EPHS-Chapter 542 The Finest Magic Wand

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Ignoring the unfortunate knight outside, Tenraku led Chris into the stone house. But as soon as they entered, a giant hammer came hurtling towards them.

“I told you to get out of my house! I don’t welcome you here!”


Chris screamed in fright, but Tenraku casually raised a hand and easily blocked the massive, heavy hammer.

“Nick, my old friend, your temper is still as fiery as ever. You scared off our guest,” Tenraku said, calming the startled Chris before moving the hammer aside with a smile.

Before Tenraku and Chris stood a male dwarf clad in leather armor, his face adorned with a rough beard, showing signs of age. However, despite his short stature, he was surprisingly robust, with thick arms and legs, topped with a large head on his neck. He looked like a humanoid tank, exuding explosive strength.

Upon seeing Tenraku, the dwarf first looked puzzled, then his face lit up with joy.

“It’s you, Kamiya Tenraku!”

“Haha, welcome, my friend!”

Dropping the hammer, the dwarf laughed heartily and walked over to give Tenraku a bear hug.

Tenraku couldn’t help but grimace; the dwarf’s grip was surprisingly strong. Only he could handle it; an ordinary person would likely have their spine crushed.

Although slightly bemused, Tenraku reciprocated the hug. Due to their height difference, it was like he was embracing a small child.

Unlike the fragrant and soft bodies of Rias and the others, this guy was thick and sturdy, more like a tough lump of meat.

“It’s rare for you to visit me.”

“Come on, take a seat, and the young lady too,” Nick said warmly, gesturing for Tenraku and Chris to sit down.

The room was cluttered with hammers, axes, and various unidentifiable minerals strewn about, but Tenraku didn’t mind. He found a spot to sit while Chris obediently stood beside him.

Nick was a dwarf Tenraku had met during his travels with Gasper and Tosca. He was a master blacksmith with superb skills. When Nick was injured by a Demonic Beast while mining ore outside, Tenraku and his companions happened to be nearby and saved his life, forging a friendship between them.

Rummaging through a nearby cabinet, Nick pulled out two oversized wooden cups and filled them with malt beer. He handed one to Tenraku and the other to Chris.

“Do you drink, young lady?” Nick asked, his voice booming.

Although meant as a friendly gesture, he looked quite intimidating, and Chris, her face pale, shook her head continuously.

“She’s Chris, a Vampire. Unlike your tough dwarf girls, she doesn’t drink,” Tenraku chuckled as he spoke.

“It’s a shame not to enjoy the most delicious things in the world,” Nick said, gulping down his beer in a few swallows. Tenraku also took a few sips.

This malt beer had a low alcohol content, similar to water or soft drinks for dwarves. They only served it to guests of other races. Normally, they drank much stronger liquor.

“Kamiya Tenraku, what brings you here this time? If you need help with anything, just let me know,” Nick said bluntly, thumping his thick chest.

“It’s true; I need your help this time. I want you to make a magic tool for me.”

“That’s easy. We dwarves excel at this. Even if you want a Sacred Gear, I can make it for you,” Nick replied confidently, and Tenraku couldn’t help but laugh. This guy never changed; he was always boastful.

In addition to the Sacred Gears created by the God of the Holy Bible, there were many famous Sacred Gears in mythology. Some exceptionally powerful magic tools were also considered Sacred Gears.

Dwarves did possess the ability to forge Sacred Gears, but it required many precious ores and the careful craftsmanship of multiple dwarves. It was extremely difficult for one person to forge a Sacred Gear, and even if they could, it would take an extremely long time.

But it was just bragging; don’t take it seriously. Look at any heavy drinker; they all like to boast. If you let these guys drink a few jugs of strong liquor, they’ll blow the roof off with their loud voices.

“Cough, Cough, there’s no need to go to that extent…”

Clearing his throat, Tenraku listed some requirements for the magic wand to be made. The wand was intended as a gift for Serafall, so it needed to be pretty, cute, and, of course, finely crafted for practical use.

After hearing Tenraku’s requests, Nick couldn’t help but be surprised. “My friend, are you trying to impress a lady?”

“Well, something like that. Anyway, I’m counting on you. Consider it a token of my appreciation.”

Feeling a bit embarrassed, Tenraku waved his hand, and suddenly several casks of fine wine and a vial of Phenex Tears appeared on the table.

Seeing the wine, Nick eagerly gulped down a few mouthfuls and then couldn’t help but exclaim, “Good wine!”

Knowing their taste preferences, Tenraku had Akasha prepare a dozen casks of the strongest wine from the Vampire clan. Nick downed an entire cask in one go before stopping to burp.

“What’s this?” Nick asked, picking up the elegantly bottled Phenex Tears.

“It’s Phenex Tears, consider it your true reward,” Tenraku explained.

“Phenex Tears? The tears of the Devil Phenex family?!”

“Exactly,” Tenraku confirmed with a nod.

Phenex Tears were highly prized in the Underworld and even more so outside. Even Nick, as a dwarf, had heard of its legendary properties. It could heal any injury as long as the person hadn’t died, essentially granting them an extra life.

“Oh, no, my friend, this is too precious. I can’t accept it,” Nick said, although he was sorely tempted. At times like this, the dwarves’ honesty and simplicity shone through. Without hesitation, he wanted to return the Phenex Tears to Tenraku.

“We’re friends, so I can’t let you miss out. Please accept it, Nick.”

“I don’t know what materials are needed to make the magic wand, so consider this Phenex Tears as payment for the materials and your hard work in forging it. If you feel guilty about it, then just make me a beautiful and functional magic wand.”

Seeing Tenraku’s insistence, Nick stopped refusing and thumped his chest. “Don’t worry, my friend. I’ll make you the best magic wand in the world and help you win over the ladies.”

Watching Nick’s earnest expression, Tenraku couldn’t help but chuckle inwardly. He didn’t need to worry about winning over women anymore, but there was no need to explain that to this guy.

After spending some time in Nick’s house, Tenraku bid farewell to him and left with Chris. Nick didn’t insist on them staying longer; he had to start making the magic wand and didn’t have time to entertain them. He just asked Tenraku to come back in a few days to collect it.

Exiting the stone house, Tenraku found Raynare. She and Walburga were kicking around the knight like a soccer ball, nearly breaking him. Tenraku silently gave the poor guy a sympathetic look.

Of all the people to flirt with, he had to try his luck with these two troublemakers. Serves him right.

“Let’s go back, Raynare, Walburga.”

“Yes, our dear master…”

Kicking the knight away with a single blow, Raynare and Walburga lazily responded before walking over…

To be continued…

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