EPHS-Chapter 582 Saving Private Issei (Part 2)

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“Ugh… Tenraku, help… help me…”

Hyoudou Issei’s voice was weak and strained. It was clear he had been subjected to severe abuse, struggling desperately to call out to Tenraku for aid.

His once vibrant eyes now looked dull and lifeless, his body marked with countless needle scars and deep cuts. Several fingers and toes were even missing, indicating the brutal torture he had endured.

Tenraku couldn’t help but feel a pang of shock and pity. Issei, once the protagonist of this world, had been reduced to such a pitiable state.

“Issei-Kun, I’ll get you out of here,” Tenraku assured with a firm tone.

He had promised Motohama and Matsuda that he would save Hyoudou Issei if the opportunity arose. Now, seeing Issei in such a dire condition, Tenraku knew he had to act quickly.

Drawing his sword, Tenraku sliced through the shackles binding Issei’s wrists and ankles. Issei tried to sit up but failed, his body and spirit teetering on the brink of collapse.

“Don’t move. Let me heal you first,” Tenraku instructed.

With a focused expression on his face, Tenraku activated [Holy Grail of the Secluded World – Sephiroth Graal]. A grey light enveloped Issei, causing the numerous needle marks to vanish and even regenerating his missing fingers and toes.

The power of this Longinus, known as a tool that could destroy gods, was extraordinary. It could resurrect the dead and heal the most grievous injuries with ease.

In no time, Tenraku completed the healing process, and the Sacred Gear’s power dissipated. Though Issei still looked emaciated, his wounds were entirely healed. Feeling a wave of relief wash over him, Issei managed to muster enough strength to sit up.

“Hungry… I’m hungry… give me something to eat,” Issei muttered in a hoarse voice.

Understanding his plea, Tenraku smiled and handed him some snacks he usually kept for Ophis. Issei’s eyes lit up with a ravenous gleam as he grabbed the food and devoured it eagerly.

“Thank you… thank you, Tenraku,” Issei said between bites, while tears streamed down his face. “Those Devils… they’re monsters. They kept me locked up, experimented on me, drained my blood, and injected all sorts of things into me. They even cut off my fingers and toes… I thought I was going to die.”

Issei’s voice was choked with sobs as he recounted his harrowing experiences, his body shaking with each painful memory.

“Issei-Kun, you’re safe now,” Tenraku reassured him. “We’re attacking the enemy’s base. Stay close to me, and once this is over, we’ll get you out of here.”

Comforting Issei, Tenraku helped him to his feet. Issei, eager to leave this nightmare behind, hastily put on some discarded lab coats for warmth and clung to Tenraku’s side.

With no further interest in exploring the base, Tenraku decided it was time to regroup with Walburga and Raynare. As they exited the lab, more enemies appeared, their intent clear.

“Damn Red Dragon Emperor! Stop them!” They shouted while rushing to block their path.

Issei’s eyes widened with fear, but Tenraku stood firm, his presence a shield against the chaos.

“Stay behind me, Issei,” Tenraku ordered, unsheathing his sword once more.

The battle continued to rage around them, but with Tenraku’s skill and determination, they would carve a path to safety.

A squad of guards spotted Tenraku and Hyoudou Issei and immediately charged at them, their faces twisted with fury.

Tenraku was about to engage them, but Issei stepped forward first, with rage burning in his eyes.

“It’s all your fault! Every bit of my suffering is because of you!”

“Oppai, grant me strength!”

Fueled by his hatred for his tormentors, a pink beam of light burst from Issei’s chest, and two massive Oppai emerged from it.

**Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!**

**Boom! Boom! Boom!**

Screams filled the air as pink energy waves erupted from Issei’s Oppai, sending the guards flying.

“You’re just an experiment! Don’t get cocky!”

The squad captain, a powerful figure, conjured a magical barrier to protect himself, glaring at Issei with disdain.


The captain’s anger was nothing compared to Issei’s seething hatred. He intensified the energy output from his Oppai, and cracks began to form on the magic barrier.

**Crack! Crack!**

“No, this can’t be happening!”


With a final, desperate scream, the barrier shattered, and the captain was obliterated by the overwhelming power of Issei’s Oppai.

Gasping for breath, the fire in Issei’s eyes dimmed slightly as his rage subsided.

Watching Issei take down an entire squad with his Oppai power, Tenraku couldn’t help but twitch his lips in disbelief.

As they continued their advance, more guards and mages confronted them. But one by one, they fell to Issei’s relentless assault. He was like a wild tiger unleashed, tearing through everything in his path.

When Issei used his Oppai beam to defeat a mage with strength comparable to a high-class Devil, Tenraku was genuinely astonished. He knew Issei had awakened the power of the Oppai soul and had even fought as a hero alongside Motohama and Matsuda in Kuoh Town, but Issei’s strength had never been this formidable before.

It seemed that during his time as Rizevim’s experiment, Issei’s powers had significantly increased!

After dispatching several squads, Issei was finally exhausted. He asked Tenraku for some milk, and after gulping down a few cartons, his energy was miraculously restored.

Tenraku could only shake his head in disbelief. Issei truly was defying all odds with his Oppai power.

To be continued…

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