DBSKS Chapter 533 *Title Hidden*

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Previously, in main-world 30, under the influence of the Dark Dragon Ball, Frieza had also gained power close to that of a Super Saiyan God.

However, despite being affected by the Dark Dragon Ball, the Cell in this timeline doesn’t seem to have improved in strength as much.

To Vegeta’s perception, Cell seemed to be on par with the Golden Cell from back then.

For Vegeta and others, this was nothing extraordinary. But for Gohan and the others in this timeline, this strength of Cell was simply godlike.

No wonder they suffered such a tragic defeat.

However, for Vegeta, who was determined for revenge, Golden Cell from back then was no longer worth mentioning now.


With a roar, Vegeta flew straight towards Cell.

After the Dark Dragon Ball possessed his body, Cell seemed to have lost self-awareness. Upon seeing the second Vegeta appearing out of nowhere, instead of showing the normal astonishment one would expect, Cell’s face turned fierce, and without a word, he immediately hurled an energy blast at Vegeta.

“Get lost!”

Vegeta waved his hand, deflecting the energy blast far away.


Amidst the fierce explosion, Vegeta instantly arrived before Cell, clenching his fists into hammers and smashing them onto Cell’s head.


Cell crashed into the ground.

But immediately Vegeta also landed on the ground, lifted a foot and kicked Cell back into the air.

Bang, Bang, Bang!

Vegeta closely pursued Cell into the sky, delivering punches one after another like a relay, sending Cell soaring into the sky, thousands of meters above.

Finally, with a sudden burst of speed, Vegeta flew above Cell’s head.

With a swift kick, he sent Cell plummeting back to the ground.

“Final Flash!”

Vegeta condensed a massive aura in his hands, delivering a devastating blow towards Cell.


A massive energy explosion, like a terrifying mushroom cloud signaling doomsday, swept out, engulfing an area of hundreds of miles.

In the explosion, the Z fighters of this world were blown away by the storm, but luckily, Trunks was there in the sky to save them one by one.


Frieza smiled faintly. “Vegeta, this guy, has become even more powerful? Looks like I won’t have to intervene.”

Boom, boom, boom…

Several minutes later, as the scorching energy gradually dissipated, a massive crater appeared on the ground.

At the center of the crater lay the Dark Dragon Ball.

Cell, however, had vanished without a trace.

“That’s great, Dad! You defeated Cell!” Trunks exclaimed happily.

“Hmph! Just took down some trash, no need to be so happy about it!”

Vegeta snorted coldly, about to retrieve the Dark Dragon Ball.

But at this moment, he sensed something off.

A rusty smell and an evil aura suddenly appeared in the air out of nowhere.

Vegeta abruptly turned around and saw the Dark Dragon Ball floating in mid-air.

A mass of flesh and blood, seemingly materialized out of nowhere, was rapidly enveloping the Dark Dragon Ball.

“This, this is…” Vegeta’s gaze froze.

“Dad! It’s Cell! He seems to be alive!” Trunks shouted.

Even Frieza’s eyes widened, sensing the incredible power emanating from the other side.

This power was rapidly increasing and soon would rival Frieza’s own power.

“This, this… Is this Cell’s power?”

Under the astonished gazes of everyone, a massive black shadow rose from the crimson hue.

It was none other than Cell, who they thought had been destroyed just moments ago!

“This… This…”

Out of nowhere, Cell’s power seemed to skyrocket once again under the influence of the Dark Dragon Ball.

Or perhaps, Cell had now truly gained the power of the Dark Dragon Ball.

The current Cell’s body had expanded at least tenfold compared to before, nearly the size of a Great Ape-transformed Saiyan.

And his power had increased tenfold as well.

“Cell, this monster has such an ability?” Frieza clenched his fists.

“No, it shouldn’t be possible. This is probably the effect of the Dark Dragon Ball!” Trunks spoke up.

Suddenly, Cell swung his arm towards Vegeta in front of him.

Despite his massive body, his speed was astonishing.

Vegeta managed to dodge in time, but Cell still managed to graze his feet, causing Vegeta to cry out in pain.

Seeing Vegeta’s right foot twisted into an unnatural shape, already broken, Trunks exclaimed, “Dad! Frieza, please intervene! I’ll go help Dad first!”

“After all that, you still need me to step in, you useless bunch!” Frieza gritted his teeth, instantly transforming into his golden form and flying towards Cell.

Meanwhile, Trunks dashed to Vegeta’s side.

After a quick inspection, he realized Vegeta’s foot was temporarily unusable.

“Darn it, if only we had a Senzu Bean!”

Due to them being in a hurry, none of the people of Time Patrol had Senzu Beans. Lin Chen was utterly helpless in this regard too; his Senzu Beans were lost in the disappeared system space. Thus, Trunks didn’t know how to treat his father at the moment.

Should they just retreat for now?


A sudden explosion rang out nearby.

Trunks turned to see Frieza being smashed into the ground by Cell.

“Darn-Darn it!” Frieza yelled. Just as he tried to get up, a giant foot stomped on his head, forcing him into the ground again.

Frieza trembled with anger, a white light flashed over him, and he transformed into his Platinum Form.

However, even in this form, Cell’s foot was like an enormous mountain, firmly suppressing him, almost rendering him immobile.

“What in the world is this Dragon Ball? It’s so powerful!”

Trunks was shocked.

Frieza’s current power far exceeded his expectations, yet even so, he couldn’t subdue Cell!

No, they can’t defeat Cell by relying solely on Frieza; they have to resort to something else…

With this in mind, Trunks reached into his pocket and pulled out a pair of Potara Earrings.

This was the final trump card prepared by the Chronoa-sama before they left, in case they encountered trouble.

“Dad, let’s fuse!”

At that moment, Frieza was still struggling to escape from Cell’s suppression.

Transformed into his Platinum Form, he braced himself against Cell’s foot using both hands, struggling to lift him up. Each time he managed to do so, the massive Dark Cell would exert more force, pressing Frieza back down with a resounding thud.

It was like the Buddha’s Five Finger Mountain, rendering it impossible for Frieza to free himself.

However, just then, a figure swiftly flew in from a distance and punched Cell in the face.


A sound of bones breaking echoed as Cell’s massive head exploded, and his huge body toppled backward.

“Frieza, no need to thank me.”

A strange voice, as if two people were speaking simultaneously, resounded. Frieza lifted his head, staring in astonishment at the unfamiliar person before him.

This person appeared to be a Saiyan, somewhat resembling Vegeta but with a few strands of purple hair mixed in.

“Who-who-who the hell are you?”

“Me? I’m Vegeks! The strongest warrior formed from the fusion of Vegeta and Trunks!”

Chapter 533 The new fused warrior, Vegeks!

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