INIIDF-Chapter 114 Marine or Not?

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**[Chapter Head Serialization · 100 Million Newcomer 7 · ‘……’]**

**[Grand Line. A man with a Cross pendant on his chest presses a wine glass down on a newspaper. His hawk-like sharp eyes are visible beneath the brim of his hat. He stands up and leaves the tavern.]**


A pitch-black, ghostly suit of armor soared through the sky above the sea.

In the distance, an island came into view.

“Let’s check it out! And have a good meal while we’re at it,” Came a voice from inside the B.I.B. stand. “Robin, how much money do we have left? It can’t be that much, can it?”

The Stand nodded and descended to the island.

Its chest opened a City gate, and Liam enjoyed the sea breeze – when the wind hit the capability entrance on the surface of 『B.I.B.』, it immediately contracted, gently blowing over Liam and Robin’s faces from behind, dishevelling their hair.

“Time to make some money!” Liam remarked as he felt the wind.

“Liam, you can’t be a pirate hunter now,” Robin reminded him.

“Oh, right,” Liam said, realizing, but then he patted the city wall beside him and smiled, “But we still have this, don’t we? Bounty Hunter Jotaro Kujo!”

Robin said, “Giorno and Jotaro Kujo always appear together. Wouldn’t that a bit problematic?”

“Who cares if we get discovered?” Liam looked down at the approaching island and its coast, noticing the various sailboats docked there, and even a few pirate ships hidden in the less frequented areas.
He stroked his chin and mused, “But it’s pretty close to the Red Line and the Sabaody Archipelago… Maybe we’ll meet some Marines who know Haki! Anyway, let’s just be careful…”

His casual gaze stopped abruptly when he spotted a familiar ship in the fleeting view of the coast.

The ship’s sail carried the flag of the Pleasure District.

A pleasure boat…

Liam turned to Robin and reminded her, “Don’t forget your disguise. And your hair… Shall we dye it a different color?”

He reached out and ruffled Robin’s considerably lengthened hair.

“Oh, all right,” Robin blinked, “What color shall we dye it? Red?”

“How about green?” Liam suggested enthusiastically, “Silver-white would look good too…”

The two went back into the Stand City fortress.

“B.I.B.” flew into the city on the island.


In a very lively tavern.

Lively here meant a mixture of fish and alcohol.

The table was piled high with food: steamed whole fish, grilled steaks, and a roasted leg the size of half a man… Liam ate with gusto, enjoying himself immensely.

Robin, on the other hand, was more refined, even more so than usual.

“Aren’t you eating?” Liam glanced over and saw that Robin was drinking red tea and nibbling on a few biscuits at most.

Robin said, “Not everyone can eat like you…”

Liam said cheerfully, “Don’t worry, eat as much as you want! If you get fat, I’ll help you digest it.”

As long as Robin wears the “B.I.B.” armor, she can use the “Life Return” ability copied from Liam to quickly digest excess food and absorb energy.

Just then, a huge figure suddenly sat down at their table.

When he sat down, the food on the table shook with a thud.

“If I’m not mistaken…” The giant man looked down at Liam and Robin with an evil look and grinned, “You two are the ones who recently had a bounty of 100 million, right?”

At his words, some of the tavern patrons immediately stopped talking and turned to look.

A 100 million bounty?!

Seeing such a vicious-level bounty criminal, ordinary people would only keep their distance!

Even going to a naval base to report them would be risky. If they were discovered and faced retaliation from a 100 million level pirate, it wouldn’t be a joke.

Even experienced pirates wouldn’t provoke such high-level individuals without good reason.

But seeing Liam and Robin…

Robin was clearly just a young girl, probably not even ten years old!

As for Liam, he was not very tall, barely over 1.6 meters, and looked quite youthful. His physique was unremarkable, lacking any prominent muscles, and he appeared to be as weak as a chicken.


In the bar, many people who had seen those bounty posters had almost forgotten about them, and when they remembered, they began to doubt whether they had drunk too much and misremembered.

Could these two little kids really have a bounty of 100 million?

If their bounty was really 100 Million, then they would be perfect to turn in to the Marine!

“What? Are you going to collect our heads and turn us in to the Marine for the bounty?” Liam asked while still eating.

The massive man who had joined their table grinned and pointed at himself, “Marine? Do you think I’m someone important?”

Another man with glasses and a sword approached and sneered, “Our old boss has a bounty of 53 Million! Known as the Little Giant, Dayadi!”


“Is that Dayadi?!”

The people in the bar were stunned. Even those who were slightly drunk sobered up immediately, rubbing their eyes to get a better look at the massive man.

“I heard that Dayadi once destroyed a battleship single-handedly…”

“Those two kids are doomed, they pissed off the little giant!”

Blah blah blah, what the glasses-wearing man and the onlookers said after that, Liam didn’t bother to listen to. He said to Robin, “His bounty is still a lot lower than yours used to be!”

Robin remained unmoved, sipping her tea. “Have you finished eating? Let’s get this over with…”

“But this little brat’s bounty is so much higher than mine…” Little Giant Dayadi’s huge fists creaked as he clenched them, “It really makes me angry just thinking about it!”

His eyes burned with rage, growing angrier by the second, and he threw a punch at Liam.

The bespectacled pirate laughed, “Old boss, don’t turn him into a puddle of meat… huh?”

He widened his eyes as the little brat vanished into thin air!

“Useless! Your punches are good, but so slow that you can’t hit me.” The little brat’s voice echoed from above. “Are punches worth 53 Million so slow?”

The bespectacled pirate looked up to see Liam perched on the head of Old Boss Little Giant Dayadi, slurping noodles!

The guests gasped: “What’s happening?” “When did he…?” “I didn’t see anything clearly!!” “This doesn’t look right, we should run…”

“So evil!!” Dayadi, humiliated in such a manner, slammed his huge palms onto his own head, “I’ll turn you into minced meat!”

Liam jumped slightly to avoid the “bang” of the palm strike and continued to eat noodles, stepping on the giant’s hand in the process.

“Ah!!” Dayadi’s hand broke and his head was stomped on by Liam, making him dizzy.

“Captain, would you like to teach him a lesson?” Liam stood on the Little Giant and kicked the bespectacled pirate away with a gust of wind.

The bespectacled pirate screamed in pain as he rolled to the side, unable to believe that the boy’s foot hadn’t even touched him!

What happened?

How could this be?!

Is he really just a little brat?!

Or… is he really a terrifying monster with a 100 million bounty on his head!!?

Robin was a little speechless at Liam’s words. Did she look like someone who enjoyed fighting?

“B.I.B.” was equipped on her.

After putting on the armor, Robin put down her teacup and felt the power surge continuously.

So this is Liam’s power…

Thinking this, she took a deep breath and threw a punch at the little giant’s stomach.



The massive man was sent flying by a single blow, crashing into the wall of the bar and causing a huge crack. The ceiling shook, shaking off dust and debris.

The bar fell silent, and everyone stared in shock as the boy named Giorno cheerfully collected money from the bespectacled pirate and the immobile burly pirate.

“Any other pirates here?” Liam weighed the bag of money and looked around at the stunned patrons, adding, “The wealthy kind.”

“Pirates? How about Marines?”

Outside the bar’s window, a puff of white smoke poured in, the tip of which was a human fist, pointing straight at Liam’s head!


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