EPHS-Chapter 574 The Darkness of the Rating Game

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Sairaorg, Seekvaira, Griselda, Dulio, Azazel, Ikuse Tobio, Vali’s team, and all the members of the D×D Team were gathered in the Kamiya Family’s VIP room.

On the large screen in the VIP room, the news program of the Underworld TV channel was playing. Below the screen, in devil script, were striking headlines like “Accident Occurs Suddenly in the Rating Game!” and “Emperor Missing During Match!”.

“Let’s take a look at this. This is footage from the scene,” Azazel said, inserting a disc containing recorded footage for everyone to watch.

The footage recorded the recent match of Emperor Diehauser Belial in the Underworld Rating Game. As the champion of the Rating Game, Diehauser Belial’s matches garnered much attention.

As usual, Diehauser Belial and his Peerage easily won the match with their efficient tactics. The entire battle was spectacular, even the opponents who lost to them conceded gracefully.

Everything seemed normal until then. The match should have officially ended, but unexpectedly, Diehauser Belial and his Peerage remained on the field even after his opponent had left.

There was no sound in the footage as if someone had deliberately deleted it. Diehauser Belial was seen standing in front of the screen, saying something, and then taking out an item from his pocket.

The item in Diehauser Belial’s hand was blurred, making it impossible to discern what it was. After saying something, Diehauser Belial suddenly appeared on the screen through a transmission formation, along with Demon King Ajuka Beelzebub.

Diehauser Belial and Ajuka seemed to have a conversation for a while, but the content of the dialogue was unknown to everyone. In the end, the entire footage became completely blurred, and nothing could be seen clearly.

“Azazel, did you gather us here just to watch this? What does the Emperor’s disappearance have to do with our D×D Team?” Tenraku asked, feeling puzzled after watching the footage.

“That’s exactly what I’m about to tell you. According to the information we just received, Emperor Diehauser Belial has betrayed the Underworld and sided with Rizevim. He was the insider during the attack on Agreas, which is why you were constantly at a disadvantage and fell into Qlippoth’s trap,” Azazel explained.

“What? Emperor Diehauser Belial betrayed the Underworld!”

“No wonder… No wonder we were… manipulated by Rizevim.”

Both Rias and Tenraku were shocked by the revelation. Diehauser Belial was not only Sairaorg’s senior and goal to surpass but also someone who had given him much guidance and help, like a sensei. Sairaorg had always respected and trusted him, only to find out he was a traitor!

Understanding Sairaorg’s feelings, Tenraku patted his shoulder without saying much. This man had a heart as strong as steel and wouldn’t be easily defeated by such a thing.

“Do we know why Emperor Diehauser Belial betrayed the Underworld? I’ve never heard that he supported the old Demon King faction before,” Rias, who also saw Diehauser Belial as a goal to surpass, asked with a grim expression.

“The Emperor indeed did not support the old Demon King faction. I confirmed it with Ajuka before coming here.”

“As for the reason for his betrayal, it could be to expose the darkness of the Rating Game.”

“Expose the darkness of the Rating Game?” Azazel said, prompting confusion from everyone.

“Rias, how do you view the Devil’s Rating Game?”

Not directly answering everyone’s confusion, Azazel asked.

“Isn’t it obvious? The Rating Game is the stage where all young Devils showcase themselves. We compete with each other, constantly surpassing our opponents and ourselves. As long as we achieve excellent results in the Rating Game, it brings great benefits and honor to ourselves and our families.”

Although she didn’t know why Azazel was asking these questions, Rias answered truthfully.

“That’s right. That’s the Devil’s Rating Game for you. Over the long history, it has become an indispensable part of your economy, culture, and even values.”

“And your Rating Game demands absolute fairness and justice. Without it, the results of the Rating Game would be meaningless.”

“Isn’t that right?”

Without revealing his intentions, Azazel replied, prompting Rias to ask in disbelief…

“So, Rias, although you all are talented, you are still too young. You don’t understand the darkness of this world. Just as humans can sell their souls for their desires and ambitions, Devils can also sell their dignity and honor for so-called benefits and power.”

“Your so-called fair and sacred Rating Game has long been corrupted by those big shots. They manipulate matches, set up gambling, bribe players, and interfere with commercial licensing, and so on.”

“Today’s Rating Game is no longer a fair competition. It’s just a means for those big shots to make huge profits, while you young people continue to fight foolishly.”

With a sigh, Azazel’s tone carried a deep mockery, while Rias and her girls simultaneously changed color.

“Azazel, even if you say such things, you need to take responsibility!” An Emotionally charged Rias said in a low voice.

Only Azazel had been trusted by everyone all along. If anyone else had said such things, Rias would have probably turned hostile already.

To claim that their fair and sacred Rating Game had already been corrupted, turned into a dirty means for those big shots to make profits— if that were true, what were their persistence and efforts for all this time?

“Rias, calm down a bit.”

“Although these things may be difficult for you to accept for a while, what Azazel said is not wrong.”

With a sigh, Tenraku also spoke up, urging Rias to calm down first.

“Tenraku, are you saying the same thing too?”

Rias found it hard to believe.

“Haha, Tenraku, it seems like you also know some inside information.” Azazel chuckled as he spoke.

“I know a little.”

“Unlike Rias and her girls, I’ve seen a lot of dirt and darkness since I was young. I naturally understand how those so-called big shots behave.”

“Azazel, continue.”

Tenraku shrugged as he spoke as he didn’t care.

“The sound in the previous footage was deliberately deleted because what the Emperor said must not be known to the public. The item he gave to Ajuka was also blurred because, to those big shots, it is also a prohibited item that must not be exposed.”

“Rias, do you know what that thing is?”

To be continued…

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