INIIDF-Chapter 1: The Boy Emerging from the Garbage Heap

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(The original name of the main character in this novel was Lin Qi but I have changed it to Liam Quinn but I will mainly use the name Liam. If a new name comes up in the future chapter where the main character decides to change his name from Chinese to English then I will mention this again)

As Liam slowly regained consciousness, he almost gagged. It was unbelievably foul, wherever the hell he was!

Next came the throbbing pain, along with a stifling sensation caused by something heavy pressing on him.

What happened?

Where am I?

‘I remember that after returning to the dormitory, Old Wang, holding an ‘Arrow’ Jojo prop he bought on Taobao, came to greet us with a surprise…

After that, everything seems to be a blur…’

Liam felt bewildered and forced himself to open his eyes. However, he couldn’t see anything clearly; the surroundings were shrouded in darkness with faint glimpses of light.

The indescribable stench enveloped him, making him feel nauseous.

When Liam tried to move, he realized that his body and limbs were pinned down by a heavy object, rendering him immobile.

Is this some kind of landfill? Could it be that those scoundrels from the dorm buried me here?

Liam continued to struggle, but his awkward position made it difficult to exert any force, and he couldn’t push the heavy object away no matter how hard he tried.

He was getting exhausted.

Liam paused for a moment, feeling overwhelmed by the stench of the garbage pile, which almost made him want to pass out.

Suddenly, fragmented memories flashed in his mind:

A blurry woman’s face, rapid breathing, and cries while running, a turbulent sea, pirates fighting and laughing, splashing blood and sword clashes, a hill covered in flowers, bedsheets, and clothes billowing in the warm sun…

Liam stopped struggling.

He froze.

These sudden fragmented memories were definitely not his own!

Sea, Flag!

Pirate, Swords!

And the name is spoken by those wildly laughing pirates in the memories – ‘Pirate King’ Gol D. Roger!

Liam continued to struggle, putting in all his effort to push the garbage off himself.

His heart was pounding.

How could this be?

How is this possible?

How did I end up in a world built from a manga, and in the era just two years after Roger’s death, in the world of the Pirate King?

The surge of complex emotions seemed to give Liam extra strength, causing the garbage pressing on him to shift and make noise.

Suddenly, a hand with blue flame patterns reached out in front of him.

“Thank you!” Liam quickly grabbed it.

The owner of the blue hand gripped him tightly and with a “Bang,” pulled Liam out of the garbage pile.


Liam lay back on top of the garbage pile, grinning and greedily inhaling the air.

Despite the gloomy weather and the drizzling rain, Liam’s mood was remarkably beautiful.

Such fresh air!

He took a few more deep breaths… wait, after getting used to it, the air on top of this garbage pile wasn’t so fresh after all. Liam got up from the pile with a disgruntled look on his face.

It was then that he noticed that his hands and feet had become slender and didn’t look like a twenty-something young man; he resembled a 12-13-year-old kid!

So, it’s really a soul transmigration…

Liam suppressed his complex emotions, forced a smile, and turned to say, “Thanks for your help just now…”

As he turned, Liam’s pupils contracted!

There was no one around. The drizzling rain fell on the desolate wasteland, and everything was eerily quiet. The only sound was the pattering of raindrops on the garbage at his feet.

Where did the person with the blue arm go?

Liam felt a shiver down his spine, his hands and feet turning ice-cold. If he stayed in this rain any longer, he’d likely catch a cold.

With a racing heart, he looked around the terrain of the garbage pile, trying to find a route to climb down as quickly as possible.

Suddenly, Liam’s wandering gaze met a pair of bright emerald green eyes, and he froze.

The young girl with emerald green eyes had long, straight black hair, and a pretty straight fringe, and was dressed in a simple camisole dress. Her complexion was pale and sickly, with hints of malnutrition, and she appeared weary as if she hadn’t slept well.

At this moment, she was staring blankly at the sudden appearance of the tall boy on top of the garbage pile. Was there really a person in the garbage pile earlier?

Liam was also looking at her, but his expression was mischievous. A young Robin, huh? Pretty cliché!

I won’t fall for that!

He chuckled and said, “Hey, isn’t this the 79 million Belly-walking rabbit?”

Just as he finished speaking, Liam’s feet slipped, accidentally stepping on a hollow part of the garbage pile. He tumbled down from the top and landed on the ground with a thud, feeling sore and painful.

“…,” Liam groaned in pain, and it took him a while to get up.

