EPHS-Chapter 552 Formation of the D×D Team (Part 1)

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“Sairaorg, Seekvaira, were you two also chosen?”

“Yeah, now we can fight together again, Kamiya Tenraku, Rias, Sona Sitri.”

Tenraku and Sairaorg bumped fists, while Rias and the girls greeted Seekvaira and her Peerage.

In addition to them, there were Griselda, Tiamat, Ikuse Tobio, and a stranger with golden hair and blue eyes in the room.

Lavinia and Ikuse Tobio were acquaintances, exchanging greetings, while Tiamat walked directly over to Asia:

“Asia Argento.”


She seemed indifferent to everyone else, but particularly concerned about Asia. Tenraku couldn’t help but smirk inwardly—this Dragon King seemed to have a special interest in Asia.

“Nun Griselda.”

“Red Dragon Emperor, Your Majesty.”

Tenraku also greeted Griselda, who smiled back. Their eyes met, saying everything without words.

“Who is this?”

Looking at the young man with golden hair and blue eyes next to Griselda, Tenraku asked.

The young man, dressed like clergy, emitted a terrifying yet sacred aura. He should also be part of the Heavenly faction.

“He is Dulio Gesualdo, Wielder of the Longinus— Prison of Bright Heavenly Thunder, Zenith Tempest. He is our Heaven’s trump card, and he’s been ordered by Lord Michael to join the special team to counter Rizevim.”

“Dulio, this is Red Dragon Emperor Kamiya Tenraku.”

After Griselda introduced them, Tenraku’s eyes flashed with surprise.

This person was the Wielder of the Prison of Bright Heavenly Thunder, Zenith Tempest— Dulio Gesualdo?!

It was rumored that although Dulio Gesualdo was once a human turned Angel, he was highly valued by Heaven. Not only did he possess tremendous strength, but with the assistance of the Longinus—Prison of Bright Heavenly Thunder, Zenith Tempest, his combat prowess even surpassed that of the Four Great Seraphs!

To bring out their trump card meant that the Angel faction was taking Rizevim’s threat very seriously indeed.

“I’ve heard of your reputation, Red Dragon Emperor. Let’s work well together in the future.”

With a hearty smile, Dulio Gesualdo extended his hand to Tenraku.


Tenraku wasn’t one to feign indifference when others were friendly, so he shook Dulio Gesualdo’s hand.

After exchanging pleasantries, Tenraku approached Azazel again.

“Azazel, is this everyone who’s been selected?”

“Didn’t you spend all your time negotiating with the leaders of other factions? How come almost everyone here is from Devil, Angel, or Fallen Angel factions?”

Sairaorg, Seekvaira, Rias, Sona, and Tenraku, representing their respective Devil factions; Griselda and Dulio Gesualdo, representing the Angel faction; Azazel and Ikuse Tobio, representing the Fallen Angel faction— aside from them, there was Lavinia representing the Magician’s Association, Rossweisse as a Valkyrie representing the Northern European Mythological faction, and Tiamat representing the Dragon Race.

But apart from that, there were no representatives from other factions, which was far from what Tenraku had expected.

“It’s unavoidable. The criteria for selecting participants for this team are strong individuals from each faction who can move freely. They not only need to be ready to act at a moment’s notice but also have the strength to ensure their safety. There aren’t many people who can meet these requirements. Talented individuals usually hold important positions in their respective factions and can’t move freely.”

Azazel sighed, explaining, but Tenraku understood the underlying meaning of his words immediately.

“It’s like they treat us as idle people. They just don’t want to lose their valuable talents, so they let representatives from Devil, Angel, and Fallen Angel factions take the lead!”

“Kid, politics is complicated. It’s already a good result to have this many factions together. Although other factions haven’t provided combatants, they’ve promised to provide us with all the necessary information and logistical support.”

Azazel patted Tenraku’s shoulder, and Tenraku didn’t say anything more.

Although the major factions had formed an alliance now to avoid being isolated and antagonized by others, it was still far from achieving true unity and mutual trust compared to the past.

Whenever significant issues arose, everyone tended to prioritize their own faction’s interests. Though it irked Tenraku a bit, he didn’t pay it much mind. He and Rizevim would ultimately reach a resolution, and he was fighting for his own cause. Whatever happened to the others didn’t concern him.

“Alright, everyone, let’s quiet down.”

Seeing that everyone was about done chatting, Azazel clapped his hands to get everyone’s attention.

“I’m sure you’re all aware that each of you here has been chosen to be part of the special team to combat Rizevim…”

Azazel spoke at length, explaining the situation they faced, their purpose, and the significance of their team’s formation. Everyone listened quietly.

Azazel didn’t mention anything about those who didn’t want to participate being able to leave. If someone lacked the resolve to be here, they wouldn’t be standing here in the first place.

Finally, Azazel snapped his fingers.

“Now, let me introduce you to some special companions.”

“Come forward.”

As Azazel’s words fell, a magic circle appeared in the air, and several figures emerged from it.

It was none other than Vali, Bikou, Arthur Pendragon, and the demonic wolf Fenrir!

“Vali Lucifer!”

“Why are members of the Khaos Brigade here?!”

Tenraku and Rias’s group were relatively calm, but Sairaorg, Seekvaira, and Griselda’s expressions changed immediately, and they prepared for battle.

“Don’t be nervous, it’s fine. I invited Vali and his team, and I’ve discussed it with Sirzechs and Michael as well.”

“Vali and his team are different from the Qlippoth. They will be our companions in facing Rizevim.”

Seeing the tension rise, Azazel quickly stepped in to defuse the situation.

Although he had resigned from his position as Governor General of the Fallen Angels, Azazel still held influence, and he had always been trusted by everyone. With his assurance, everyone finally relaxed a bit.

However, Sairaorg, Seekvaira, and their group remained cautious, especially considering Vali’s sensitive identity.

Vali had not only defected from the Fallen Angels to join the Khaos Brigade, but he also carried the bloodline of the former Vali Lucifer and was Rizevim’s grandson!

“Sairaorg, Seekvaira, you don’t need to be so wary.”

“While these guys may not be considered friends, they are not our enemies either. I can assure you of that.”

Stepping forward, Tenraku spoke.

“Since even you say so, let’s trust them for now.”

They exchanged a glance, and then Sairaorg and Seekvaira nodded.

Clearly, they still didn’t fully trust Vali and his team. Their trust lay only in Azazel and Tenraku.

But that was enough for now.

With a small disturbance settled, Tenraku’s gaze once again fell on Vali…

To be continued…

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