EPHS-Chapter 583 Show Some Respect

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“Please… no… spare me!”



When Tenraku and Hyoudou Issei found Raynare and Walburga, the two twisted, dark women were busy torturing a group of mages and guards. Severed limbs and remains littered the area around them.

Standing on several still-breathing enemies, the women laughed maniacally. Despite having seen numerous horrific scenes on their way, Hyoudou Issei couldn’t help but feel a chill down his spine, and even a wave of nausea washed over him.

“Raynare, Walburga, have you had enough?” Tenraku asked, frowning at their madness.

“Hehe… it looks like our master has returned,” Raynare said with a sinister smile. She and Walburga crushed the throats of a few mages and guards underfoot before walking toward Tenraku.

“Hyoudou Issei?” Raynare looked surprised to see Issei standing beside Tenraku.

“Yuuma-Senpai, is that you?!” Issei exclaimed in shock as he finally recognized Raynare.

In his memory, Amano Yuuma always followed Tenraku around and was a sweet, popular girl at school, admired by many boys in their class. She was nothing like the bloodthirsty maniac standing before him now.

“My real name is Raynare, a Fallen Angel. ‘Amano Yuuma’ was just a fake name I used to fool ignorant people like you,” Raynare explained coldly. “And don’t you dare look at me with those filthy eyes, or I’ll gouge them out!”

Black energy emanated from Raynare as she glared at Issei. His instincts screamed danger, and he quickly lowered his head, avoiding her gaze.

This was the true face of Amano Yuuma— no, Raynare— a ruthless, cold-blooded Fallen Angel.

“Raynare, who is this?” Walburga asked with a wicked grin on her face while eyeing Issei with curiosity.

In the past, Issei would have been thrilled to be scrutinized by a beautiful woman. But now, he felt like a prey being eyed by a venomous snake, every hair on his body standing on end.

“He’s Hyoudou Issei, our neighbor and a disgusting guy obsessed with Oppai,” Raynare introduced him dismissively.

Expecting someone special, Walburga lost interest upon hearing this. She, too, looked at Issei with disdain.

“Enough, you two. Issei-Kun is our neighbor. Show him some respect,” Tenraku said, feeling irritated by their behavior.

“Yes, master,” They replied nonchalantly, treating Issei as if he were invisible.

Shaking his head, Tenraku patted Issei on the shoulder as he spoke. “Don’t mind them, Issei-Kun. They’re just a couple of crazy women.”

“N-no, it’s fine. I don’t mind,” Issei stammered, forcing a laugh. In his mind, he was thinking, “I already know they’re crazy! After seeing their brutal actions, I wouldn’t dare to take their words to heart!”

“The battle outside should be nearly over. Let’s head out and take a look,” Tenraku suggested. “Walburga, destroy this place.”

“Certainly, my dear master,” Walburga replied with a grin.

The four of them headed towards the exit. Walburga, holding her lovely parasol, snapped her fingers, and pillars of fire erupted, demolishing the entire underground base.

**Boom! Boom! Boom!**

The sound of destruction echoed around them as they walked out into the chaos of the ongoing battle…

When Tenraku and his group returned to the surface, they found Vali’s team still locked in fierce combat with Rizevim in the sky.

Despite losing the [Light Wings of the White Dragon Sovereign – Divine Dividing], Vali was a master of magic. The loss of his Sacred Gear had only pushed him to focus more on his magical training, resulting in a barrage of powerful, dazzling spells that kept Rizevim on the defensive.

Bikou, a descendant of the Great Victorious Fighting Buddha Sun Wukong, wielded his Ruyi Jingu Bang with ferocity. He rode his somersault cloud, laughing wildly as he battled with glee.

Arthur Pendragon, an elegant Holy Knight, brandished the Holy King Sword – Caliburn. His sword slashed through the air, leaving countless rifts in its wake. Even Rizevim had to shriek and dodge to avoid being struck.

Gogmagog, a war machine giant created by God, stomped the ground with heavy thuds, causing it to cave in. Its massive steel arms swung with immense power, supporting Vali and the others. Part of Gogmagog’s arm transformed into a machine gun, firing powerful magical bullets at demonic beasts.

Additionally, there was the demonic wolf Fenrir, created by the Evil God Loki. With its God-slaying Fangs, it was a force to be reckoned with, comparable to one of the Heavenly Dragons in its prime. Though its strength had waned, it remained ferociously powerful, almost tearing Rizevim apart with its savage attacks.

Vali’s team might have been small in number, but each member was an elite warrior, capable of fighting hundreds or even thousands on their own. Together, they had Rizevim constantly on the defensive, looking rather beleaguered.

“Rias, Sona, Seekvaira, Griselda, are you all okay?” Tenraku called out as he approached the group of girls standing to the side.

“We’re fine. We didn’t encounter any difficult opponents,” Rias replied while shaking her head. However, she looked surprised when she saw Hyoudou Issei behind Tenraku. “Issei?”

“We found Issei-Kun in an underground lab below. We rescued him on our way out,” Tenraku explained.

“Rias-Senpai, President-Sama, it’s been a while,” Issei greeted the girls.

The girls nodded politely but without much enthusiasm. Although the Hyoudou family lived next to the Kamiya family, the differences in their social status meant they rarely interacted. After a brief glance, the girls turned their attention back to Tenraku.

“Where are Azazel and Sairaorg?” Tenraku asked.

“Azazel took Ikuse Tobio and Lavinia to investigate another area. They might find some clues about Sovereign Beast 666 – Trihexa,” Sona explained. “As for Sairaorg, he went to confront the Emperor.

The Emperor has already chosen to surrender, stating that his mission is complete and that he will accept any punishment from the Underworld regardless of the duel’s outcome.”

Tenraku nodded, satisfied with the updates. The situation was heavily in their favor. Rizevim, now nearly isolated, had no chance against their well-coordinated assault. Everything was going according to plan.

**Thump! Thump! Thump!**

The ground shook, signaling the arrival of Grendel, Ladon, and Vritra from the distance.

“Boss, we’ve taken out Niðhöggr. Here’s the soul you wanted,” Grendel boomed, holding a struggling black orb.

“Monsters!!!” Hyoudou Issei nearly collapsed in fear at the sight of the massive dragons.

“Issei-Kun, don’t worry. They’re our allies,” Tenraku reassured him, patting his shoulder. Then, he turned to Grendel and the others. Despite their battle damage, they had succeeded in defeating the [Extrajudicial Death Dragon] Niðhöggr, just as expected.

“Where’s Niðhöggr’s body?” Tenraku asked, sealing the soul in a jade jewel.

“Vritra and I ate it,” Grendel replied with a grin, even burping.

“Well done. You all can return to the Sacred Gear to recover,” Tenraku praised them.

With a wave of his hand, the three giant dragons transformed into jade jewels and were absorbed back into Tenraku’s body…

**To be continued…**

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