HOM-Chapter 1293 Species?

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Just as Tony turned to ask Eddie if he needed help, and J.A.R.V.I.S. had directed a number of weapons targeting Venom at him, the frenzied Venom in his mind was desperately stabilizing his consciousness and urgently communicating with Eddie.

In order to make Eddie believe him, Venom directly told him the reason for his current transformation, which was that he had sensed the presence of a special member of their species in the deepest part of the laboratory.

Venom’s uncontrolled rampage was a result of the influence of that member of their species, and Venom himself couldn’t take any action against Eddie. Especially in Tony Stark’s territory, the opposition had countless means to annihilate Venom.

Upon hearing Venom’s cries, Eddie’s consciousness gradually solidified. “Species? Are you saying that Stark already has an extraterrestrial lifeform like you, and it’s here in this laboratory?!”

“That’s right! And this member of our species is the most unique existence in our entire group. That’s why I suddenly lost control and experienced a consciousness breakdown. It’s because of its influence, and it’s luring me to save it!” Venom continued to explain anxiously as he saw Eddie absorbing his words.

“The most unique existence, luring you to save it? Can you still control yourself and resist its influence now?” After hearing Venom’s explanation, Eddie couldn’t gauge how much of this information Venom was aware of, so he continued with his questions.

“I can! While I can’t block its consciousness sensing, I can control myself not to succumb to its temptation. Don’t worry, as long as I can live well on Earth, I won’t bother about the survival of other species!” Venom’s voice, almost unable to withstand the continuous high-frequency sound waves, sounded somewhat exasperated.

Huff, huff, huff~

While Venom and Eddie were rapidly communicating in their minds, the black tendrils writhing on Eddie’s body were increasing, and Venom was on the verge of being unable to continue parasitizing Eddie.

If Venom hadn’t known that even if it escaped from Eddie’s body, it wouldn’t escape Tony Stark’s experiments, he might have jumped out of Eddie at the next moment under the influence of that member of their species.

“Okay, I’ll trust you one more time!” After carefully assessing Venom’s consciousness, Eddie chose to trust this creature that had gradually become his partner.


In the next moment, Eddie’s tightly closed eyes suddenly opened wide, and the originally black-flooded eyes began to regain some of their original color.

“Mr. Stark, I can control it now, please put everything away!” Enduring the intense pain brought by Venom’s shared experience, Eddie looked at Tony seriously and said.

If these high-frequency sound waves continued to attack, not only Venom but even Eddie would soon be unable to endure. After all, Venom was still in a symbiotic state with him, and Venom’s pain was also part of Eddie’s experience.

“Are you sure?” Tony asked, intrigued by Eddie’s answer and the expression on his face.

“Sure!” Eddie felt that Venom was on the verge of breaking down.

“Well then… J.A.R.V.I.S, cease the attack.”

“Very well, sir.”

Swish, swish, swish!

After J.A.R.V.I.S. acknowledged, all the weapons in the entire laboratory were put away, and the high-frequency sound waves stopped instantly. Then, Venom, who had been almost completely uncontrollable on Eddie’s body, quickly retracted in a tremor. At this point, Eddie appeared to be no different from before.

Once all the tendrils of Venom on Eddie had retracted, Tony carefully observed Eddie’s condition, combining it with J.A.R.V.I.S.’s scans, and confirmed that Eddie was truly fine at this moment. At least, Venom, which was parasitic within him, had stabilized, and Tony couldn’t monitor the situation inside his brain that precisely.

“It seems like there’s no problem now. So, Eddie, can you tell me what just happened?” Although Tony knew that Venom’s outburst was definitely related to the “Venom” sealed in the deepest part of the laboratory, he couldn’t directly say it.

Upon hearing Tony’s inquiry, Eddie hesitated. “Well…”

“No need to hesitate. In fact, I may know more about Venom, this extraterrestrial lifeform, than you, its symbiote. So, what you’re hesitating about might not be a big deal to me,” Tony said, seeing Eddie’s hesitation.

“Venom? How about you come out and explain it to him yourself?” Without immediately responding to Tony, Eddie’s consciousness rapidly communicated with Venom in his mind.

“Sure, I believe Mr. Tony Stark won’t harm me,” Venom quickly agreed.

As a powerful extraterrestrial lifeform, Venom felt quite frustrated. He had initially thought that finding a suitable host would allow him to live on Earth without worries.

However, he was first threatened by the Phantom Knight, who seemed to have come from nowhere, then influenced by Eddie’s consciousness to engage in a fight with a boss-like entity during a rampage, and finally, he was recruited by SHIELD.

Now, after finally finding peace and settling down nicely with Eddie at SHIELD, Venom had discovered the most unique member of their species within Tony Stark’s domain. And he had almost been destroyed under its influence. Now, all he could do was obediently come out and personally explain things to Tony.

“In that case, Mr. Stark, I’ll let Venom come out and explain it to you in person,” Eddie said to Tony after receiving Venom’s response.

Seeing Tony nod, a black, viscous substance slowly appeared on Eddie’s shoulder. Then, a portion of Venom’s main body separated from Eddie’s body and formed the image of a husky on Eddie’s shoulder.

After establishing the principle of peaceful coexistence with Eddie, Venom takes on the appearance of a husky every time he emerges. After all, this external appearance change didn’t hold much significance for Venom.

Tony was no stranger to the existence of extraterrestrial lifeforms like Venom. Even after witnessing the black tendrils waving all over Eddie’s body up close, he remained unfazed. However, when Tony saw the blob of black substance transform into a husky, his composed expression faltered slightly.

“Respected Mr. Tony Stark, I am Venom.” Unaware of Tony’s change in expression upon seeing his form, Venom greeted Tony politely after emerging.

“Hello, Venom.” Although it was somewhat absurd to greet a completely black, strange-looking husky, Tony responded calmly.

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