EPHS-Chapter 563 Shut Up!

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Boom! Boom! Boom!

In the sky, Yubelluna and the women led by Griselda have joined the battle, fighting fiercely against the enemies with the assistance of the Angel guards.

Just as Tenraku and Lavinia were about to take action, suddenly a man in a cloak flashed in, blocking their path.

“Red Dragon Emperor, long time no see,” The man said.

“Crom Cruach!” Lavinia and the others were surprised, and Tenraku’s expression turned serious.

As one of the legendary Evil Dragons, Crom Cruach had fought Ddraig to a drawback when he was in the Vampire territory. According to Ddraig, Crom Cruach had fully entered the rank of Heavenly Dragon, making him a formidable opponent.

“To be honest, I have no interest in those Angels at all. I just want to fight against true strong opponents,” Crom Cruach said, locking his gaze onto Tenraku.

Although a battle with this guy seemed enticing, Tenraku shook his head. “I still have to deal with Rizevim so I will Let Ddraig handle you.”


“Leave it to me, partner!”

With a flash of light, Ddraig flew out of Tenraku’s body. With his long hair flowing and adorned in splendid Scarlet armor, Ddraig exuded a different aura from before, surprising Crom Cruach.

“Ddraig, you’re resurrected?!” Crom Cruach exclaimed.

“Yeah, with the help of my partner,” Ddraig replied, inadvertently puffing out his chest, causing it to tremble slightly, much to Crom Cruach’s amusement.

“Hey, Crom Cruach, where are you looking?!” Ddraig noticed Crom Cruach’s gaze and quickly hugged his chest, looking embarrassed.

Initially, Ddraig didn’t care about these things, but every time she came out, everyone would talk about her chest, making her very sensitive about it now.

“Sorry, it’s just the first time I’ve seen you in human form, and your… um, that area is a bit eye-catching, so…” Crom Cruach said, feeling a little embarrassed as he averted his gaze.

“Eye-catching?!” Ddraig’s expression stiffened, and she suddenly burst out with an overwhelming aura, transforming into a Scarlet streak of light that crashed into Crom Cruach. In the blink of an eye, the two disappeared from view.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Several loud dragon roars and explosions came from a distance, indicating that Ddraig and Crom Cruach had already begun their battle.

Crom Cruach was indeed powerful, and even Tenraku felt some apprehension towards him. But now, he had angered a mother Berserker Dragon, so Crom Cruach was probably in trouble.

Confident in Ddraig’s strength, Tenraku didn’t pay further attention to Crom Cruach and turned to Lavinia and the others beside him.

“Lavinia, Raynare, Mittelt, Kalawarner, you all go help out.”

“Yes, Lord Tenraku.”

“Got it.”

Raynare manifested the Vritra armor, her body engulfed in black flames, and she dashed into the battlefield with a bloodthirsty grin. Mittelt and Kalawarner flew into the sky, hurling spears of light at the enemies. Lavinia manifested her ice princess form, freezing nearby Evil Dragons into ice sculptures before shattering them.

Walburga hummed a cheerful tune while twirling her cute gothic-styled parasol, standing beside Tenraku. In front of them, the massive floating island had flown closer.

“Ah ah ah…”

“Destruction! Destruction! Destroy everything here!”

Wearing his cloak, Rizevim stood on the floating island like an evil devil, laughing loudly.

Well, he was a Devil after all.

“Oh my, isn’t this Red Dragon Emperor? Make way, make way, I want to attack Heaven’s headquarters.”

As if greeting an old friend, Rizevim waved to Tenraku, even calling out for him to step aside.

‘This guy is still as crazy as ever.’ Tenraku’s mouth twitched as he thought of this before he waved his hand and sent a powerful energy blast toward Rizevim.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The blast exploded in front of Rizevim, but he managed to block it with a magic barrier.

The massive floating island came to a halt in the sky, and the unharmed Rizevim appeared once again.

“You really don’t care about the elderly at all. Red Dragon Emperor, you’re still so brutal,” Rizevim said.

“Huh, Walburga is here too. Come back, come back quickly. Let me protect you,” He added, quickly waving to Walburga when he noticed her beside Tenraku.

“Sure thing!” With a bright smile, Walburga skipped towards Rizevim on a magic pathway. But just as she was about 2-3 meters away from Rizevim, her smile turned cold, and she manifested a dozen flames in the shape of crosses, shooting them toward Rizevim.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The flames surged into the sky, accompanied by a series of explosions. Walburga leaped back to Tenraku’s side, while Rizevim screamed in pain amidst the flames.

“Walburga, why did you attack me?” Rizevim asked angrily, glaring at Walburga after extinguishing the flames.

Rizevim had the ability to neutralize Sacred Gears, so the flames released by Walburga didn’t actually harm him. But they still singed his robe and beard, leaving him quite annoyed.

“We’re enemies, aren’t we? If I don’t attack you, who else should I attack?” Walburga retorted.

“Enemies? I’m your boss!”

“That’s all in the past. I have a new master now, and I don’t need a boss like you anymore.”


“What traitor? You abandoned me back then and didn’t even come to rescue me when I was caught. Now I’ve been brainwashed and trained by my new master, forced to serve as a tool for this villain.”

“If you were caught, couldn’t you have escaped on your own? Being brainwashed and trained by someone else, you’re just a weak-willed, useless woman!”

“You dare call me a weak-willed, useless woman, you cold-blooded, heartless creep!”

“Ahhh… How dare you call me a heartless creep?!”

“Heartless creep! Heartless creep!”


With insults flying back and forth between them, both Rizevim and Walburga started cursing at each other and Tenraku’s face darkened.

“Shut up, both of you!”

To be continued…

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