EPHS-Chapter 556 Michael’s Invitation

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The atmosphere grew increasingly congenial as the conversation continued, and Tenraku made sure to extend every courtesy to Shidou Touji. After all, he was his future father-in-law, and treating him well was paramount.

Fortunately, everyone was already familiar with each other. Shidou Touji was quite pleased with Tenraku, especially considering Irina’s relationship with him. This familiarity dispelled any awkwardness that might have arisen. Shidou Touji shared amusing stories from Irina’s childhood, eliciting hearty laughter from everyone.

“Griselda, is there a particular reason you and Uncle Shidou came to visit?” Tenraku inquired, turning his attention to Griselda.

“Christmas is just around the corner, and we have a plan to distribute some gifts to the residents of Kuoh Town,” Griselda responded with a warm smile.

Rias added: “This town is a symbol of the peaceful coexistence between Devils, Angels, and Fallen Angels. It’s a crucial stronghold. More importantly, it’s the beloved home of the townspeople. We use this land regularly, so it’s only fitting to bless the residents during Christmas.”

“That sounds interesting,” Tenraku remarked.

“Yes, let’s play Santa Claus for a change!” Irina chimed in, her excitement evident on her face.

“For the record, this idea was mine,” Shidou Touji said with a hearty laugh.

Tenraku was pleasantly surprised. He didn’t expect his father-in-law to come up with such a thoughtful initiative. It definitely deserved enthusiastic support.

“I think it’s a great idea. Let’s gather the D×D Team members and make this Christmas event our team’s first official activity,” Tenraku suggested after clearing his throat.

“That’s a good idea. We can plan it out,” Rias agreed.

“However, we should keep it subtle, aiming for it to be more like an urban legend,” Sona added thoughtfully.

“Rias, Sona, Griselda, I’ll leave the specific arrangements to you,” Tenraku said, effectively delegating the task. The three women nodded in agreement.

“Actually, there’s another reason for our visit. Before Christmas, Lord Michael wishes to invite the members of the Kamiya Family to Heaven,” Griselda announced, causing Tenraku and the girls to express their surprise.

“Lord Michael wants to invite us to Heaven?” Tenraku echoed.

“Yes, partly to confirm the details of the Christmas project and the gifts for the town’s residents. More importantly, Lord Michael wishes to extend his gratitude for the contributions the Kamiya Family has made towards the peace among the three factions over the past year,” Griselda explained.

Hearing this, Tenraku and the girls understood the significance. Reflecting on the past year, they realized they had indeed achieved a lot. They had repelled powerful enemies multiple times, and their efforts had significantly reshaped the world’s power structure, extending from the three major factions to all mythological systems.

“We are Devils. Is it really alright for us to go to Heaven?” Tenraku asked with a hint of skepticism.

Griselda chuckled. “You and the Kamiya Family are special. Given your contributions, this is not an issue. Lord Michael has specifically instructed that you will be treated as honored guests and given the warmest welcome.”

The girls were astonished, especially Xenovia, Irina, and Asia. As former holy servants, they had never been to Heaven. Now, as Devils, they had the chance.

“Tenraku, Irina, you are the first Devils in history to be invited to Heaven. Feel honored,” Shidou Touji said, patting Tenraku on the shoulder.

Exchanging glances with the girls, Tenraku couldn’t help but laugh. It was indeed an honor. They were all curious about Heaven, the legendary paradise of Angels. What kind of place was it really?

Without hesitation, Tenraku and the girls accepted the invitation. Griselda informed them to prepare, and in two days, she would come to escort them to Heaven.

With the important matters settled, the group continued their conversation, discussing various other topics casually.

Tenraku had Marion and Burent prepare a lavish feast. Griselda and Shidou Touji joined them, enjoying the meal together before eventually taking their leave.

Griselda needed to return to her duties at the church, and Shidou Touji had his own matters to attend to. Despite Irina’s reluctance to part with her father, he reassured her that he would visit often during his stay in Kuoh Town.

As everyone looked forward to the visit, the two days quickly passed, and it was time to depart for Heaven.

“Ophis, you should go into the Sacred Gear with Ddraig and Albion,” Tenraku said, gently patting Ophis’s head.

Since they were all going to Heaven, leaving Ophis and Le Fay behind would have been too heartless so Tenraku had thought of a solution.

Since Ddraig and Albion’s resurrection, the Boosted Gear and Divine Dividing had become more like homes for the two dragons rather than mere Sacred Gears. It would be a safe place for Ophis to stay temporarily.

Although she wouldn’t be able to explore Heaven with them, she could still observe the outside world from within the Sacred Gear. Given Ophis’s sensitive status, bringing her directly into Heaven would cause unnecessary chaos.

“Okay,” Ophis agreed without hesitation, transforming into a light that entered Tenraku’s Sacred Gear. Tenraku then asked Ddraig and Albion to look after her.

“We, as Devils, are actually going to the legendary Heaven. I’m so nervous,” Xenovia said, her voice tinged with excitement.

“Me too, me too,” Irina added, sharing her enthusiasm.

“Raynare, Mittelt, Kalawarner, you were once Angels. You must be familiar with Heaven, right?” Asia asked curiously.

“It’s okay, I guess. As a tourist spot, it’s passable,” Raynare replied nonchalantly.

“Haha, if even Raynare says so, I’m getting a bit excited too,” Koneko chimed in with a rare smile.

Everyone chatted animatedly as they waited, their excitement palpable. Soon, the appointed time arrived, and Griselda emerged from the teleportation formation.

“Is everyone ready?” she asked.

“We’re all set,” Tenraku confirmed.

“Then let’s depart for Heaven.”

“Yeah!” The group cheered in unison.

And so, with hearts full of anticipation and excitement, they set off on their journey to the celestial realm.

To be continued…

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