GGS-Chapter 1154 Exposure of Another Identity Part 2

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When Wu Ju caught sight of this celebrity, his face turned cold, and he let out a sneer. That extraordinarily handsome face once belonged to him. Su Jing had taken it away after their falling out and given it to Lu Jingyi, who subsequently soared to stardom.

“Lu Jingyi, Shark Live Streaming TV Headquarters,” Wu Ju silently noted and said to the others, “You guys go to Su Jing’s house first. I have something to take care of and will catch up soon.”

“Don’t forget the boss’s orders. Avoid trouble. Completing the mission is the priority,” A burly man among the group reminded him with a furrowing brow.

“It’s just a small matter. I’ll handle it quickly on the way,” Wu Ju replied.

Xu Jing glanced at the entertainment news on the television. Having spent considerable time with Wu Ju during their disappearance, he had grown acquainted with his companion.

Both harbored deep hatred toward Su Jing, allowing them to sympathize with each other. Xu Jing spoke up, saying, “Let him go. It won’t cause any trouble.”

“Alright, make sure to catch up as soon as possible,” The burly man instructed.

And so, they parted ways. Xu Jing led six black men and hastened toward Su Jing’s house, while Wu Ju ventured alone to a different location.

In a Live Streaming room, Lu Jingyi had been providing commentary on the boxing finals, including Su Jing’s match. People would ask him why as a superstar would he still engage in Live Streaming.

The answer to that question was simple.

Firstly, it was because of Su Jing. Lu Jingyi admired and idolized Su Jing, and he couldn’t resist the urge to offer commentary on his matches.

Secondly, the Olympic Games were a hot topic, and joining the discussion would be beneficial for his popularity. Lastly, as a superstar, occasionally Live Streaming and connecting with fans in a more down-to-earth manner was a positive move.

However, an unexpected turn of events abruptly disrupted the Olympic Games Live Stream, rendering Lu Jingyi unable to continue his commentary. Yet, since the broadcast had already begun, he couldn’t simply end it.

Instead, he opted to continue the Live Stream and engaged in a conversation with his fans about the chaos in Tokyo and his concerns.

Suddenly, the door swung open forcefully, and a sharp and dignified young man, not particularly handsome but emanating a strong presence, strode into the room. It was Wu Ju.

“Who are you? Can’t you see Mr. Lu is Live Streaming? Get out!” Besides Lu Jingyi and the beautiful female host accompanying him, several staff members were present in the room. One of them, hot-headed by nature, couldn’t contain his anger upon witnessing the intrusion.

However, Wu Ju advanced toward him in large strides, grabbed him by the neck, and lifted him off the ground. The staff member struggled momentarily before losing consciousness.

The other staff members were stunned. Some shouted in alarm, while others attempted to contact the police. Yet, before they could take any action, Wu Ju swiftly incapacitated all of them.

Lu Jingyi and the female host were frightened and tried to escape. However, Wu Ju caught them and forced them back into their seats.

“You… What do you want?” Lu Jingyi’s voice quivered as he gritted his teeth.

“Don’t worry, I won’t harm you. I simply want people to see your true face,” Wu Ju sneered. As he spoke, a profound change swept across Lu Jingyi’s countenance.

“Please, let me go,” The beautiful female host pleaded as tears streamed down her face.

“You don’t have to worry either. I am a compassionate person who knows how to appreciate beauty. I won’t give you a hard time. However, I want to show you what your admired and desired handsome guy sitting next to you truly is,” Wu Ju grinned malevolently as he spoke.

The Live Stream was still running, and the audience witnessed Lu Jingyi and the female host being held captive by Wu Ju. Faced with this sudden turn of events, the viewers became agitated.

“That scoundrel, release our Jingyi!”

“If you dare to harm him even a bit, we won’t let you off the hook!”

“Call the police, call them right away!”

Wu Ju glanced at the screen and noticed that some of the viewers were actually the loyal fans he had gained during his time as “Fair, Fair, Cry the Ospreys” on the Live Stream platform. This discovery sent chills down his spine, but he couldn’t help but laugh coldly.

“Ah, many old friends are here. How delightful,” Wu Ju sneered.

“You… You can’t be…” Lu Jingyi stared at Wu Ju’s face, squinting his eyes. He was well aware of face-changing and facial transplantation techniques. He knew that someone had previously used his current face, and he had glimpsed that person’s true appearance out of curiosity.

Now, upon closer inspection, wasn’t that person standing right in front of him? It’s just that he had lost weight, and Lu Jingyi didn’t recognize him at first glance.

“That’s right, it’s me. You’ve recognized me, so you should know why I’m here, right?” Wu Ju smirked coldly.

Lu Jingyi’s complexion alternated between pale and green. He understood exactly what Wu Ju intended to do, and it was his worst nightmare. After his face had been altered, he had relished the glory and success it brought him.

He reveled in this new identity, and if his fans were to discover the truth, he would undoubtedly fall from grace overnight.

“What? Are you frightened now?” Wu Ju seemed to relish the process of slowly tormenting Lu Jingyi.

Lu Jingyi’s expression turned extremely ugly. He gazed at Wu Ju for a moment, then let out a long sigh and said, “Yes, I’m scared. How could I not be scared? However, now that things have come to this point, it seems that I can no longer hide. It’s true that associating with the wrong people eventually demands a price. Since the truth is going to be exposed anyway, can you allow me to personally explain to my fans and provide them with an explanation?”

Lu Jingyi was not Wu Ju. He had undergone facial reconstruction, yet he managed to develop his acting skills and carve a niche for himself in the entertainment industry.

Though not a household name, he was able to survive. Even without his appearance, he possessed other qualities that set him apart. Their personalities and paths in life were entirely different.

Wu Ju was taken aback. He hadn’t expected Lu Jingyi to be so magnanimous. The thrill of tormenting others instantly waned in his heart, fueling his fury.

“An explanation? Someone like you, what right do you have to speak of accountability?” Wu Ju sneered.

He gripped Lu Jingyi’s hair with his left hand and dug his nails into Lu Jingyi’s forehead, leaving marks on his flawless skin. His actions seemed to suggest a desire to rip Lu Jingyi’s face off.

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