EPHS-Chapter 568 Santa Claus Arrives

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Unsurprisingly, the attack on Heaven by Qlippoth caused a massive stir among all factions. The situation became even more dire when it was revealed that Rizevim had unsealed Sovereign Beast 666 – Trihexa and was working towards its revival.

The tension and pressure were palpable, as everyone understood that the resurrection of Trihexa would spell disaster for the world.

The leaders of various factions were in constant meetings and discussions, and Heaven issued a strong condemnation to the Grecian Underworld. Despite the approaching New Year, the high-ranking officials and power brokers had no hope of enjoying the holiday season peacefully.

In the midst of this turmoil, Asia’s name spread like wildfire among the high-ranking officials of various factions and the Dragon Race. Her ability to purify the evil aura from Evil Dragons and command multiple powerful Dragons made her a subject of great interest and curiosity for everyone.

Numerous factions and families reached out to Tenraku and Rias, offering generous terms in hopes of securing Asia for themselves.

Asia’s unique ability to command a group of powerful Dragons made her a valuable asset, equivalent to the strength of a small faction. With her potential to gather even more Dragons in the future, these factions had grand plans for her.

They believed that acquiring Asia would also grant them control over her Dragons’ immense power. However, Tenraku and Rias had no interest in these offers. Asia was not just talented; she was family, friend, and comrade-in-arms. No matter the offers, they would never trade her away.

While some schemed to obtain Asia, she was in her room, basking in Tenraku’s love and affection.

“Tenraku-San… Tenraku-San…” Asia moaned.


A surge of warmth exploded within her, flooding her with indescribable pleasure that momentarily rendered her mind blank.

After their passionate exchange, Tenraku gently caressed her face once she regained consciousness.

“Asia, now consider me your god,” Tenraku said with a devilish grin.

“Yes, Holy Lord-Sama…” Asia replied, her eyes filled with a mix of love and reverence.

With a tender kiss, Tenraku once again claimed her, this time as her divine master, bestowing upon her the ultimate blessing…

It was Christmas Eve.

Location: Kamiya Family training grounds.

As the assembled DxD Team gathered, Tenraku surveyed them with satisfaction. Tonight would mark their first collective action as the DxD Team, and their mission was to play Santa Claus, delivering gifts to the residents of Kuoh Town.

To set the mood, everyone donned Santa Claus outfits— red suits for the men and cute red dresses for the women. Excitement was palpable in the air, though a few outliers stood out among the team.

“Vali, put on the hat. A Santa Claus without a hat is no Santa Claus,” Tenraku called out to Vali, who had tossed aside his Christmas hat.

Vali, maintaining his aloof demeanor, ignored Tenraku. He clearly found the outfit humiliating, and getting him to wear the suit had already been a significant challenge. Frustrated but determined, Tenraku picked up the hat and approached Vali.

“Come on, be a sport. Put on the hat, and I’ll let you handle Rizevim next time we face him,” Tenraku coaxed, patting Vali’s shoulder.

Vali, his expression stoic, finally relented and donned the hat. Lavinia and the other girls couldn’t suppress their laughter, while Tenraku nodded in approval. Despite Vali’s attitude, Tenraku knew how to handle him.

With everyone dressed, it was time to prepare Santa’s sleighs. Dozens of sleighs were ready, and Tenraku planned to use his Sacred Gear, [Demonic Beast Creation – Annihilation Maker], to summon reindeer. As he activated his power, a herd of beautiful reindeer appeared on the training grounds. Everyone eagerly selected their reindeer and hitched them to their sleighs.

“Kamiya Tenraku, we need a few more reindeer over here,” Sairaorg called out.

“We need to maintain unity while showcasing each team’s uniqueness,” Tenraku replied. “Sairaorg, you’re the Great King of the Lion Clan. Use your lion to pull your sleigh. Vali, Bikou, use Fenrir. Ikuse, you and Lavinia use Slash Dog.”

Tenraku referred to Ikuse Tobio’s Sacred Gear, [Inugami of the Black Blade – Canis Lykaon], which usually took the form of a massive black dog. While using lions, wolves, and dogs as sleigh pullers felt odd, Tenraku’s authority as captain meant everyone had to comply.

Sairaorg, Vali, and Ikuse Tobio managed to prepare their unique sleigh teams, despite the initial awkwardness. Sairaorg, in particular, had a tough time convincing Regulus, his [Pawn], to transform into a lion for the task.

As the time approached, everyone was ready, paired up or in threes, each with a large sack slung over their shoulders.

“Set off!!!” Tenraku commanded.

Reindeer lifted into the air, and the sleighs followed, flying above the town.

“Oh, oh, Santa Claus is here!”

“Merry Christmas, everyone!”

The team spread out, calling out Christmas greetings and tossing glowing spheres down to the town below. These spheres, prepared by Heaven’s Angels, transformed into various gifts upon reaching the ground.

Kuoh Town’s residents soon noticed the Santa Claus figures in the sky, their mouths agape in disbelief.

“Santa Claus! So many Santa Clauses!”

“I must be seeing things!”

“Ah… the light ball turned into a gift! I got a present from Santa Claus!”

“Look, that Santa Claus is using a lion to pull his sleigh!”

“There’s a wolf over there!”

“And a huge dog!”

Kuoh Town buzzed with excitement. It was like a dream come true with so many Santa Clauses delivering gifts.

Tenraku, Rossweisse, and Yubelluna covered the southern part of the town. As they flew over a house, Kiryuu Aika poked her head out of a window, drawn by the commotion.

“Hey, Kiryuu, Merry Christmas. Here’s a gift for you,” Tenraku called, tossing a glowing sphere to her.

Thinking better of it, he grabbed a few more and tossed them down. After all, it was the season of giving, and friends deserved something extra.

Kiryuu caught the glowing balls, which turned into beautifully wrapped presents. She stood at the window with a dumbfounded expression on his face, trying to process what was happening.

“What’s going on? What’s going on?!!”

“We have other places to go, so see you later!” Tenraku waved as he prepared to leave.

Kiryuu finally snapped out of her daze, her eyes gleaming with excitement. She dropped the presents, jumped out of the window, and landed on Tenraku’s sleigh.

“Damn you, club president, you didn’t invite me to something this fun. I want to be Santa Claus too! I want to give out gifts too!”

Kiryuu clung to Tenraku and shouted, her voice was loud and insistent.

“You don’t even have a Santa suit. Get off, we have more gifts to deliver,” Tenraku said, trying to pry her off.

“I don’t care! You fix it, club president! I want to join in!”

Feeling exasperated, Tenraku looked at Yubelluna and spoke. “Yubelluna, give her a Santa suit.”

“Yes, Tenraku-Sama,” Yubelluna replied, smiling as she used magic to transform Kiryuu’s clothes into a Santa outfit.

“Hahaha… now I’m Santa Claus too! Set off, set off! Santa Claus is here!”

**To be continued…**

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