EPHS-Chapter 597 So Despicable

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This novel is finished on my Patreon as I have posted all the chapters there. You will be able to read ALL advanced chapters there and these are the remaining chapters.
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The room was filled with a serene atmosphere as Tenraku lay on the bed, breathing steadily in his slumber. Meanwhile, Shinra Tsubaki sat by his side, her gaze fixed unwaveringly on him, lost in her thoughts.

Images of Tenraku rescuing her from the clutches of 666 (Trihexa) involuntarily floated through her mind— the tension in his expression, the concern in his eyes, and the relief and joy when he found her unharmed.

A gentle smile tugged at the corners of Shinra Tsubaki’s otherwise cool countenance as if she were recalling a cherished memory.

Feeling a slight discomfort at the thought of simply sitting idly by, Shinra Tsubaki rose from her seat and made her way to the adjacent bathroom. She filled a basin with warm water and soaked a towel in it, wringing it out before gently dabbing Tenraku’s cheeks with it, her movements tender and cautious.

In the days since the battle with 666 (Trihexa), Tenraku had been under constant care, with members of the family and even visitors from afar taking turns to watch over him. Despite his condition being stable, his prolonged unconsciousness cast a pall over the Kamiya Family, leaving everyone anxious and uncertain about his recovery.

Once she finished tending to Tenraku’s face, Shinra Tsubaki returned the towel to the basin, lost in thought. After a moment of hesitation, she made a decision and used her magic to regulate the room’s temperature, ensuring it remained comfortable.

With a determined resolve, she uncovered Tenraku and carefully removed his robe, revealing his masculine form.

As she worked, a blush crept onto Shinra Tsubaki’s cheeks. To her, Tenraku’s physique embodied perfection, stirring a newfound awareness within her.

Her heart raced with a mixture of embarrassment and anticipation, unlike anything she had ever experienced before. Though she had faced intense battles in the past, this feeling of nervousness was entirely different.

Every rustle or creak in the room sent shivers down her spine, and she couldn’t help but feel on edge. With each tender touch, Shinra Tsubaki found herself lost in a whirlwind of emotions, her actions guided by a blend of reverence and timidity.

While Tosca and Mihae could have completed the task in mere minutes, it took Shinra Tsubaki over half an hour to finish, leaving her exhausted and perspiring as if she had just emerged from a fierce battle.

But as she adjusted Tenraku’s robe and tucked him back under the covers, a sense of relief washed over her, accompanied by a faint sense of accomplishment.

Although her actions may have seemed insignificant, Shinra Tsubaki took solace in the fact that she had been able to contribute in some way to Tenraku’s care. Despite her lingering embarrassment, there was a small sense of happiness bubbling within her heart.

Just as she was about to return the bathing supplies to the bathroom, a voice suddenly sounded behind her:

“Thank you, Tsubaki San.”

Startled, Shinra Tsubaki turned around to find Tenraku awake, his eyes twinkling with amusement as he looked at her.

“T-Tenraku-sama, you… you’re awake?”

Suppressing her overwhelming embarrassment, Shinra Tsubaki clung to a sliver of hope.

“Mhm, I’ve been awake for a while. So I know everything you’ve done for me, Tsubaki San.”

With a mischievous grin, Tenraku teased her, enjoying her flustered reaction.

In truth, Tenraku could have woken up at any time over the past few days. However, the aftermath of the battle with 666 (Trihexa) had left him weakened, and he needed time to recover fully. But now, feeling considerably better, he decided it was time to rouse from his slumber.

The first thing he noticed upon waking was Shinra Tsubaki’s tender care for him. To avoid embarrassing her, he had pretended to remain asleep until she finished.

Although it would have been easier to wait until she left before waking up, Tenraku found amusement in teasing her and decided to do so while she was still present. After all, where’s the fun in being predictable?

“Tenraku-sama, I… I…”

Realizing her fleeting hope had been shattered, Shinra Tsubaki covered her face, preparing to flee.

She felt utterly embarrassed as if she had lost all dignity!

*Cough Cough Cough…*

“W-wait, Tsubaki San.”

Tenraku coughed weakly, calling out, and upon hearing him, Shinra Tsubaki hastily stopped in her tracks, disregarding her embarrassment and quickly returning.

“Tenraku-sama, what’s wrong?”

“P-please help me sit up first, please.”

“Alright, just don’t move around too much.”

Concerned that Tenraku’s condition had worsened, Shinra Tsubaki nervously assisted him in sitting up, being extremely cautious.

But in the next moment—

“Thank you, Tsubaki San.”

With a radiant smile, Tenraku showed no signs of weakness as he had just moments ago!

“Tenraku-sama, your… your body?”

Shinra Tsubaki was momentarily taken aback.

“As you can see, I’m perfectly healthy. I just used a little trick to keep Tsubaki San from running away.”

“I’m sorry, Tsubaki San, forgive my despicable behavior.”

Admiring Shinra Tsubaki’s adorable reaction, Tenraku chuckled.


Finally realizing she had been deceived, Shinra Tsubaki’s face flushed crimson once again. She whimpered and tried to escape, but this time, Tenraku wasn’t about to give her the chance.

Grabbing her hand, and ignoring the Vice President’s startled exclamation, Tenraku pulled her back into his embrace.

Subconsciously, Shinra Tsubaki attempted to struggle, but Tenraku leaned in close to her ear and said firmly:

“Don’t move.”

With his commanding tone, Shinra Tsubaki’s body stiffened, and she dared not move.

“T-Tenraku-sama, please let me go. I need to go tell everyone that you’ve awakened.”

Suppressing her embarrassment and nervousness, Shinra Tsubaki pleaded.

“There’s no rush. We’ll go out together later.”

“Since we have this rare opportunity, it’s been a while since we’ve spent time alone like this. Please stay with me a little longer.”

“And besides, shouldn’t you give me an answer about what we discussed last time?”

Looking directly into her eyes, Tenraku said.

Slightly trembling, memories flooded back into Shinra Tsubaki’s mind…

To be continued…

This novel is finished on my Patreon as I have posted all the chapters there. You will be able to read ALL advanced chapters there and these are the remaining chapters.
Pls come and support me on there.

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