INIIDF-Chapter 110 I May Visit You

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“The commander of the Eastern Army of the Future Revolutionary Army, Belo Betty, doesn’t seem to be that old either.

Doing a quick calculation… she’s probably still in her twenties?

Roger and the others kept mentioning ‘over twenty years later’…


Liam thought, either it really is like that, or maybe it was just fate, and the Encourage-Encourage Fruit just happened to appear at the right time and enter the stage twenty years later…

Speaking of which, why are those Okamas chasing me so relentlessly?!!

Unable to dodge in time, Liam found himself attacked by an Okama in a twin-tailed lace dress, who pounced on him like a hungry tiger.

Oh no!

Liam thought to himself, this is bad.

Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud!

The Okama in the twin-tailed lace dress, with hands like swan beaks, struck Liam all over in a flurry of afterimages.

Powerless, Liam could only watch as the shy two-tailed Okama leaned closer…

Liam’s face changed as he screamed, “Help me, Black Brother!!!”

On the side of the beach, Robin was lounging in a beach chair, reading a book. Nearby, the ‘B.I.B.’ clone, hearing the main body’s cry for help, instantly activated his armor and flew through the air…

The pieces of armor flew across the beach and attached themselves one by one to Liam’s arms, shoulders, and chest.

With the reserve endurance tanks equipped, Liam quickly pulled an iron rod from his chest plate and clashed with the Okama’s incoming fist…


Liam clenched his fist, his arm muscles bulging and thickening. Between the skin of his knuckles, there was a faint sound of metal grinding against metal!


The sea currents washed against the shore.

Liam and Ivankov’s fists collided. The impact scattered the sea spray into the air like a shower of water droplets.

“Hee…” At that moment, Ivankov – or rather Iva – was no longer in her former chibi form. Now, standing over four meters tall with a graceful and elegant female body, she looked delicate but held her ground firmly against Liam’s fist. She grinned and suddenly fluttered her thick eyelashes, giving Liam a playful wink…

**Passionate Wink~!**

Liam stepped hard on the sand and his figure seemed to vanish into thin air.


He reappeared behind Iva, swinging a powerful kick at her bare back!

A blade-like gust of wind blew from Liam’s kick.

Iva glanced back, her eye muscles twitching slightly before she blinked sharply, unleashing a **Deadly Wink!**.


A much more powerful shockwave exploded from Iva’s eyelashes and hit Liam directly.

**Hardening!** Liam barely had time to form that thought before Iva’s “charm” blew him away, sending him rolling over ten somersaults across the beach before he finally came to a stop.

“Hey! That was too much!” Liam shouted as he lay on the ground. “I almost bit the dust!”

“Heehee… But you didn’t die, did you?” Iva sauntered over, laughing heartily.

“I guess you’re right!” Liam jumped to his feet and patted his chest, which was still tingling from the shock. If it hadn’t been for his timely use of **Tekkai**, that attack would have been pretty rough!

The sea ebbed and flowed along the beach. Liam looked at the horizon. It had been two weeks since he arrived on this pink island.

Two whole weeks, spent from dawn to dusk, fighting all kinds of Okama strongmen… putting his life on the line! One wrong move and he could have lost more than just a fight!

But the benefits of this intense training were enormous.

The high-pressure training had pushed Liam’s body to its limits, coupled with the island’s special attack-focused cuisine… Liam’s strength had grown exponentially!

In particular, his understanding of **Life Return** had deepened. Or rather, his mastery of his body had made a qualitative leap! Now, his **Soru** was starting to look decent, and he could fully execute **Tekkai** instead of just hardening one hand for a brief moment…

Of course, the most important thing was that Liam had become more adept at unleashing his physical power, and now he could even occasionally perform a youthful version of **Rankyaku**!

Liam was confident that if he had to face Laffitte again, he would absolutely have the strength to fight him head on!

Without exaggeration, the current Liam could easily defeat his former self with just one hand.

“Hahaha…” Liam looked out at the sea and laughed bitterly. More than two weeks… It had been more than two weeks since he had last retrieved his stand!!!!

Damn it!!!


“Hmm? Giorno-boy, are you leaving?”

Iva, dressed in fishnets and high heels, one hand resting on her slender waist, asked as Liam and Robin finished packing.

‘If I don’t leave soon and find a chance to retrieve ‘B.I.B.,’ I fear my life will be over…’ Liam nodded as he thought to himself, then suddenly asked, “By the way, Iva, were you originally a man or a woman?”

“I am an Okama,” Iva smiled seductively.

“Then you’re a woman,” Liam nodded. If he were a man, Iva would have just said so.

Robin was secretly surprised – could women be Okama?

“Women’s bodies are too cumbersome! A man’s comfortable body combined with a woman’s heart is the perfect combination!” Iva’s hands sprouted spikes that she stabbed into herself. Her graceful figure instantly transformed into the massive, muscular Ivankov, who struck a pose and shouted, “The New Humans are the future!”


At that moment, a group of okamas, brimming with girlish affection, waved their handkerchiefs and rushed toward them.

This time Liam didn’t run away. He waved back with a smile and said, “Thanks for everything these past few weeks!”

Robin heard Liam whisper urgently, “Get ready to run.” She couldn’t help but chuckle.


The flood of Okamas rushed past… But when they thought they had accidentally crushed Giorno-boy, they looked at each other in confusion, only to find that the beach was already empty.

Ivankov stood with his arms crossed, looking at the sky and muttering to himself, “Giorno, Jolyne… two rookies with 100 million belly bounties right out of the gate… This is going to be a real headache for the Marines, huh?”

She thought of that mysterious Dragon again…

Ivankov could feel the seas getting rougher.


Inside Stand City Fortress, Liam repeatedly banged his iron rod on the ground and yelled, “I’m here to kick some ass!”

A white liquid rose from the ground of the training ground and formed into the shape of a black steel armor, drawing an iron rod identical to the original.

“Time to crush you!” Liam grinned wickedly.

“After you defeat me, you’ll be the one who suffers in the end,” B.I.B. wanted to say, but he remained silent, knowing that the main body was well aware of this.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Robin watched as Liam dominated the fight, unlike before when he and his armored ghost were evenly matched. This time he overwhelmed the ghost, beating it into submission, leaving it unable to defend itself…

Pieces of armor were scattered on the ground…

The faceplate’s eyes glowed white, making a crackling sound as it said, “A new island has been spotted…”

“So soon?” Liam sighed in frustration, “I wasn’t done having fun yet…”

“‘Having fun’?” Robin caught the odd phrasing.

“You’re so annoying!” Liam winked flirtatiously at Robin.

“Not very convincing!” Robin couldn’t help but laugh. Giggling, she made two circles with her hands and placed them in front of her eyes, signaling that she was seeing through everything, “You can’t fool me. I’ve been watching you the whole time!”


Liam clicked his tongue.

At that moment, the entrance to Stand City Fortress opened— they had arrived.

Robin and Liam peered out from the ‘B.I.B.’ fortress doorway. Outside… it seemed like a lush, verdant jungle awaited them.


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