INIIDF-Chapter 100 Kizaru’s High Concentration

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A massive mushroom cloud slowly rose above the snow-covered Karakuri Island.

Don’t worry, this isn’t the fourth time this island has been blown up. We’re just rewinding time a bit, shifting the perspective back to Liam and the others…

Back to the story!

Using the ghost city fort, Liam and Robin easily left the burning research facility, flying away right in front of the Marines and the chubby Sentomaru.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Cold winds howled between the snow-capped mountains.

Due to the tremors caused by the massive explosion at the research facility, the snow on the mountains shook loose, shedding like white robes.

In the chest of the Stand armor, a portal to the city fort opened.

Liam sat at the entrance, flying through the snowy mountains with “B.I.B.,” carefully observing the area for any sign of the hidden Vegapunk research facility that might be revealed by the tremors.

Robin sat in the corridor behind Liam, leaning against the wall while reading a book.

“Liam, why do you call me Captain?” She asked casually.

“Because I don’t want to be the Captain,” Liam replied just as casually.

“Oh…” Robin flipped a page. A hand sprouted from the ground beside her, created by her Flower-Flower Fruit (Hana Hana no Mi) ability, and lifted a cup of tea to her lips for a sip.

Wow! My eyes are going blind…

Liam squinted as he searched the snowy mountains for a while, his eyes feeling increasingly sore as if the endless white was enveloping his vision, making his head spin.

“Forget it!”

Liam stood up and patted the wall at the entrance to the ghost city fort. “Good buddy, I’ll leave this honorable post to you! I think training suits me better…”

He strode back into the city fort. Robin: “…”

Liam returned to the Stand City’s training ground and began to train vigorously.

“B.I.B.” silently continued to fly through the wind and snow, weaving between the mountains, searching for Vegapunk’s other secret research facility.

A golden beam of light shot out from the depths of the Grand Line, slanting down onto the ice around Karakuri Island.

Vice Admiral Borsalino briefly materialized, pursing his lips with an “Oh?” sound, and then his body split into countless golden light particles, silently reflecting off the ice at an obtuse angle, bouncing into the sky above the towns of Karakuri Island.

His Justice coat flapped in the cold wind at a high altitude.

Borsalino’s figure once again disintegrated into countless golden points of light, and in a blink, he had shot straight into the sky, reassembling into a humanoid form in the Marine base on the island.

His sudden appearance startled the Marines stationed there.

The base’s senior officer spat out a mouthful of hot tea and rushed forward in a panic, “Vice, Vice Admiral! Vice Admiral! Borsalino, I didn’t expect you to come in person…”

“After all, Dr. Vegapunk’s research facility is no small matter…” Borsalino’s tone was as leisurely and nonchalant as ever. He strolled through the base, his white Justice coat looking particularly imposing. “Besides, the doctor and I are on pretty good terms,” he said, taking out the two freshly issued bounty posters from his coat and handing them to the base officer.

The senior officer looked at the bounty posters and was immediately dumbfounded!

Seeing their officer’s shocked reaction, the Marines crowded around for a look, their collective Marine hats practically flying off in shock.

“100 Million Beli~~~?!!”

Even though they were Grand Line Marines, they rarely encountered criminals with bounties of over 100 million Beli… This was even more terrifying! If they weren’t mistaken, this was the first time these two criminals had been wanted, right?

Their first bounty was 100 million Beli?!

In the eyes of Headquarters, were they really considered such a threat, so dangerously terrifying?!

Seeing the Marines so flustered, Vice Admiral Borsalino thought about explaining the things that boy Giorno had done in the West Blue… He thought about it, then decided against it.

As long as he caught the boy on this trip, there would be no need to waste breath explaining.

“Now, tell me everything you know about these two…” Borsalino pouted and hummed softly. “We need to catch them as soon as possible!”

A few minutes later, Borsalino’s body dissolved into golden light and flew away, instantly reaching another part of the island.

The Marines at the base clenched their fists as they looked up at the sky. Such an incident was indeed embarrassing for the base, but seeing such a powerful Vice Admiral from Headquarters filled them with pride and excitement.

No matter how powerful that girl Jolyne’s Devil Fruit might be, she wouldn’t be able to escape Vice Admiral Borsalino of Headquarters!

No matter where those two were hiding on this island…

They wouldn’t escape!

On the training ground, a sweaty Liam sat cross-legged, an iron rod resting across his legs.

