HOM-Chapter 1323 Support

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Novel is finished on my Patreon so you can read all the advance chapter till last on my patreon https://www.patreon.com/marvel6395

In a Marvel Universe filled with superheroes and cosmic adventures, our story unfolds in a moment of respite on Earth and takes us to the far reaches of the cosmos.

Lin Rui, accompanied by Peter and Jack, embarks on a journey to Asgard through the Bifrost, eventually planning to offer support to Star-Lord with the help of Asgard’s luxurious cosmic warship.

Back on Earth, in Tony Stark’s underground laboratory, a weary Tony takes a break from analyzing and dissecting nanotechnology. While Lin Rui shared this technology with Wakanda, Tony still needs to invest some time in learning and applying it to his suits.

“J.A.R.V.I.S…” Tony calls out as he reclines on a sofa.

“Sir, what can I assist you with?” J.A.R.V.I.S. responds.

“I need a moment of rest, and please, don’t let anyone disturb me, except Pepper.”

“Understood, sir.”

“By the way, where did that Jackson kid run off to? Youngsters these days are so restless. I haven’t even rested, and he’s already taken off!” Just before closing his eyes, Tony inquires about Lin Rui.

“Jackson…” J.A.R.V.I.S. hesitates, an unusual hint of emotion in his tone.

Tony, now with his eyes wide open due to J.A.R.V.I.S.’s unexpected response, inquires further, “What has Jackson done this time? He hasn’t gone missing again, has he? He only returned a few days ago!”

“Based on J.A.R.V.I.S.’s observations and SHIELD’s global monitoring system, Jackson seems to have gone to Asgard with Peter and Jack…”

After answering Tony’s question, J.A.R.V.I.S. projects a video in front of him, depicting Lin Rui summoning the Bifrost in the desert during the last few seconds before departure.

Watching the magnificent Bifrost descending from the sky and swiftly taking Lin Rui and the others away, Tony can’t help but sigh, “This guy! Is he off to play in Asgard or what?” Tony is clearly exasperated by Lin Rui’s departure to Asgard.

“I don’t know, perhaps. Maybe Thor invited them; after all, Asgard has been recovering well since the war ended.”

“Alright then, J.A.R.V.I.S., keep an eye on global events at all times and notify Captain Rogers of any superhuman activity. I’m going to take a nap.” Tony shakes his head slightly, not intending to worry about what Lin Rui is doing in Asgard, and lies back down.


A minute later, Tony’s faint snores fill the luxurious living room, while J.A.R.V.I.S. thoughtfully shields him from all information and dims the room’s lights.

Meanwhile, at SHIELD headquarters, Captain Rogers also learns of Lin Rui’s departure to Asgard through reports from his subordinates. However, like Tony, Rogers doesn’t seem overly concerned about Lin Rui’s whereabouts.

While Lin Rui often finds himself in situations involving superhuman activity, going to Asgard this time doesn’t seem to pose a threat to Earth, Rogers reflects quietly, “This guy may not follow the rules, but he’s always protecting Earth.”

In the vast expanse of space, countless light-years away from Earth and Asgard, a luxurious palace-shaped warship emerges from warp travel, gleaming brilliantly in the cosmic expanse.

Fortunately, the coordinates provided by Yondu are precise, and there are no interstellar pirates in the vicinity, which could have easily surrounded this opulent warship.

Thor, standing at the forefront of the luxurious control room, gazes at the endless expanse of space and remarks to Lin Rui, “So, Jackson, you’re saying that Ego is a cosmic entity born from the universe itself, and now he wants to consume Star-Lord, the only being with his divine powers, to gain strength and consume more life-bearing planets? This story sounds quite fantastical…”

Hearing Thor’s words, Lin Rui casts a glance at him and teases, “Fantastical? Well, aside from warriors like you, Asgard is quite proficient in magic. We can even hear the word from your mouth…”

“Magic is not exclusive to Asgard; it’s from your Earth. Besides, although our magic is powerful, the concept of a sentient planet is still unheard of in Asgard,” Thor retorts, clearly detecting the teasing tone in Lin Rui’s voice.

“Indeed, Ego’s situation is extremely rare in the entire universe. There may be no other beings like Ego, the Star-Lord. He has been sowing his seed and infecting other life-bearing planets to enhance his power,” Lin Rui explains, drawing from the information he obtained from the system.

To Lin Rui, Ego’s power and level of existence are truly extraordinary, bordering on godlike within this universe. However, compared to Ego’s power, his physical form is surprisingly fragile.

Ego’s true form is a miraculous brain that has grown in the universe for millions of years before gaining consciousness. He then began to control the surrounding atoms and energy to construct a planetary shell around himself, a process that continued for an immeasurable duration.

Despite consuming countless planets over the years and strengthening his power, Ego’s core, the brain, has remained fundamentally unchanged. Thus, Ego has focused on reinforcing the protective shell around his brain, which is the continuously growing planet.

“There it is! That star up ahead! Is that the Ego you mentioned, Jackson?” Peter suddenly shouts with excitement, catching Lin Rui’s attention.

Upon hearing Peter’s exclamation, Lin Rui redirects his gaze to the front. The next moment, he sees a planet that, while smaller than Earth, is no less beautiful, adorning the cosmic sky.

From space, this planet appears to be a mix of green and yellow, devoid of vast oceans like most habitable planets. However, since life on this planet is entirely shaped by Ego’s will, its appearance is unsurprising.

“The life index of this planet is indeed high, but the detected number of individual life forms is low. It seems to be a planet dominated by a single, powerful life force,” Thor calmly remarks after observing for a moment.

“Yes, I’ll contact Yondu and check the situation there. Hopefully, our arrival will be timely,” Lin Rui nods, taking out his communicator.

Meanwhile, as Lin Rui, Thor, and their team explore the realm of Ego’s true form, events on Ego’s planet unfold much as Lin Rui had anticipated.

After bringing Star-Lord to this planet, Ego continues to play the role of a loving father, trying to compensate for the years Star-Lord lacked a father’s love. Ego, being a being that has existed for countless years and left its mark throughout the universe, finds it easy to deceive Star-Lord, who had been longing for paternal affection.

In a short time, Star-Lord has come to completely trust Ego, even giving up his dreams of being the greatest Guardian of the Galaxy, as he accepts Ego as his father figure.

However, Star-Lord’s teammates are not entirely trusting of this sudden uncle’s appearance. While Drax remains oblivious, Gamora and Rocket harbor suspicions, though Ego has yet to reveal any flaws.

On this particular day, Star-Lord is learning how to harness the primordial energy unique to this planet, guided by his newfound father. Gamora, on the other hand, grows weary of this situation and decides to take a solitary stroll. With Ego’s presence, Star-Lord has become less dependent on her company, and he fails to notice her discontent.

As she wanders, Gamora ventures away from Ego’s palace and arrives at a desolate area, distinctly different from the rest of the planet, resembling a wasteland. She notices something unusual protruding from the barren ground, resembling a small, white bone-like structure.

“What is this…?” Gamora mutters to herself, her brows furrowing as she approaches the enigmatic discovery.


Novel is finished on my Patreon so you can read all the advance chapter till last on my patreon https://www.patreon.com/marvel6395

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