EPHS-Chapter 523 Seekvaira’s Dilemma

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In the evening, Tenraku and the girls naturally stayed overnight at the House of Agares.

Rias and Sona’s group were escorted to their resting rooms by the servants, while Seekvaira personally led Tenraku to his quarters.

“Kamiya Tenraku, you can rest here tonight. If you need anything, feel free to call for the servants,” Seekvaira said as she showed Tenraku to a guest room.

“Alright, you should rest too, Seekvaira,” Tenraku replied with a nod.

Instead of leaving immediately, Seekvaira hesitated, as if she had something on her mind. Tenraku couldn’t help but smile and ask, “Is there something else, Seekvaira?”

“Kamiya Tenraku, um, please don’t take what Otou-Sama said earlier to heart,” Seekvaira finally spoke, seeming somewhat embarrassed.

“Oh, that? Don’t worry, I didn’t take it seriously,” Tenraku reassured her. “I’ve already secured a princess from the Gremory family. If I were to take the princess from the House of Agares as well, the other males in the Underworld would surely become jealous and challenge me to fights.” Tenraku teased, causing Seekvaira’s cheeks to blush slightly.

“In truth, I’m not opposed to marriage. I just want to find someone I truly like,” Seekvaira sighed.

“I understand. Choosing a partner is a serious matter for both men and women. Rias and Sona were the same way before,” Tenraku replied sympathetically.

“Yes, but they’ve found their soulmates. Meanwhile, I’m constantly troubled by these matters, and Otou-Sama won’t stop nagging,” Seekvaira lamented.

“Because you’re the only daughter of the House of Agares, your marriage is crucial for the family’s succession, which is why your father seems so urgent,” Tenraku explained.

“I understand that which is why sometimes I think maybe I should just agree to the arrangements my parents make. That way, Otou-Sama and Okaa-Sama can rest assured, and I won’t have to worry about these troublesome matters anymore.”

“Cough, Seekvaira, it’s best to persevere in such matters. Don’t give up just because it’s troublesome,” Tenraku advised. “Devils have long lives, and you’re young and talented. There are surely many men who admire you. Just take your time, and you’ll find someone you like.”

Seekvaira looked troubled, and Tenraku, feeling a bit embarrassed, coughed twice before continuing, “Seekvaira, are you asking for reassurance?”

This successful demeanor of his seemed to annoy Seekvaira a little, and she couldn’t help but roll her eyes.

“Um, you could say that,” Tenraku admitted, realizing he might have been too casual.

“Regardless, thank you for listening to me vent. I feel much better now,” Seekvaira said gratefully.

“Don’t mention it. I haven’t done anything special, just offered some common sense,” Tenraku replied modestly, and they shared a smile.

“Kamiya Tenraku, what do you think of me, as a female Devil?” Seekvaira hesitated to ask.

“Why ask? Seekvaira, you’re beautiful, capable, and elegant. Among the new generation of female Devils in the Underworld, only a few like Rias and Sona can match you,” Tenraku answered honestly.

“I’m not as impressive as you say. Both Rias and Sona have many qualities I need to learn from,” Seekvaira shook her head, but she couldn’t hide her slight happiness at Tenraku’s affirmation.

“Don’t underestimate yourself, Seekvaira. Your excellence is undeniable. Although Rias and Sona have their strengths, you also possess qualities that they can’t compare to,” Tenraku encouraged.

“To be honest, I’ve been thinking if I could win over Seekvaira as well, although I feel the difficulty would be quite high,” Tenraku said seriously, then shrugged with a playful expression.

“You… couldn’t you be a bit more tactful? And if Rias and Sona found out, your harem would turn into a battlefield,” Seekvaira retorted, amused.

As she gently touched her own forehead, Seekvaira showed no signs of anger. Instead, she seemed a little speechless. Seekvaira was well aware of her own beauty and status, and how attractive they were to the young men of the Underworld.

However, those guys, each one of them lusting after her while pretending to be a righteous gentleman, disgusted her. Tenraku’s straightforwardness, on the other hand, felt more acceptable to her…

“I’m just speaking my mind. If I didn’t feel anything towards a woman as exceptional as you, Seekvaira, that would be hypocritical, wouldn’t it?”

“As for the Harem turning into a battlefield, there’s no need to worry about that. If I can’t handle such a small matter, then I’m not qualified to pursue the throne of Harem King.”

Tenraku said nonchalantly, causing Seekvaira to laugh.

Thinking back, Kamiya Tenraku had boldly announced his dream of building a large Harem and becoming the Harem King at the gathering of new generation Devils, shocking countless people. To be able to speak so boldly without any reservations, he was truly unprecedented!

“Well then, our Harem King, it’s getting late. You should rest early, and I won’t disturb you anymore.”

Suppressing her smile, Seekvaira shook her head. Normally, she was the serious type, but she couldn’t maintain that atmosphere in front of this guy.

With a faint smile, Tenraku didn’t say much more, just watching as Seekvaira left his room.

However, just as Seekvaira reached the door of the room, she stopped abruptly.

“Kamiya Tenraku, if… if, I mean if, if you could make me feel something, then I could give you a chance.”

Without looking back, Seekvaira immediately closed the door and left the room.

Tenraku was slightly stunned, then couldn’t help but chuckle.

Wasn’t the princess of the House of Agares hinting that he could try pursuing her?!

With a flash of excitement in his eyes, Tenraku made a decision in his heart.

He would seize the opportunity to charm this princess later!

Yawning, Tenraku decided it was time to rest. However, he realized that he had been sleeping alone for the past few nights, almost forgetting what it was like to have company. This couldn’t go on.

“I should visit Venelana tonight…”

Muttering to himself, Tenraku vanished into the Saints and Demons Hall…

To be continued…

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