That time, that chubby kid’s movements… his expression…

Liam carefully recalled every detail of Sentomaru’s training under the large tree, trying to figure out the secret to mastering Haki.

As he was deep in thought, petals began to swirl and gather on his shoulder…


Liam noticed something on his shoulder, and as he turned his head, a finger poked him on the cheek.

Still a bit dazed and immersed in his thoughts about Haki, Liam asked, “What’s going on?”

The finger felt the tremor on his cheek, then pointed toward the entrance of the city fort.

“Oh, did you find it?” Liam tossed the iron rod aside with a clang and grabbed a towel to wipe off his sweat. “I almost forgot…”

Outside the city, in the snow, Sentomaru stood facing Borsalino and said, “The first time I saw them was in this kind of snowy field… They headed toward the mountains… It seemed they intended to go to the research facility from the start…”

“What kind of Devil Fruit ability are we dealing with? You were there at the scene, but you didn’t notice anything?” Borsalino asked with his hands in his pockets, looking down.

Not finding any useful clues from Sentomaru, Vice Admiral Borsalino once again transformed into a beam of golden light.

He stopped at various towns on the island, searching for clues about the two criminals.

“I haven’t seen them since then…” A young girl holding a dog waved her hand dismissively.

“I see…” Borsalino turned into a goldenen light and left.

In the blink of an eye between each appearance, the golden light circled the entire island multiple times, searching the island over and over again.

Vice Admiral Borsalino wasn’t particularly skilled in Kenbunshoku Haki (Observation Haki).

A blind swordsman in a purple robe, eating noodles outside, suddenly lifted his head slightly and murmured to himself, “They even sent someone this powerful… Something really big must have happened!”

Naturally, it was a big event. The destruction of Dr. Vegapunk’s research facility had already begun to be called the nightmare of this “Future Country” Baltimore!

People cursed the culprits who committed such a crime and hoped the Marines would capture them soon.

The golden light converged into Vice Admiral Borsalino’s form above the burning ruins of the research facility. He looked down for a while.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…

The golden light swept across the snow-capped mountains on the island in a blanket search.

Unexpectedly, or perhaps as expected, it didn’t take long… The countless golden particles gradually formed Vice Admiral Borsalino’s figure in front of a deep cave on a mountainside.

“How scary… Could they be inside here?”

Liam quickly arrived at the entrance of the Stand City Fort, where Robin, holding the book she had been reading earlier, was watching the snowstorm outside.

On that mountainside, a pile of snow slid off, revealing more of the entrance to a cave.

Liam lightly patted the wall of the Stand City fort, and “B.I.B.” immediately flew toward the cave in the mountainside in front of them.

So this was why Liam had to blast apart that research facility… Robin thought to herself as she jumped out of the “B.I.B.” city fort. She curiously observed the interior of this smaller research facility…

Unlike the previous one, which focused more on cultural research, this facility’s style leaned more toward weapons manufacturing… Various mechanical devices of different shapes, and eerie-looking liquids bubbling in upright glass containers…

Sparks flickered from the wires inside the research facility.

Liam picked up a research document, and after just a few glances, he was immediately intrigued.

The cave was dimly lit, and a tall figure walked inside. His eyes suddenly emitted two beams of golden light, illuminating everything in the cave.

“I see, so this is the hidden research facility…”

Vice Admiral Borsalino walked through the empty research facility, picking up scattered blueprints from the floor and glancing at them briefly.

“How frightening… They were conducting such dangerous research all along~”

He took a stroll around the facility, observing the terrifying devices and research results filling the room.

“Perhaps… We should be thankful that there weren’t enough resources to satisfy the doctor’s research back then… Otherwise, who knows what kind of terrifying weapons might have been created~!”

Vice Admiral Borsalino evaluated with his usual nonchalant tone, then pulled out a mini Den Den Mushi from his pocket and directly contacted Headquarters.

“I’ve made a remarkable discovery~”

After some time, Vice Admiral Borsalino walked out of the cave research facility. The Marines from the base had received the news and were on their way in teams.

“Let’s search two more times~” The Vice Admiral turned into golden particles and spread out across the island. “Only Kenbunshoku Haki can sense ghosts… Could Kuzan have been joking? I’ve been searching for so long without the slightest trace… What a bother~!”

The air on Karakuri Island had a slightly higher concentration of Kizaru.

And outside the cave, in the snow-covered ground, a pair of innocent eyes suddenly opened. Its entire body blended perfectly with the white snow…



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