air, her arm’s pain beginning to numb.

Through the swirling mist around her, Robin could barely make out that Liam had materialized his eyes— one on the left side, one on the right— moving them constantly across his gaseous form, keeping a sharp lookout for any uninhabited islands amidst the still, silent sea.

“Isn’t this difficult?” Robin asked softly.

From the cloud in front of her, Liam’s mouth materialized and asked, “What is?”

‘So cute…’ Robin pressed her pale lips together and forced a smile. “The air above this sea is completely still. For you, who is also made of gas, it must be quite a challenge to fly in this environment, right?”

The mouth floating in the mist answered, “It’s manageable.”

Sweat beaded along her hairline as Robin, still smiling, closed her eyes and curled up slightly within the mist, quietly waiting for the moment they would finally land…

She had no idea how long they had been flying before a sudden sensation of descent jolted her awake.

“Damn! Finally spotted an island…” She heard Liam’s frustrated voice. “Are all the islands in the Calm Belt wrecked or eaten by those giant Sea Kings? They don’t have any respect for land and nature at all!”

When her feet touched the ground, Robin felt a strange heaviness in her body, followed by a sharp, excruciating pain from her broken arm…

Looking at Robin’s slender, misshapen arm due to the fracture, Liam scratched his head in frustration.

How was he supposed to fix this? He hadn’t learned how to set bones!

Liam had never broken his own arm before, so his experience with treating such injuries was nonexistent.

He led Robin to the edge of a forest, found a stone for her to sit on, and let her rest for a while.

Then Liam dove headfirst into Robin’s chest, disappearing into the portal that led to the fortress within ‘B.I.B.’

To distract herself from the pain in her broken arm, Robin wiped the sweat from her face and looked around at the island’s surroundings.

The jungle was lush and thriving… The trees were gigantic, some so large and wide that it would take over a dozen people to wrap their arms around them.

The shrubs were as tall as a person, and the drooping broad leaves created a deep, mysterious atmosphere on the island… far more extreme than any she had seen before.

The entire island exuded an aura of wild, untamed vitality.

In the distance, she could hear the roars of wild beasts and the flapping of startled birds rising from the dense forest and mountains.

*Biu!* Liam popped back out from Robin’s chest, emerging from the door of the fortress in the Stand armor, holding a few rolls of bandages… which were, incidentally, the same ones Robin had purchased a while back.

Robin glanced at him while Liam, looking frustrated, muttered, “I looked everywhere, and this is all I could find… Have I really never been injured before?”

He racked his brain for a moment to think. Turns out, he really hadn’t!

Even when he did get hurt, all it took was a good meal and a good night’s sleep, and he would heal on his own.

As for colds, fevers, or any other illnesses, ever since coming to this pirate world, he hadn’t experienced any. He had almost forgotten what it felt like to be sick.

Robin endured the pain, but seeing Liam so frustrated, she couldn’t help but smile.

“I’ll go find some branches or wooden boards…”

Liam tucked the bandages into his pocket, then leaped onto a tall tree. He carefully picked through the dense branches, selecting ones that were straight, sturdy, and the right size, snapping them off to use.


A colorful python coiled around the tree canopy, silently eyeing Liam.

It flicked its tongue, detecting that this unfamiliar, hairless creature seemed unaware of the danger creeping closer. Its amber vertical pupils flashed with cold light as it lunged…

Moments later, Liam jumped down from the tree, holding the now limp python in his hand. It thrashed on the ground briefly before going still.

“Robin, is this snake venomous?” Liam asked.

“That’s… a Kuhar python. It’s non-venomous,” Robin cautiously replied after recognizing it. “But… it’s much larger than what I’ve read about in books… Are you going to eat it?”

“No, you’re the one who’s going to eat it!” Liam quipped, tossing the snake aside.

With bandages in his left hand and wooden boards in his right, he looked at Robin’s broken arm and once again felt stuck.

Robin, still processing what Liam meant by her eating the snake, was suddenly overwhelmed by a sharp, piercing pain in her arm!

Liam quickly pulled his hand back. “What happened?! I just touched it a little bit! Does it hurt that much?”

Robin, drenched in cold sweat, bit her lip, her eyes tearing up from the pain. She wanted to reassure Liam, but the agony made it impossible.

Frustrated, Liam stomped on the dead snake a couple of times.

He wished it were his own arm that was broken. That way, he could handle it, endure the pain, and just power through.

But dealing with Robin’s twisted and fractured arm felt like handling a fragile glass doll— and he was terrified of making it worse.

Robin softly apologized, “I’m sorry, Liam. I shouldn’t have rushed in back then. I just caused trouble for you…”

“What are you saying? You were just trying to help me. Besides, you’re the one dealing with the pain now, not me!” Liam scratched his head, “But we can’t just leave your arm like this… We need to set the bone, right? The thing is… I’ve never done something like this! What if I set it wrong, and it heals crooked…”

Robin tried to joke, “Then we’ll just have to break it again and reset it properly…”

“Haha,” Liam laughed weakly. “You’re pretty optimistic, aren’t you? You’ve read so many books; surely, you’ve come across something about bone setting?”

“You expect me to set my own bone?” Robin replied softly. “That’s impossible. My arm hurts too much… I’m not a monster like you.”

“True,” Liam rubbed his chin, muttering, “So, you’re saying that if you weren’t affected by the pain, you could do it yourself?”

Robin looked confused. What did he mean by not being affected by the pain… Did Liam have some anesthetic prepared?

“We’ll just have to try!” Liam said, sitting cross-legged in front of Robin. He grabbed the dead snake nearby, then, smiling at Robin’s confused eyes, he said, “Let’s see how good I am at this Life Return technique…”

Robin watched as the colorful python swayed back and forth in front of her eyes.



“When you hear the word ‘Doraemon,’ you will wake up and temporarily feel no physical pain at all…”


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