INIIDF-Chapter 106 “The Land of Women”

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_This is an island reputed to be the second “Land of Women”…_

_Grand Line, Kamabakka Kingdom—_


Inside the massive pink heart-shaped royal palace of the island, the “two-headed” Queen/King, with heavy purple eyeshadow and smoky lashes, donned a revealing outfit of garter stockings and a netted cape trailing behind.

On the bed lay a man, and the Queen/King, wearing black gloves, extended his hand as long, thin black needles emerged from between his fingers…

Healing Hormones!

Just as he was about to inject the mysterious man who had inexplicably ended up in this country, the man’s hand suddenly moved and grabbed the wrist of Emporio Ivankov, the “Okama King.”

“Oh?” Ivankov blinked. “Well, look at that! You’re awake!”

“I have to say, this place is pretty gorgeous!”

Liam offered a responsible evaluation.

He and Robin strolled side by side through the pink-hued island. It looked as though the entire place had been painted pink— not just the grass and trees, but even the animals’ fur was pink… Even the flowing streams and mirror-like lakes shimmered with a soft, delicate pink hue… The entire island exuded an atmosphere of sweet, vibrant life.

For such a beautiful island, Sanji calling it “Hell” seemed a bit too much!


Liam inwardly chuckled.

Robin lifted her head to admire the pink trees reminiscent of Sakura that dotted the island. She inhaled the intoxicating fragrance in the air and smiled, “It smells quite nice…”

“Yeah, but those oddballs over there are kind of ruining the view…” Liam said, glancing toward the distance.

A group of silhouettes, wearing frilly dresses by the creek, seemed to notice the pair. They immediately reacted with delight, charging toward Liam and Robin like a pack of hungry wolves.

Thud, thud, thud!

The ground trembled with the heavy footsteps of the robust figures as they approached.

“…” Robin finally saw the approaching figures clearly— their muscular bodies, stubbly chins, and thick leg hair.

“Yaaah~! So happy! Do we have new friends joining us?” A robust man with golden curls and a poofy dress said in a shrill, bashful voice.

“Are you too? Are you becoming part of the new human race? I’m so excited~!” A robust man with pink pigtails brought his large head close to Liam and Robin.

“Welcome to the Kamabakka Kingdom~!” A robust man with a green bob and a missing tooth shyly twisted his muscular frame.

Robin held her breath and took a step back.

Even for her, with her usually unique sense of aesthetics and calm demeanor, the sudden visual impact was overwhelming.

This was totally different from the drag queen giant Morley she had encountered in West Blue…

At least Morley didn’t wear makeup this heavy, aside from that short skirt…

Liam remained unmoved, even though a few giant Okama heads were now inches from his face. He calmly stated, “Not too excited! No, we’re leaving soon, so no need for the warm welcome!”

“Waaah~! Such a cold reaction!” The group of muscular okama pressed their hands to their cheeks, their gruff voices coming out in falsetto. “We love it~!!”

Liam grimaced at their exaggerated laughter. “You folks sure have a wicked sense of humor! Maybe that’s what it means to be a new human?”

“Waaah~! So you really do want to join the new human race?” A robust man with a brown ponytail and bright red lipstick beamed. “We’re so happy~!”

“Are your ears broken? When did I ever say that?!” Liam shouted.

“They say that boys always speak in such wicked tones when they like someone~!” The hairy, lace-dressed figures blushed bashfully. “So, you do like us, don’t you?”

“Like your mother, maybe! What the hell!” Liam leaped up and kicked the nearest okama.

Then, without hesitation, he sprinted past Robin and bolted away.

“…” Robin was left in stunned silence.

A tsunami of muscle-bound Okama surged forward.

Just as Robin began to panic, a familiar sense of power spread throughout her body— Liam’s ghost!

**’B.I.B.’** enveloped Robin and, without looking back, ran.

“Why not just teleport out?” Robin asked as the ghost controlled her body, her legs effortlessly sprinting to catch up with Liam, who had intentionally slowed down. She couldn’t quite understand his behavior.

What puzzled her even more was that Liam was smiling as he ran, seemingly unfazed by the thunderous footsteps of the pursuing muscular okama.

“Don’t you think these oddballs are actually pretty impressive?” Liam laughed. “Even though they’re a bit hard on the eyes, as sparring partners, they’re quite enthusiastic!”

“…” Robin wasn’t sure what to say to that.

“Stop running~!”

“Wait for us~!”

“You two must be like us, right?”

“Slow down~!!”

The muscular Okama continued their pursuit, calling out sweetly but loudly. Liam quickly realized that they weren’t running at full speed. He wasn’t sure if they simply enjoyed the chase or if they were trying to maintain a delicate, girly image with their gasps and giggles— either way, they seemed to enjoy it a lot.

