EPHS-Chapter 584 The Day of Oppai’s World-Extinguishing (Part 1)

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In the sky, Rizevim conjured a massive magic barrier that forcefully repelled Vali’s team members. The enormous war machine, Gogmagog, and the demonic wolf, Fenrir, crashed into several buildings, while Vali, Bikou, and Arthur Pendragon were sent plummeting to the ground.

“Vali, do you need our help?” Tenraku asked with a smile.

“Hmph, mind your own business,” Vali retorted coldly.

Though Vali’s team looked battered and bruised, Rizevim was in no better shape. His once grand robe was now tattered, and his body bore numerous wounds from their attacks.

“Impressive, Vali Chan. You’ve gathered quite a formidable team. I almost thought you might actually defeat me,” Rizevim taunted. “It seems the situation is rather unfavorable for me. The Red Dragon Emperor, Vali Chan, the trump card of the Angel faction, and several princesses from the Gremory, Sitri, and Agares houses.”

Rizevim’s gaze shifted to the crowd, spotting Hyoudou Issei. “Oh, even the Oppai Chan-lover is here?”

“Rizevim!!!” Hyoudou Issei’s eyes burned with rage as he glared at Rizevim.

This twisted pervert had kept him locked in a lab, denying him freedom and injecting his body with strange substances that caused immense suffering. He had even threatened to cut off his manhood!

All of Issei’s misfortunes and pain were because of this monster!

“Escaped, did you? No matter. I’ve already extracted all the value I could from you,” Rizevim said dismissively, showing no further interest in Issei.

“You!!!” Issei trembled with fury.

“Calm down, Issei-Kun,” Tenraku said, placing a firm hand on his shoulder.

Issei’s Oppai power was formidable, capable of taking on high-class devils. However, he was still no match for Rizevim. If he charged in recklessly, he would likely be obliterated by a single spell from Rizevim.

Issei understood this too. His experiences had matured him, and he was no longer the impulsive, clueless boy he once was. Despite his seething anger, he forced himself to stay calm.

“Rizevim, you’re cornered. Surrender now!” Rias demanded with a resolute expression on her face.

They had prepared thoroughly for this assault. They had nearly conquered the entire floating island, and Rizevim was practically alone. Not even Lilith could protect him now.

“Cornered? Surrender?” Rizevim sneered. “No, No, No. You’ve done well, but if you think this is the end, you’re mistaken. I have plenty of tricks up my sleeve. I had hoped to save them for later, but since you’ve forced my hand, I suppose it’s time to reveal them.”

With a sly grin, Rizevim snapped his fingers, causing the entire floating island to tremble.

“What’s happening?”

“Everyone, be careful!”

“The sky is splitting open!”

Tenraku and the others took to the air, watching as a massive rift appeared in the chaotic sky outside the island’s barrier. Slowly, the floating island began to move through the rift.

Sunlight poured down as the surroundings transformed. When everyone regained their senses, they realized the scenery had changed dramatically.

“Where are we?” Tenraku and the girls wondered, their faces filled with uncertainty. But soon they understood:

“Kuoh Town! We’re above Kuoh Town!”

At the same time, the residents of Kuoh Town noticed something unusual in the sky.

“Look! What is that?”


The sight of the massive floating island hovering over the town sent shockwaves of panic and curiosity through the people below.

“Why does it look like an island up there?”

The residents of Kuoh Town were abuzz with conversation as they stared at the mysterious object hovering high above their town. Though it was difficult to see clearly from such a distance, there was no doubt in anyone’s mind that it was an enormous structure.

There were exclamations of wonder, and expressions of curiosity, but mostly a growing sense of unease and fear spread among the people.

“Rizevim, is this your plan? To threaten us by putting the entire Kuoh Town at risk?” Tenraku’s voice was low and tense, reflecting the concern shared by everyone around him.

The entire floating island of Agreas was now positioned directly above Kuoh Town. It wouldn’t take much for Rizevim to cause massive destruction; simply lowering the island would be enough to crush the entire town beneath its weight.

“Threaten? No, No, No. While that idea has its merits, I have something far more interesting planned,” Rizevim replied with a twisted smile. “I must thank Oppai Chan for this. Now, let me show you the results of my research on him!”

With a flourish, Rizevim activated a magical array, causing the entire floating island to tremble. A massive pink beam shot up from the center of the island, piercing the sky.

It was a giant pink beam, identical to the one that appeared whenever Hyoudou Issei used his Oppai power!

Unsure of what was happening, Tenraku and the others watched with intense vigilance. The pink beam ascended into the heavens, where it began to form numerous gigantic pink magic circles in the sky. These were unlike any known styles— neither Devil, Elf, Norse, nor Fallen Angel— they were something entirely new. Once completed, these magic circles started to glow with a blinding pink light.



“My chest! What’s happening to my chest?!”

“They’re gone, my breasts are gone!”

Pink energy began to be siphoned from the women of Kuoh Town, causing their once full and beautiful breasts to vanish as if deflated like balloons! It wasn’t just the women in the town; even Rias and the other girls on the floating island were affected.

Irina clutched her now flat chest in horror. Asia and Xenovia stared at their own chests in disbelief and panic. Rias, Akeno, Sona, Shinra Tsubaki, and Seekvaira were equally shocked, while Koneko-chan collapsed to the ground with a vacant look in her eyes.

For Koneko-Chan, whose development had been slow, her chest was a sensitive issue. Yet even her small, cherished breasts had not been spared!

Rias and the other girls’ breasts were treasures that Tenraku valued deeply. Seeing them disappear before his eyes, Tenraku’s fury surged—

“Hyoudou Issei!!!”

There was no need to ask; it was obvious what had happened. Tenraku’s murderous gaze fixed on Hyoudou Issei.

“It wasn’t me! It wasn’t me!” Issei exclaimed, waving his hands defensively, terrified by Tenraku’s wrathful expression.

Tenraku knew this wasn’t directly Issei’s doing; if it were, he would have eliminated him long ago. However, it was clearly related to his abilities.


“Scared? Shocked?”

“Oppai Chan, your body holds enough power to destroy the world.”

“Watch closely. This is the result of my research on you!”

As Rizevim’s maniacal laughter filled the air, the pink magic circles, now brimming with absorbed energy, began to shine even brighter. Then—

Giant Oppai began to materialize from the magic circles!

**To be continued…**


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