INIIDF-Chapter 117 I Have Not Snatched Marine

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Marine Colonel Yamakaji was caught off guard by Liam’s attack, and he was forced to one knee by Liam’s strike.

His usually gentle expression turned to one of shock!

Is this boy using Geppo?!

Even among the highly skilled Marines, such a military skill is only mastered by true elites!

Geppo, which is typically used for walking in the air, was unexpectedly used by this boy to create a powerful downward impact by kicking the air from below, generating a tremendous force akin to an earth-shaking pressure…

Bang! Bang! Bang!

While Yamakaji was still stunned, Liam continued to stomp repeatedly into the air, each wave of counter-force driving the Iron Rod in his hands down harder onto Yamakaji’s sword, forcing him to kneel on both legs!

Meeting Liam’s gaze, Yamakaji was astonished by the continuous explosive power and the pure Battle Intent in those eyes.

If the crew member is this powerful, that young female Captain must be even more formidable!

Yamakaji quickly adjusted his body, dodging Liam’s Iron Rod by twisting his body and rolling away—


Liam’s Iron Rod smashed a large crater into the brick and stone pavement.

Liam took advantage of the momentum, pushing off the ground with his toes, and leaping into the air. He swung the Iron Rod with a powerful sidekick, striking Yamakaji hard.

Yamakaji stumbled a few steps.

Liam alternated his feet while airborne, fluidly swinging the rod back with a reverse grip, and brought it down on Yamakaji’s head!

As a Marine Colonel from Marine Headquarters, Yamakaji, still holding his cigar, let out a fierce shout before stepping forward to meet Liam’s Iron Rod with his sword, ruthlessly clashing his Sword against the Iron Rod!


The blade cracked, and the Iron Rod was also damaged.

Yamakaji’s hand gripping the sword went numb, causing him to retreat several steps.

Liam used the impact from the collision to leap back, holding the Iron Rod with one hand, and said with a smile, “Wow! You’re pretty impressive!”

“It’s a shame for someone with such skill at such a young age to be a pirate!” Yamakaji said with a genuine look of regret on his otherwise kind face. “But you won’t be getting away today.”

The Marines behind him raised their guns, pointing them at Liam in the middle of the street.

With so many soldiers closing in, the civilians on the sides of the street had long since retreated further away.

On the opposite side, another group of Marines aimed their guns at Robin.

Tap, Tap,

Liam said, “It’s not our escape that should be in question, but your wallets.”

‘What?’ Yamakaji was surprised to see the boy suddenly vanish from the street and realize something before shouting, “Watch out—!!”

As Robin heard Liam’s words, she instantly understood the meaning behind his words.

She sighed lightly, and then, with a calm expression on her face, felt the scenery on either side rush by— Liam’s ghost controlled her body, moving with an incredible speed.


Robin came to her senses and found herself in the midst of the Marines with their guns raised. At that moment, they were stunned and couldn’t adjust their aim, so she knocked down a large number of them with a few punches and kicks.

Ordinary Marine soldiers had no chance against the power copied from Liam within Robin’s body.


Gunfire erupted in the surroundings.

Robin saw herself kick a gun upwards before it could be fired, then perform a spinning kick that smashed the opponent’s face, knocking out several teeth.


A bullet created a hole in the air, the edges of which were surrounded by swirling smoke.

Smoker, rushing back through the smoke, saw the female pirate captain on the street, defeating the Marines in disarray. What was worse was that she not only knocked them down but also began searching their clothes and pockets for wallets…

Smoker’s eyes narrowed in confusion as he watched the girl collect numerous wallets from the fallen Marines, yet her hands remained empty… Where did the wallets go?

Marine Colonel Yamakaji sprinted forward, drawing his sword to strike at Liam.

Liam, standing on the gun of a Marine soldier he had knocked to the ground, cheerfully pulled out a wallet from the soldier’s body. Opening it, he exclaimed, “Well, well! Quite a stash you’ve got here. Saving up for a night out, were you?”

A faint breeze brushed against the back of Liam’s head, and a few strands of black hair fell.

He retrieved an item and hurled it at Yamakaji, shouting, “Look out for the bomb!”

Yamakaji saw a black object coming toward him and quickly dodged it.

Smoker, who was fighting Robin in his solid form, was secretly alarmed. Despite her seemingly delicate appearance, this girl possessed astonishing power!

At that moment, a shadow flew towards Robin, then disappeared.

Robin, who wasn’t entirely immersed in the battle, noticed the object being thrown into the ghost’s City Fortress.

Liam gave her a scissor-hand gesture as he continued to fend off Marine Colonel Yamakaji while tossing wallet after wallet her way.

Robin’s ‘B.I.B.’ cooperated perfectly, catching the wallets from various angles during the fight with Smoker. She opened the City Fortress doors, reduced the wallets in size, and stored them inside.

Smoker was on the verge of grinding his cigar to dust with frustration as he saw this scene!

This pirate girl… Not only was she careless and distracted during their fight, but she also had time to create chaos like this!

Fuming with rage, Smoker’s attacks with his Jitte were powerful enough to shatter rocks. However, even if he managed to strike the girl’s arm or body, the blows only produced a dull clang sound, and it felt as if he was striking iron…

Jolyne didn’t even furrow her brow receiving his attacks!

She didn’t seem to take Smoker seriously at all!

“Aaaahhhh…” During the battle, Robin suddenly called out, noticing that Liam was starting to run off in another direction while fighting the Marine Colonel.

Robin glanced back at Smoker, who was fiercely battling with the ghost enveloping her, wondering if she should say something before retreating.

But as she wasn’t a fighter and had never seriously fought anyone, she simply took one last look at Smoker, found no words to say, and then silently followed after Liam’s departing direction.

‘What was that look supposed to mean?!’

Smoker, enraged and with smoke billowing from his ears, watched as Marine soldiers lay scattered around him. Half of his body turned into smoke as he sped after Robin.

“Don’t you dare run!!”

You can read ahead up to 30 chapters on my patreon and I’ve also activated (date to date) subscription model on my patreon

You can read ahead up to 30 chapters on my patreon and I’ve also activated (date to date) subscription model on my patreon

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