“Enough already! You ugly freaks!” Liam gave Robin a thumbs-up, then reached towards her chest.

“…” Robin looked down just in time to see Liam pulling out an iron rod from her body… Oh, right. She realized it was from the ghostly castle armor she was wearing at the moment.

Liam stopped running, the tip of the rod hitting the ground. “Who’s afraid of who?! Come at me if you dare!”

“Oh my~!”

“Is that a declaration of love~!”

“We like it so much…”

The muscular Okama didn’t hesitate at all and happily rushed toward Liam.

Robin slowed her pace and stopped on the beach, watching as Liam was engulfed by a sea of burly men. Concerned, she asked, “Will he be alright?”

『B.I.B.』 wanted to reassure her that if things got too tough, Liam would just call him to retreat… However, Robin didn’t have Kenbunshoku Haki (Observation Haki) and hadn’t mastered Life Return either.

Though armored, she could only use the capabilities the armor granted her, rather than any special powers. For instance, just because she wore the armor didn’t mean she suddenly gained a Stand’s abilities, so she couldn’t observe 『B.I.B.』.

After fighting the ferocious Okama for a while, Liam realized he couldn’t hold out much longer and immediately turned and fled…

『B.I.B.』 followed, carrying Robin along…

On the beach, a group of “girls” chased after a pair of young adventurers…

They fought for a bit, ran for a bit…

“You sure recovered quickly! You were so badly injured…”

“The other side didn’t get away unscathed either.”

In the heart-shaped palace, Ivankov nodded with a sly grin, “But those burns… If I’m not mistaken…”

He shook the latest newspaper in his hand, which detailed news about the Heavenly Tribute ship being robbed and Marine Vice Admiral Sakazuki’s pursuit of the criminals.

The silent injured man nodded. “Yes, I was the one who hijacked the Heavenly Tribute…”

“Whaaaat?! You hijacked the Heavenly Tribute?!!! I’m so scared…” Ivankov’s head grew even larger in shock, before striking a pose and laughing, “Just kidding! Not scared at all!!”

“Oh, you weren’t scared! You fooled me!!” The Okama servants in the palace burst out laughing.

“…” The injured man remained unmoved, his expression indifferent. He muttered to himself, “But what was the point? I robbed the Heavenly Tribute only to realize that it would end up hurting the very people I wanted to protect— the oppressed citizens… The Heavenly Tribute may have been stolen, but the Celestial Dragons’ tribute cannot be short. So the kingdoms will simply tax their people again… In the end, I had no choice but to return the Heavenly Tribute…”

Ivankov stopped joking around, crossing his arms as his oversized head took on a serious expression. “You’re thinking about such troublesome things… Who exactly are you?”

“A man who is nothing.” The man replied coldly. “But if you need a name, you can call me Dragon.”

Ivankov was about to say more when a commotion could be heard outside.

“What’s with all the noise?” Ivankov asked.

“Iva-Sama, someone has intruded…” An okama reported.

“Pirates? Marines?” Ivankov placed his hands on his hips. “Don’t chase them away… No, wait! Don’t chase them! Bring them here and turn them into new humans!!” He struck another flamboyant pose.

“Oh, so we don’t need to chase them away! You tricked me!!” The Okama servants laughed joyfully.

Dragon: “…”

On the pastel pink beach, even the distant sunset seemed to turn into a heart sinking into the sea, winking playfully.

“Huff… huff…” Liam lay on the ground, drenched in sweat.

He couldn’t take it anymore. These beastly okama were too much! He had given his all, fighting them with full effort, but they seemed to be toying with him, effortlessly treating it as a playful game…

Robin leaned over, peering down at Liam.

“You alright?” Robin asked, resting her hands on her knees.

“I don’t even have the energy to pick my nose…”

“But they’re coming this way…” Robin glanced at the beach, where the “girls” were gleefully lining up and sprinting toward them.

“Time to retreat!” Liam panted, raising his head and shouting to the approaching okama, “You better not run tomorrow! Just wait for me… B, open the door!” He quickly added in a low voice.

But 『B.I.B.』 didn’t immediately use the Shiro Shiro no Mi (Castle-Castle Fruit) to pull him and Robin into the castle…

“B, open the door already! Stop messing around…” Liam grumbled, turning around only to see 『B.I.B.』 signaling him to look in another direction. From deep within the island, a giant purple “ball of yarn” came tumbling toward them, rolling and flipping until it landed on the beach with a bang.

It turned out to be a “two-headed” figure who spun in place before landing, arms spread out, a painful grimace on his face as he roared, “I… I threw my back out…”


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