HOM-Chapter 217 Stimulated Lin Rui

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While asking this question, Lin Rui is ready to summon the Phantom Suit at any time. As soon as Loki shows the slightest sign of being ready to strike, Lin Rui is ready to fight. The Phantom Suit’s current level of magic and mental defense is only D level, but it should give him some resistance, and if push comes to shove, he would be able to cause Loki some trouble.

Lin Rui’s biggest reliance is not his own strength, but his judgment on the current situation. Because this is the real world of Marvel, and it is very different from the movie situation. Thor’s situation is very different from that in the movie, and Loki’s plot is completely different. Lin Rui is betting now that Loki is constrained on the planet. When Thor was shouting at Loki when he was in the library, he heard it. If Loki really acted at that time, it would have caused more trouble. Whatever the problem is that is contracting Loki, if it affects a god at Loki’s level, then Lin Rui can take a gamble.

“Haha, the temptation you presents is very good. I can tell you clearly that I really can’t attack you arbitrarily.” After hearing Lin Rui’s refusal and seeing his expressions, Loki sneered suddenly.

Hearing Loki’s answer, Lin Rui suddenly felt relieved as he still made the right bet. However, he only relaxed for a second, and Loki’s next words raised his heartbeats again.

“However, even if I kill you, there will only be a little trouble for me. Do you think I would care about that little trouble if I really want to deal with you?” Looking at Lin Rui’s expression changes, Loki went on lightly. Speaking of this, although his tone was flat but Lin Rui could still hear a hint of threat. While saying this, Loki glanced at a certain corner of the park.

“So, are you willing to it now?” Loki asked again.

“Do I still have a choice? However, how can I help Thor? Even he doesn’t know how to regain his Divine Powers. What good can an outsider like me do?” Lin Rui asks helplessly with a wry smile.

“It’s up to you to think about it. Maybe you don’t need to do anything. Thor isn’t that stupid. He can still get the hang of it at the critical moment.” Loki didn’t care if he didn’t give Lin Rui anything.

Faced with Loki’s irresponsible explanation, Lin Rui can only feel helpless and has no choice. Who says the situation is not as good as it is now.

“Well, I’ve finished talking to you, and it’s time for me to leave.” As if sensing something, Loki is ready to leave.

“That … See you later.” Lin Rui was going to ask Loki about the benefits of helping Thor, but he didn’t. Now Lin Rui’s strength is still too low and even if he asks Loki, there will be no answer. Only when his strength reaches the point where Loki attaches importance to him will his words have power at that time.


Then Loki disappeared with a snap of his fingers. Lin Rui stayed at the lake for half an hour after Loki left, and it was enough time for him to sort out his confused head.

Lin Rui does not notice that while he was standing by the lake thinking about Loki and Thor, two people in strange costumes were watching him from a distance of 100 meters behind him. They did not finish their observation until he left.

“What did Loki say to him? Do you want to follow him?” Asked one of the two men who had stared at Lin Rui for half an hour.

“Let’s not go any further. Loki has visited the Ancient One before, and he wouldn’t mess around on the earth.” Looking at the back of Lin Rui’s, the other person answered with some hesitation.

“Well, I think so too. Then, let’s go back.”

Buzz ~

Then, without attracting anyone’s attention, a magical space door suddenly appeared in the corner of the park and the two specially dressed guys stepped in and disappeared. Lin Rui, who had left, didn’t notice these things in the slightest. His head is still a little confused and he needs to rest urgently.

After resting at his uncle’s house for almost two days, Lin Rui took a bus back to New York. During this time, Lin Rui also went to see Thor again, after all, he promised Loki to help Thor regain his Divine Powers. Originally, even if Loki didn’t ask Lin Rui, he had already planned to help Thor and after getting threatened by Loki, he wanted Thor to get his powers back so that Thor could beat up Loki.

Not long after Lin Rui returns home, the hollow voice of the system comes out in his head, prompting Lin Rui to complete his week-long quest to protect Fury and receive a Reward. This hidden quest has a total of 20,000 Reward points, which is not bad.

Lin Rui, who is rewarded, exchanges several D-Level training cards in one breath. After being completely crushed by Loki, Lin Rui realizes that his strength is still too small. Therefore, Lin Rui, who has never been very active in his training, intends to train hard in the future, so that the next time he meets Loki, he will not be as helpless as he was this time.

However, according to Lin Rui’s conjecture, even if he cultivates the Advanced cultivation technique “Heaven’s Origin Heart Law” to the top level, he may not be Loki’s opponent. After all, Loki is a powerful sorcerer of Asgard and Lin Rui himself doesn’t know much about magic. It is impossible to blindly upgrade the magic defense of Phantom Suit which would just turn it into a hard shell and not provide a complete defense.

“Maybe, I can explore the path of magic. Marvel World does not lack magic. Whether it is Asgard’s magic or the Earth Sorcerer order, they are both important parts of Marvel World. Since he chose the cultivation technique route in the system, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t have talent in magic.” Lying in bed, Lin Rui suddenly feels that she has discovered a bright avenue.

“First, let’s spend some Reward points to test my magic talent. If I have some talent, I don’t need to spend many Reward points to study it in the system. I can study at Kamar-Taj. Even a man like Stephen Strange can learn magic, why can’t I?” Lin Rui’s mind has been absorbed by this thought. However, the test results may not please him.

“What is this? Unsuitable for learning magic? Is it a euphemism to tell me that I have no talent in magic at all?” Sure enough, Lin Rui had obtained the system test results a few minutes later and it seems that he did not have any magic talent. This result also broke Lin Rui’s option to learn magic.

Then, Lin Rui had to devote himself to the cultivation of internal energy. Since he couldn’t learn magic, Lin Rui had to make himself stronger by cultivating his Internal Energy. Anyway, whether it is magic, abilities, or internal energy, it is an external manifestation of strength. No one is strong or weak when it comes to power.

In fact, when the system suggested Lin Rui to choose a growth path, it already knew Lin Rui’s talent. He is the most suitable for cultivating internal energy and mental skills. Lin Rui’s talents of other growth types are not so good. Unless a large number of reward points are used to stack them, they will not have much effect. Otherwise, the system would not have recommended Lin Rui to choose the path of the internal energy cultivation process, which is a relatively slow way to improve his strength. The system was forced to do so.

In this way, a meeting with Loki greatly stimulated Lin Rui. Not only did he have a clear understanding of his own strength, but he also had other ideas in his mind that might have a huge impact on the world in the future.

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5 thoughts on “HOM-Chapter 217 Stimulated Lin Rui”

  1. of course the plot armor would prevent him getting stronger in anything but Cultivation!
    why? because if you a Chinese you had to cultivate !

  2. This is getting ridiculous at this point, it would make sense for the story to find a way for the MC to lose his system later on (to stunt his growth leaving actual challenges rather than him blowing through everything) but why’d it happen so early? I don’t want to read hundreds of chapters with the MC only being around Captain American level power wise, especially when it says bs like he doesn’t have aptitude in anything by cultivation in order for them to have an excuse to make this some cultivation novel (but it doesn’t even really do that right) like without the system this guy is useless (even with the main system his growth is still terrible) like he just fought with Loki and in an attempt to catch up what does he do? Spends points on some 1 hour training sessions as if that’s going to change much, magic resistance? Nah lemme fight someone that I could probably otherwise train with anyways…


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