INIIDF-Chapter 108 Offensive Cooking

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Inside the Peach Heart Palace, a large hall was filled with a girly pink atmosphere.

A long table covered with a purple cloth was overflowing with lavish dishes. Plates of fragrant, tasty food were continuously brought in by the “girls.

There were thick slices of steak, crispy bread stuffed with shiny caviar, fried fish drizzled in rich sauces, and pastries garnished with flower petals… Liam ate without a second thought, not caring about the appearance of the food, just grabbing it and devouring it quickly and efficiently.

Robin, holding a piece of bread in her hand, took small bites. As she ate, a look of surprise appeared on her face. “This… it’s like a surge of power is flowing through my body…”

“Oh? You can feel it, Jolyne BOY?” Ivankov, holding knife and fork, was surprised.

His massive head took up a good portion of the table space, and with a smug grin, he boasted, “This is a unique style of cooking that can only be found on this island – *Offensive Cooking*! Food is the ‘environment’! Just look at the honeyed beauties of this island- their strong, beautiful bodies and their gentle hearts! Food has the power to shape the body, the personality, and even everything about a person! So if you don’t ‘attack’ when you eat, you’re missing out!”

“…” Dragon was also at the table, eating in an unrefined manner, not much slower than Liam. When he heard the Okama King’s mention of offensive cooking, he paused for a moment.

“JolyneBOY is truly a Captain,” Ivankov laughed while holding up his knife and fork. “GiornoBOY didn’t even notice!”

Robin found it difficult to explain that her sensitivity to the effects probably came from the fact that Liam’s spirit had recently granted her power, making her more aware od such things…

“Did I?” Liam burped loudly before rubbing his bloated stomach as he picked his teeth. “Since I always feel a surge of power when I eat, I didn’t notice any difference this time! My apologies…”

“What? You’re that strong…?” Ivankov gently rubbed his large forehead, acting a little dizzy as he stumbled away from the table. Then, striking a sudden pose, he exclaimed, “It’s not impressive at all! Because digestive hormones can do the same thing!”

“Oh, I see! You fooled us!!” The Okama who brought the food laughed heartily, as if they were always full of joy.

Having built up an immunity to the Okama’s antics, Liam rubbed his stomach and watched it return to normal size before his eyes. He looked at the cloaked man who continued to eat in silence, “Who is this guy anyway? Is he some strange guy who just appeared out of nowhere, always causing trouble…”

“You are the strange ones who came out of nowhere!” The Okama King and the group of Okamas shouted in unison.

Ivankov put his hands on his hips and said, “GiornoBOY, how long do you plan to stay here? If you intend to stay forever, you’ll have to become a New Human – wait, what are you looking at?” He noticed that Liam was staring at him, seemingly waiting for him to continue.

“Go on, what’s next?

‘You have to become a New Human – actually you don’t!’

‘Ah! Fooled again!’ something like that?”

“This time it’s for real!” Ivankov snapped a metal spoon in frustration, “You think all I do is clown around – well, it’s true!” He struck another meaningless pose…

“I don’t care, I’m staying here anyway!” Liam grinned. “The food is great and the people here are strong! I want to train here for a while… maybe I’ll get even stronger!”

Offensive cooking! A type of cooking that could bring out the power in one’s body…

This was probably a culinary system that Ivankov developed based on his Hormone Fruit abilities.

The Hormone Fruit…

With such a unique Devil Fruit ability, it’s hard not to think that it has countless connections to Life Return.

Life Return is all about mastering the life force, and in the Impel Down arc, Ivankov used the power of the Hormone Fruit to bring Luffy back to life at the cost of his life span when he was about to die from poisoning!

Whether it’s the consumption of life force or the *Return to Life* effect, both are incredibly mysterious.

According to Dr. Vegapunk’s research, the Devil Fruit Factor is most likely related to the Lineage Factor, the essence of human life…

Even without delving into such theories, the fact that this island is home to a group of Newkama Kenpo masters – powerful and robust men – is enough to convince Liam to stay for a while and seriously hone his fighting skills.


As the tides ebbed and flowed… the beach on the pink island gained a new figure, a boy running around with the “girls”.

These “girls” were muscular, capable of breaking steel plates with their bare hands, with rough green stubble covering their faces and thick leg hair. Their mastery of the Newkama Kenpo was so strong that Liam struggled to keep up with them.

Each day, Liam was beaten miserably. When his stamina was exhausted, he would have to make a quick escape to avoid…

“Hey, why are you pushing yourself so hard?” Ivankov stood on a rock and looked down at Liam, who was hiding behind the rock, suppressing his rapid breathing, trying not to be found by the Okama playing hide-and-seek with him.

Liam, panting, casually replied, “I came to the Grand Line to get stronger! Even though I haven’t reached my goal yet, it doesn’t matter where I get stronger…”

The cloaked man, Dragon, stood silently under a tree.

Liam looked at him. Honestly, Liam thought that with the mysterious strength of Luffy’s father, this guy probably knew how to use Haki and had probably noticed his Stand, *B.I.B.*…

However, ever since they had met on this island, Dragon had been silent and brooding, rarely speaking, and it was as if he was always preoccupied with something else.

This future leader of the Revolutionary Army seemed so depressed… the thought of asking him to teach Haki never even crossed Liam’s mind.

“Found! You! Haha~!”

Suddenly, a large, stubbly chin appeared from behind the rock, with wide, mascara-covered eyes blinking at Liam.

“Whoa!” Liam jumped up and kicked out before fleeing – his stamina hadn’t fully recovered yet!

Exhausted, Liam was served a meticulously prepared offensive meal by the Okama.

During the truce, he devoured the food and regained his health.

The special power of the offensive cooking caused a steady surge of energy in Liam’s tired body…

Robin, seeing his hard work, kindly pushed more meat towards him.

Liam would first provoke the Okama and they would exchange blows…

After being completely exhausted, he would make a hasty retreat…

Offensive cooking – is truly remarkable… especially when combined with Liam’s innate Life Return ability, which allowed him to quickly digest food and absorb energy. Every time Liam ate Offensive Cooking after being completely exhausted, he felt as if his body had been reshaped, made stronger, more resilient!

As Liam ate with single-minded focus, he suddenly noticed Ivankov and Dragon talking.

Dragon was so grumpy, but his strength was immense – so much so that even Ivankov, the king, couldn’t do anything to him!

“You’re so annoying! You’re a grown man; as soon as you’re cured, hurry up and leave!” Ivankov grumbled. “If not, I’ll call the Marines and have them arrest you for robbing the Heavenly Tribute!”

Dragon responded indifferently, “You’re a non-Allied Kingdom.”

Since Ivankov’s country had never paid protection fees to the World Government, if he called them, they’d probably take the opportunity to wipe his country off the map as well…

*Robbing the Heavenly Tribute?* Robin, quietly eating next to Liam, pricked up her ears, listening closely with growing alarm.


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