EPHS-Chapter 544 The Beautiful Magic User

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Despite some minor hiccups, everyone in the house was delighted that Ddraig and Albion had been resurrected.

“Marion, Burent, please prepare two rooms for Ddraig and Albion,” Tenraku instructed Marion and Burent, who nodded in response.

“Partner, we can just stay in the Sacred Gears, no need for all this fuss,” Ddraig finally managed to shake off Irina and her constant staring at her Oppai.

Although they had been successfully resurrected, Ddraig and Albion’s connection to the Sacred Gears still existed. They could still reside within the Sacred Gears, and the Boosted Gear and Divine Dividing could still unleash their power.

In fact, with Ddraig and Albion’s continuous growth, these two Sacred Gears might become even more powerful in the future!

“Prepare them anyway, in case you want to stay outside,” Tenraku chuckled, and this time Ddraig and Albion didn’t refuse.

In the days that followed, Tenraku once again found himself at leisure. During the day, he would explore the abilities of the Sacred Gears with Akeno and occasionally go out to deal with any criminals or resentful spirits that wandered into town. In the evenings, he would join Rias and her group in some enjoyable activities.

It’s worth mentioning that at first, Sona resisted being bullied by Tenraku like the others. But just like Rias before her, after being tormented time and time again, Sona finally understood a sad truth: she couldn’t “fight back” against Tenraku alone.

So, one night, unable to bear it any longer, Sona chose to surrender, and Tenraku brought her to Rias’s room. Sona experienced what it meant to sleep together for the first time, what it meant to be happier together than alone, what it meant for sisters to unite and overcome challenges…

In addition to these daily occurrences, as the New Year approached, Asia and Irina began decorating the house, filling it with joy. Tenraku occasionally lent a hand.

One day, as Rias was sipping her tea, she saw Tenraku emerge from his room and said, “Tenraku, the Magic Association just sent a message. Lavinia San will be visiting us today.”

After discussing the Magic User contract with President Mephisto-sama from the Magic Association last time, they had recommended one of his valued subordinates, Lavinia, to Tenraku and hoped he would form a contract with her.

“When will she arrive?” Tenraku asked with a hint of interest.

“It should be soon,” Rias replied after a moment of thought. Just then, Marion walked in.

“Tenraku, a Magic User San has arrived,” Marion announced, and Tenraku and Rias exchanged glances, both smiling.

Talk about timing!

In the hall, Tenraku sat at the head, with Rias and Yubelluna, Akeno, and Shinra Tsubaki standing behind him. Before long, Marion and Burent escorted a woman in a robe and hood into the room.

“Tenraku-sama, the guest has been brought in,” Marion and Burent reported, and Tenraku nodded.

Under the gaze of Tenraku and the girls, the woman removed her hood, revealing her lovely face— golden hair, blue eyes, and a flowing mane, a woman of remarkable grace.

“Hello, Red Dragon Emperor, Princess Rias, Princess Sona. I am Lavinia Reni, a subordinate of President Mephisto-sama from the Magic Association. I apologize for the intrusion,” The beautiful Magic User introduced herself with a slight nod.

“Lavinia San, please make yourself at home,” Tenraku said, gesturing for her to sit.

Expressing her gratitude, Lavinia took her seat, and Asia and Valerie promptly served refreshments to their guest. Lavinia thanked them once again.

“We’ve heard some things about Lavinia San from Mephisto-sama. He has always praised your abilities,” Rias remarked.

“It’s just Mephisto-sama’s kindness; it’s nothing worth mentioning. On the other hand, your heroic deeds, Princess Rias, have always impressed me,” Lavinia replied modestly.

“We just happened to be in the right place at the right time,” Rias said with a smile.

“Lavinia San, I assume you’re here to discuss the Magic User contract with Tenraku?” Rias brought up the main topic after some pleasantries.

“Yes,” Lavinia nodded, confirming Rias’s assumption.

“Lavinia San, may I ask whether your interest in forming a Magic User contract with me stems from your own will or is it a directive from the Magic Association?” Tenraku inquired.

“As expected of the Red Dragon Emperor, you see through things quickly. To be honest, it’s a bit of both,” Lavinia answered candidly.

“Please elaborate,” Tenraku requested.

“As you may already know, I possess one of the legendary Longinus, the Eternal Ice Princess – Absolute Demise. Although the power of the Longinus is immense, controlling it is very difficult. However, if I could form a contract with the legendary ‘Sacred Gear Plunderer,’ the Red Dragon Emperor, and receive your guidance and assistance, it would undoubtedly greatly help me in mastering and developing my own Sacred Gear,” Lavinia explained.

“That makes sense. Although I know nothing about Magic, I am quite skilled in matters related to Sacred Gears,” Tenraku acknowledged.

“If that’s your reason, what about the Magic Association?” Tenraku prompted further.

“As the Red Dragon Emperor, you must be aware that you and Princess Rias and Princess Sona have formed engagements. Your own selves, your Peerage, and the allies and power you have gathered have become so powerful that they can influence the world’s balance. Therefore, the Magic Association believes it is necessary to engage with you,” Lavinia explained.

“Given our respective positions, the best way to engage with you is through forming a Magic User contract. And for various reasons, I have been chosen as the most suitable person to form a contract with you,” Lavinia added seriously, surprising both Tenraku and Rias’s group.

She’s remarkably forthright.

“In that case, Lavinia San, shall we form this contract? Although I have a favorable impression of you, it feels a bit hasty to form the contract directly,” Tenraku said thoughtfully.

“Of course, although I have a mission assigned by the Magic Association, I also have the right to make my own choices. In other words, we are both free,” Lavinia agreed.

“Directly forming the contract like this would indeed be inappropriate. We should at least gain each other’s approval first,” Tenraku suggested.

“Interesting. So, Lavinia San, how do you propose we gain each other’s approval?” Tenraku asked with a hint of amusement.

“I have an interesting proposal,” Lavinia said, her eyes shining as she looked directly at Tenraku. “Red Dragon Emperor, let’s have a battle!”

To be continued…

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