EPHS-Chapter 562 The Great Chaotic War in Heaven

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In a flash of light, Tenraku and his companions appeared in the Third Heaven’s paradise.

Angel guards were battling fiercely in the air against countless mass-produced Evil Dragons, while the souls of the deceased below were crying out and fleeing. What was once a paradise had turned into hell, and everyone couldn’t help but be indignant at the atrocities of the Khaos Brigade.

“Captain, everyone, I’ll go help first!” With his wings spread behind him, Dulio couldn’t wait and flew into the battlefield.

“Dulio seems to care a lot about this place,” Tenraku remarked.

“Dulio is a war orphan. He grew up in the Church’s orphanage and has many souls of children from the orphanage here in Heaven. Dulio has always regarded them as his younger brothers and sisters,” Griselda explained, her tone tinged with sadness.

Tenraku was a little surprised but nodded. Although Dulio usually seemed quite casual, it was unexpected to see this gentle side of him.

“Sona, you and your Peerage stay here to eliminate the enemies in the Third Heaven,” Tenraku instructed.


Leaving Sona and her Peerage, along with Michael’s Royal User—Brave Saint, in the Third Heaven, Tenraku once again activated the **Space Leap** ability, and in a flash of light, he transported the remaining people to another battlefield.

Based on the current intelligence, the enemies of the **Qlippoth** started from the Third Heaven and had now invaded the Second and Fourth Heaven, moving towards the First Heaven and Fifth Heaven. The location Tenraku teleported to this time was the Second Heaven, adjacent to the Third Heaven.

Second Heaven was a world of darkness. According to Griselda, it was mainly used to observe the stars, and some Angels who had committed sins were also imprisoned there.

That’s why they had only passed by and not visited earlier. Many Evil Dragons were causing havoc in the Second Heaven, but fortunately, they hadn’t yet invaded the First Heaven.

This time, Rias, Akeno, and Raphael’s Royal User—Brave Saint stayed to deal with the enemies in the Second Heaven. Tenraku then once again activated the **Space Leap** to bring the others to the Garden of Eden in the Fourth Heaven.


Explosions rang out continuously in the area. This amusement park, which Tenraku and the others had visited not long ago, had now turned into a battlefield. Thousands of mass-produced Evil Dragons were breathing fire and causing destruction in the air, igniting massive fires in the forest.

Many small animals were fleeing in panic, while powerful beings like the Cyclops Giant, the Three-Headed Lions, and the Golden Winged Phoenix were fighting alongside the Angel guards to protect their home.

“Ravel, Kunou, Elmen, Le Fay, you stay here and help,” Tenraku ordered.

The main enemy forces had already invaded the Fifth Heaven, so Tenraku arranged for Ravel and the others to remain there.

“Yes, Onii-Chan,” They replied before flying into the battlefield with anger at the destruction of the Garden of Eden. Aside from Ravel and her group, Uriel’s Royal User—Brave Saint also took flight into battle.

Although Ravel and Kunou were both quite capable, they were still young girls and lacked experience in real combat. Just in case, Tenraku also activated the **Demonic Beast Creation – Annihilation Maker** ability to provide them with some assistance.

As a huge black shadow unfolded beneath Tenraku’s feet, thousands of mass-produced Heavenly Dragons emerged, roaring and flying into the Garden of Eden, joining the battle against the Evil Dragons in the sky.

Moreover, dozens of towering Cyclops Giants, each standing hundreds of meters tall, also emerged from the shadow. They marched into the battlefield, each wielding a giant club, leaving even the legitimate Cyclops Giants in the Garden of Eden astonished.

With these forces, the enemies in the Garden of Eden should be swiftly eliminated, and Ravel and her group wouldn’t be in much danger. After completing all the arrangements, Tenraku immediately teleported the remaining people to the Fifth Heaven.

Boom! Boom!

Explosions continued to reverberate in the area as Tenraku and the girls flashed into the air of the Fifth Heaven.

The Fifth Heaven was where the **Watchers of the Children of God** once resided, with countless skyscrapers towering into the sky, resembling a futuristic sci-fi world.

Agreas’s floating island, like a gigantic mobile fortress, was flying slowly in the air, constantly spawning Evil Dragons from the floating island, causing destruction in the city below.

“According to the latest information, we have identified how the enemy invaded Heaven’s pathways,” Griselda’s voice came through a small communication magic array.

“How did they get in?” Tenraku was curious.

“Through the gates of the Border Jail and Purgatory,” Griselda’s expression looked grim as she revealed this.

“The Border Jail and Purgatory?”

“The Border Jail and Purgatory, also known as the ‘Netherworld’ in our Church, are places prepared by God for the souls of the deceased under special circumstances. Souls who go to the Border Jail and Purgatory after death are cleansed there before they are allowed to enter paradise.”

“And those guys from the **Qlippoth** seem to have invaded the Border Jail and Purgatory through the passage of the Grecian Underworld, and then entered Heaven through the gates of the Border Jail and Purgatory.”

“So, this invasion is once again related to Hades, the god of the Grecian Underworld?”

“That’s right. Coincidentally, we recently received intelligence that the legendary Evil Dragon Apophis, resurrected by the **Qlippoth** using the Holy Grail, went to the Grecian Underworld and made a pact with that god of the Grecian Underworld!”

According to Griselda, it seemed that this invasion of Heaven by the **Qlippoth** was indeed related to Hades. Even if he didn’t personally participate, he definitely made it easy for those **Qlippoth** guys.

Tenraku remembered a bit about the god of the Grecian Underworld, that skeletal deity. He wasn’t a god of evil; instead, he was a god of righteousness, being very kind and gentle to humans, but extremely disdainful of Devils and Fallen Angels.

There seemed to be shadows of his activities behind the chaos in the Underworld caused by the Hero Faction and the remnants of the old Demon King’s forces.

Initially, he even dispatched a team of Reapers to capture Ophis, but after being warned by Sirzechs and Azazel, he stayed quiet for a while. Unexpectedly, now he was stirring up trouble again.

However, regardless of these troublesome political and diplomatic matters, Tenraku had no interest in getting involved. For now, it was crucial to repel the enemies in front of them. After that, Michael and the others could deal with that deity at their leisure.

“Yubelluna, you and your group go intercept the enemy. Don’t let them advance any further.”

“Yes, Lord Tenraku!”

Tenraku instructed his Peerage, and Yubelluna and her group saluted before soaring into the sky.

“Everyone, let’s go too. We must protect our Heaven at all costs.”

“Yes, Griselda-Sama!”

With a resounding cry, Griselda led Gabriel’s Royal User—Brave Saint, a group of beautiful female Angels, and exorcists into battle.

Soon, only Tenraku, Lavinia, Walburga, Raynare, Mittelt, and Kalawarner remained in the sky…

To be continued…

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