EPHS-Chapter 567 Asia’s Talent

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Rizevim and Lilith vanished into the teleportation formation atop the floating island, leaving behind a world that now faced imminent disaster. Despite knowing the catastrophic potential of Rizevim’s plans, everyone was powerless to stop him, forced to watch him depart.

“Partner, I’m back.” A scarlet light descended, revealing Ddraig’s form.

“Did you win?” Tenraku asked.

“Yes, I gave Crom Cruach a thorough beating. It was quite satisfying,” Ddraig responded, nodding as her enormous chest bounced.

Tenraku wasn’t surprised by this outcome. Since their resurrection, both Ddraig and Albion had regained their peak strength. Moreover, their bodies, crafted using Ophis’s cells, now possessed the attribute of “infinity,” making their current combat prowess even greater than before.

Although Crom Cruach was a formidable Evil Dragon of the Heavenly Dragon class, defeating him was not difficult for Ddraig in her current state.

“But where is Crom Cruach now? Has he left Heaven?” Tenraku inquired.

“He’s already fled. He mentioned that he’s lost interest in [Qlippoth] and won’t be returning there. He also said he’ll seek us out for another fight when the time comes,” Ddraig replied.

“That guy really sees us as his sparring partners. Next time he shows up, make sure to beat him thoroughly within an inch of his life,” Tenraku said with a chuckle.

“Haha, leave it to me, partner!” Ddraig laughed before transforming into a ball of light and merging back into Tenraku’s body.

Though Rizevim had departed, the battle was far from over. Tenraku, Michael, and the others hurried to the lower heavens to assist their comrades. Together, they swiftly eradicated the remaining mass-produced Evil Dragons.

The battles in the Garden of Eden in the Fourth Heaven and the paradise of the Third Heaven concluded successfully. After regrouping with Ravel, Sona, and the others, Tenraku and his team headed to the Second Heaven to support Rias and her group.

However, by the time they arrived, the battle in the Second Heaven had already ended. Although Rias and her group had sustained some minor injuries, they were all healed by Asia.

What surprised everyone was—

“Asia, did you tame these Evil Dragons?” Tenraku asked, feeling astonished, as he looked at the ten massive Evil Dragons standing behind Asia.

Unlike other Evil Dragons, these had lost all traces of malice and seemed quite affectionate toward Asia.

“I-I don’t really know what happened. They tried to attack me, and I just wished that everyone could get along without fighting, and then they became like this,” Asia explained, blushing under the group’s amazed stares.

“Unbelievable…” Everyone murmured. They realized that it must have been some power within Asia that eradicated the Evil Dragons’ malice, transforming them into their current state.

“Red Dragon Emperor, now you understand the significance of Asia Argento’s power. She is an incredibly precious and unique existence to our Dragon Race,” Tiamat said, gently stroking Asia’s forehead with a look of deep affection.

As Asia’s contractor and protector, Tiamat had fought alongside Rias in the Second Heaven and had witnessed Asia’s miraculous ability to tame the Evil Dragons that attacked her.

Tenraku was well aware of Asia’s special power and her significant bond with the Dragon Race, but even he hadn’t realized the full extent of her abilities.

“Well done, Asia,” Tenraku praised, feeling genuinely happy for her.

Blushing and smiling shyly at Tenraku’s compliment, Asia’s joy was evident.

With all enemies defeated, the remaining tasks involved cleanup operations, which were handled by the lower-ranking Angels. Michael, Tenraku, and the others returned to the Sixth Heaven’s Zebel.

“Red Dragon Emperor, we are deeply grateful to you all,” Michael said, leading the four Seraphim and the other high-ranking Angels as they expressed their sincere thanks to Tenraku and his companions.

Although Heaven had suffered significant losses, with varying degrees of destruction in the Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth Heavens, everything remained within manageable limits. Without the aid of Tenraku, Rias, and their group, Heaven’s situation would have been far more dire.

“No need to mention it, Lord Michael. Rizevim is our common enemy, and it’s our duty as part of the DxD Team to fight against him,” Tenraku replied, shaking his head.

Given the recent events, it was impossible to continue their tour of Heaven. Moreover, Michael and the other Angels had to deal with the aftermath. After a brief stay, Tenraku and his group decided to take their leave.

Apologizing for not being able to host them properly, Michael assured Tenraku that they were always welcome to visit again once Heaven was restored and the damaged areas rebuilt. He reiterated that Tenraku and his companions would always be friends of Heaven.

Graciously accepting the invitation to visit again in the future, Tenraku and his companions prepared to return home. However, before leaving, they had to address the matter of the ten Evil Dragons that Asia had tamed.

These formidable creatures had become attached to Asia, following her everywhere. Bringing them directly home wasn’t practical, so a suitable arrangement had to be made.

Seeing their dilemma, Michael offered a solution.

“Why not let them reside in the Garden of Eden?”

“Live in the Garden of Eden? Is that really alright, Lord Michael?” Asia’s eyes lit up, but she felt a bit uneasy, recalling the recent destruction caused by other Evil Dragons there.

“Rest assured, these Evil Dragons have completely lost their malice. They should be able to coexist peacefully with the Elves and other creatures in the Garden of Eden,” Michael explained. “Additionally, we’d like to examine them, if possible. Understanding how their malice was purged might help us counter Rizevim’s forces in the future. Of course, this would only proceed with your consent, Asia Argento.”

“I agree, Lord Michael!” Asia replied without hesitation, then turned to the Evil Dragons behind her. “Anselmus, Cyril, Gregorios, Simeon… you will live in the Garden of Eden from now on. Please get along with everyone there. The Angels might conduct some tests on you, but they won’t harm you, so please cooperate.”

Asia had just named the Evil Dragons, using the names of saints, hoping they would contribute positively to the world instead of causing harm.



“Got it.”

“As you wish, Asia.”

The Evil Dragons, trusting and reassured, agreed readily to Asia’s instructions.

With the matter of the Evil Dragons settled, Tiamat suggested that Asia form formal contracts with them. This would allow her to summon them whenever needed. The weakest among them had the strength of a Middle-Class Devil, while the strongest rivaled High-Class Devils.

Despite their apparent ease in dealing with these dragons, Tenraku and his group knew each one possessed immense power capable of causing significant chaos elsewhere.

Now, with her Familiar Elf Dragon, ten powerful Evil Dragons, and Tiamat, the legendary Chaos Karma Dragon, Asia had gathered a formidable Dragon Race entourage around her.

Such an assembly was traditionally the domain of legendary beings of immense power, indicating that Asia had indeed realized her potential akin to those mythical figures.

Though everyone was astonished, they were also immensely proud and happy for Asia’s achievements and abilities.

With no further matters to attend to, they escorted the ten Evil Dragons to the Garden of Eden. Amidst the farewells from the Angels, Tenraku and his companions concluded their visit to Heaven and returned to their home in Kuoh Town…

**To be continued…**

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