HOM-Chapter 1175 Jack’s Mission

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Faced with Jack’s repeated persuasions and growing impatience, Wong was unsure of whether he should persist.

However, when it came to the Eye of Agamotto, Wong indeed dared not use it lightly. That artifact wasn’t just a powerful protection symbol; it housed an even more potent force.

Apart from the Ancient One, no one had been able to harness the power within it. Even though Wong possessed considerable power, he held great reverence for the Eye of Agamotto, mainly because he couldn’t use it himself.

Previously, Ancient One had attempted to unlock its inner power for some gifted young sorcerers, but it seemed that no one had truly harnessed the power within the Eye of Agamotto.

“Do you know what kind of power is sealed inside the Eye of Agamotto? No one can use it except for the Ancient One! And even if someone could use it, the consequences might not be smaller than Dormammu invading Earth and devouring it,” Wong said, hesitating amidst various thoughts, ultimately rejecting Jack’s request.

The Time Stone, as one of the six Infinity Stones capable of controlling time, could bring immeasurable consequences if mishandled. Changes in space might affect only a region, but alterations in time could disrupt entire timelines and causal chains. Hence, even the Ancient One wouldn’t casually employ the Time Stone.

“I didn’t know before, but now I do. There’s a power sealed inside it that can control time! As for the consequences you mention, I can’t comprehend them. Earth is about to be devoured, and if Earth is lost, the people I care about will be gone. What do I care about the consequences?” Jack shouted back, undeterred by Wong’s refusal.

As he yelled, magical fluctuations gradually emanated from Jack’s being. If Wong continued to block his way, Jack would resort to force. Though Jack didn’t consider himself a match for Wong, he was willing to try!

Sensing the waves of magical energy emanating from Jack, Wong squinted his eyes, and his own magical aura appeared. If Jack indeed intended to forcibly take the Eye of Agamotto, Wong wouldn’t let him have it.

However, just as the tension between Jack and Wong escalated, a figure suddenly appeared beside them: Stephen Strange. While everyone else had already left the chamber, Strange had sensed magical disturbances from outside.

Of course, by choosing this moment to appear, Strange had overheard the conversation between Jack and Wong.

“Wong, Jack, perhaps I can help,” Strange said somewhat awkwardly, speaking directly as their gazes turned toward him.

Upon hearing Strange’s words, the reactions of Wong and Jack were different. Wong wore a bewildered expression, unsure of Strange’s intentions.

On the other hand, Jack’s eyes showed complexity because Lin Rui had already informed him that besides the Ancient One, the most likely and qualified person to use the Eye of Agamotto was none other than Stephen Strange.

“What can you do? Don’t interfere!” After a moment of confusion, Wong shouted loudly at Strange.

“Can you really?” Following Wong’s outburst, Jack asked in turn.

“I believe I can.” Ignoring Wong’s questioning, Strange looked at Jack with a serious expression and answered.

During these days of combat against the renegade sorcerers, Strange’s own power had been rapidly increasing. Otherwise, Kaecilius wouldn’t have treated Strange as the primary adversary besides the Ancient One.

With his growing strength, Strange had also made new progress in his research of the Eye of Agamotto. From the moment he first encountered the Eye of Agamotto, he had sensed its extraordinary nature. With continued study, Strange discovered the power of time contained within it.

However, due to the ongoing battles with the renegade sorcerers and the impending arrival of Dormammu, the renegades had ceased their conflict with the Earth sorcerers and were waiting for Dormammu to arrive and depart with Kaecilius. Consequently, Strange hadn’t yet tapped into the power of time.

“What are you two talking about?” Hearing the conversation between Jack and Strange without understanding its context, Wong questioned with a puzzled expression.

Though he didn’t grasp the specifics of their discussion, Wong instinctively sensed that something significant was happening, possibly related to the Eye of Agamotto. Jack’s changing expression further hinted at its importance.

However, neither Jack nor Strange paid much attention to Wong’s inquiry. Jack no longer considered himself part of the Earth sorcerer lineage, and Strange felt little constraint from the Earth sorcerers. Therefore, they weren’t particularly concerned about the importance of the Eye of Agamotto, as expressed by Wong.

“I trust you!” In front of Wong, Jack looked at Strange and said seriously.

In truth, Jack didn’t just trust Strange; he had even more faith in Lin Rui. Lin Rui had informed him that besides the Ancient One, the most likely person qualified to use the Eye of Agamotto was Stephen Strange. This was the primary reason Jack trusted him.

Dī Dī Dī!

Just as Jack finished speaking, a series of urgent notification sounds suddenly emanated from him. Upon hearing this noise, Jack quickly pulled out a communicator from his pocket. After seeing the message from the communicator, his expression became notably tense and serious.

“What’s going on?” Witnessing Jack’s sudden change in demeanor, Strange also asked nervously.

“Dormammu has broken through Phantom Knight’s combined blockade; at this rate, he’s about to rush into Earth!” Not intending to hide anything, Jack quickly replied.

Upon hearing Jack’s words, both Strange and Wong had their expressions change. Jack had already informed Wong about Dormammu leaving behind Ancient One and heading toward Earth earlier. However, they hadn’t expected him to arrive so quickly. In other words, they were about to face this powerful boss from the Dark Dimension.

“I’ll gather the sorcerers. We can’t allow Dormammu to destroy Earth!” Trusting the veracity of Jack’s words, Wong immediately took action.

However, just as Wong quickly notified the Earth sorcerers to assemble and confront Dormammu, Strange, and Jack had already created a magical Spatial Teleportation portal and moved to the side.

Whoo, Whoo, Whoo!

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