In his shattered memories, the original owner of this body seemed to have been casually tossed into a garbage pile after his death. Liam realized that this body wouldn’t withstand such a fall!

“That little rabbit sure runs fast…”

Liam sat down in the rain and glanced around while finding that Little Robin had disappeared without a trace.

I wonder how my revelation of having a bounty of 79 million Belly just scared Little Robin, who had escaped the Marine’s slaughter and was fleeing throughout West Blue, to the point that she disappeared in the blink of an eye…

“Why do I still feel so empty inside…” Liam muttered sourly.

Suddenly, footsteps approached, accompanied by the sound of rain. Liam turned his head and saw a Robust Man in a black suit and a black hat coming from the misty wilderness. What caught Liam’s attention, even more, was that the Robust Man had a gun in his hand.

Rainy weather, a young boy, and a person with a gun in a black suit. Something wasn’t right.

“Hey, kid over there!” The suit-clad Robust Man threw a dirty stray dog in front of Liam and shouted loudly in the rain, “Have you seen a girl with long black hair, slim build, and about a head shorter than you? She has emerald green eyes and a high nose…”

The stray dog whined pitifully as it was roughly thrown in front of Liam. He stared at the man with guns and, with an innocent tone, said, “Hey, Uncle, isn’t it weird to wear sunglasses on a gloomy, rainy day? Can you even see the road clearly?”

“Kid! I’m asking you if you’ve seen that girl!” The black-suited Robust Man clenched the gun in his hand, gave the dirty stray dog a kick, and scolded, “This dog met her, it was running this way just now! She can’t be far from here. Tell me, have you seen her?”

The little dog was kicked and whined, then headed towards a nearby garbage pile. Liam grabbed its tail and pulled it back.

“Don’t you have trouble seeing in this weather?” Liam held the dog’s front paws, looking puzzled. “It must be difficult to see with those sunglasses on such a gloomy day!”

“You brat!” The black-suited Robust Man said, and as a clap of thunder rumbled through the gloomy sky, he kicked Liam to the ground.

“Was I asking whether I can see or not?” He scolded. The rain fell steadily as the stray dog whimpered and circled around Liam but dared not confront the black-suited Robust Man.

“Acting dumb all this time, it seems like you’ve really seen her!” The black-suited Robust Man took out a rope and quickly tied Liam’s hands behind his back.

He threatened with a wicked smile on bis face, “If you don’t answer honestly, I won’t use the gun on you. I’ll just leave you here. How many days do you think it’ll take before this dog can’t resist eating you?”

I… Liam felt like swearing but couldn’t.

Am I about to be transported to another world again? Or should I just die already? It’s a pity; I wish I had talked to Robin a bit more… Wait, that’s not right. Thank goodness I scared her away; otherwise, this Black-Clothed Person would have caught her.

However, the Black-Clothed Person wasn’t being polite at all. Seeing that Liam had a tight lip, he punched Liam several times as he approached. Liam’s hands were tied behind his back, and the rain poured down on them.

The stray dog whined and ran over to lick the blood on Liam’s lips, its eyes teary.

The black-suited Robust Man pulled Liam up. The young boy’s gaze remained unwavering.

He didn’t think much of the little kid; these youngsters who believed they were brave and strong were usually easy to crack.

“Ah!” The black-suited Robust Man suddenly shouted as if something had hit him hard on the head. He clutched his head, looking around. Within the rain’s curtain, apart from the bound boy in front of him, there was no one else.

“Who? Who hit me?!” The black-suited Robust Man shouted into the drizzly wilderness.

The stray dog whimpered cautiously at Liam’s legs. Liam, however, looked at the empty space next to the black-suited Robust Man in surprise.

There, standing tall, with a physique similar to Liam’s but completely covered in black, was an “extraordinary being”! On the surface, it resembled a person but had the appearance of an Iron Man suit.

Its mechanical body had sleek lines outlining its facial contours, with no mouth or nose, only elongated, bright white eyes.

The left arm bore blue flame patterns, and the right arm had red flame patterns, seemingly imbued with special abilities. The patterns converged at the chest, forming a slightly glowing white inverted triangle.

Just a moment ago, Liam saw this entity suddenly appear and deliver a punch to the Robust Man.

At that moment, the rope binding Liam’s hands suddenly loosened.

Along with the loosening of the rope, flower petals drifted down, getting soaked by the rain, appearing exceptionally pure and beautiful.

(End of this chapter)


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