EPHS-Chapter 431 Long Waited Moment

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Amidst the poisonous mist, Grendel continued to scream. His massive body had vanished, leaving only a half-blurred head.

However, at this moment—

A stream of light descended from the sky, and a violent gust of wind scattered Albion’s toxic mist.

Pale-faced with blood at the corner of his mouth, a man in black attire appeared suddenly. It was Crom Cruach.

“Sorry, Albion, I can’t let you kill this guy. I’ll take Grendel with me.”

“Ahhhh… I won’t go! I still want to fight, I want to keep fighting!”

Crom Cruach spoke, but Grendel continued to wail.

Coldly observing Crom Cruach and Grendel, Albion made no attempt to stop them.

Ignoring Grendel’s resistance, Crom Cruach grabbed the remaining half of his head and disappeared in an instant.

“Ddraig, you only managed a draw with Crom Cruach.” Looking at Ddraig, who had landed, Albion spoke coldly.

“That guy has grown to the same level as us. If his real body were still here, it might be possible, but in his current state, a draw is the limit.” Ddraig replied somewhat helplessly.

Ddraig and Albion, with only their souls sealed in Sacred Gear, couldn’t continue to grow in their power’s essence. However, the still-living Crom Cruach kept advancing. He had now caught up to them, reaching the level of a Heavenly Dragon.

Honestly, being caught up with by someone felt unpleasant. Both Ddraig and Albion fell into silence.

“The battle is over. Let’s go back to our Partner.” After a long time, Ddraig spoke again.

Without saying more, Albion, along with a burst of light, returned to her jade jewel form. Locking onto Tenraku’s aura, they soared through the sky.

In the evening, the Embassy Building—

Standing by the window, Tenraku looked at the lively streets and city outside, now recovering from the aftermath of the battle. After the retreat of the Giant Dragons, the Vampires, initially scared away, were gradually returning.

Though some buildings and streets had suffered from the collateral damage of the battle, the losses were not severe.

However, the aftermath of the battle wasn’t over just because the fight had ended. Tepes’ upper echelon was probably in chaos now, but that was none of Tenraku’s concern.

Ripples occasionally appeared in the barrier shrouding the embassy building. Several Vampires were desperately attacking the barrier, attempting to break in.

These Vampires were unaware that their king had been ousted and that Marius Tepes and others had betrayed Vampire honor by colluding with the Khaos Brigade. They were merely manipulated and ignorant beings, knowing nothing except that the owner of the two Heavenly Dragons was in this building!

Enraged, they wanted to rush in for revenge!

However, with their limited strength, they couldn’t even break the barrier, let alone take revenge.

Waving down at the Vampires below, Tenraku encouraged them to keep trying. The infuriated Vampires responded with snarls and bared fangs.

“Tenraku-Sama, Valerie has awakened.” At that moment, Yubelluna’s voice sounded behind Tenraku.

“Finally awake…” Ignoring the commotion outside, Tenraku called Gasper, and both of them entered Valerie’s resting room together.

Valerie had indeed woken up. When Tenraku and Gasper entered the room, she was being helped to stand by Tosca and Mihae.

“How do you feel, Valerie?” Tenraku inquired.

“Tenraku-Sama… Gasper…” Staring blankly at Tenraku and Gasper, Valerie’s eyes reddened, and tears welled up.

“Great, Valerie.” Tears streamed down Gasper’s face as he hurried over. Though Valerie had only called out their names, Gasper could sense that Valerie had finally returned to normal.

All the memories from the past resurfaced. After many years, this moment marked a true reunion for the two unfortunate youths. They embraced each other, shedding tears of relief.

Tenraku gestured for Yubelluna and Tosca to leave the room, and he quietly waited until the two had vented their emotions before approaching.

“You’ve waited for a long time, Valerie.” Tenraku gently touched the girl’s forehead as he spoke.

“N-no, I’ve always believed, Tenraku-sama and Gasper would come back to save me.”

With tears streaming down her face, Valerie smiled through her sobs. The sight of the girl, crying and laughing at the same time, seemed somewhat comical, yet it deeply touched everyone present.

Manipulated by Marius, who haphazardly used the power of the Holy Grail, Valerie’s body and mind deteriorated every day. Her consciousness was in disarray, and memories and emotions became blurry.

If it weren’t for her steadfast belief that Gasper and Tenraku-sama would come to rescue her— the sole obsession that sustained her— she might have collapsed long ago.

“Alright, you won’t be left alone here anymore.”

“Are you feeling hungry? I’ve asked Marion to prepare dinner. Let’s go out and have something.” Tenraku spoke while wiping away the tears on the girl’s cheeks.


“What’s wrong? Have you learned to suck blood like a true Vampire now? How about I offer you a bit of my blood later?”

“N-no, Tenraku-sama, I don’t suck blood.”

Teasing her, Tenraku’s remark caused Valerie’s face to flush, and she waved her hands in denial.

Both Tenraku and Gasper couldn’t help but laugh. A Vampire who didn’t dare to suck blood— Valerie was indeed still the same Valerie.

Exiting the room with Tenraku and Gasper, Valerie visibly tensed up upon seeing Yubelluna and the others.

“No need to be afraid. They’re all part of my Peerage and won’t harm you.”

“Yubelluna, why don’t you all introduce yourselves to Valerie?”

“Yes, Tenraku-Sama.”

Yubelluna and her companions introduced themselves to Valerie. Understanding Valerie’s plight, the girls were gentle and caring towards her. However, when it was Raynare’s turn—

“I’m Raynare, the master’s tool.”

“Welcome to our group, lovely Vampire.”

Wrapping her arm around Valerie’s shoulders, Raynare mischievously played with her earlobe.


A shiver ran through Valerie’s body, and she looked like she was on the verge of tears.

“Raynare, don’t scare her.”


“She’s just a crazy woman. Just ignore her.”

Giving Raynare a stern look, Tenraku comforted Valerie before having Marion and Burent bring out the prepared dishes…

To be continued.

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