DBEPV Chapter 9 Raditz: I am protagonist’s big brother!

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 Talot slowly stood up from the bed, controlling his Ki to gather above his palm.

The white aura could be shaped into any form under his mental control.

Although this level of Ki had no destructive power, it demonstrated his current control over his aura.

“I can’t say I’ve reached the point where I can do whatever I want, but after these two days of reflection, my current application of Ki is far beyond what it was before.

“As my proficiency with Ki grows, my body seems to automatically remember this feeling. The energy flows continuously within me, strengthening my torso, meridians, and even my internal organs.”

With these words, Talot concluded his self-assessment and spun his hands in circles.

It was similar to cultivation techniques of people in Xianxia or Wuxia worlds.

Surprisingly, it did have some effect. At the very least, after doing this once, he could feel his aura circulating.

It was as if his Ki was stagnant water, but with his guidance, it became flowing water, moving actively.

“Putting everything else aside, it seems I’m growing stronger after breaking through the bottleneck!

“My power level should have reached 1100! Maybe even higher.”

He wanted to see how high his power level had reached.

Talot activated his scouter, carefully controlling his aura to prevent it from leaking out.

Finally, the scouter displayed his current power level.


“It seems the path I’m taking is correct! Achieving such a big breakthrough in just two days would have taken at least a few months before.

“Indeed, the greater the pressure, the greater the progress! As a Saiyan, growing stronger under pressure is natural. The stronger the opponent, the stronger we become.”

After a self-reflection, Talot once again suppressed his ki.

However, it was no longer at 350 but at 360.

As he grows older and encounters more things, his strength will naturally improve.

Even though there’s not a big difference between 350 and 360, a gradual and small improvement can make the progress feel more natural to people. 

A sudden large increase would be much more shocking.

“Hmm? Is this Aunt Gine’s aura?”

In his perception, a familiar aura approached, instinctively catching his attention.

This automatic sensing was something he could also do before, but after his breakthrough in Ki control, it became clearer.

Talot casually spread out his Ki sense and, in the next second, also sensed Raditz’s aura.

He had also returned.

‘Knock knock knock!!!’

The sound of knocking came, and Gine’s voice called from outside the door, “Little Talot, it’s time to eat.”

Hearing the call, Talot immediately went to open the door with a smile, saying, “Sorry, Aunt Gine, I didn’t sleep well last night and have been resting. I didn’t realize it was already so late.”

“I already guessed you were sleeping,” Gine nodded at Talot and then teased, “It seems you were really looking forward to Bardock coming back last night. Little Talot has grown up and has his own thoughts now.”

This made Talot a bit embarrassed, “I don’t have anything on my mind. Aunt Gine, you’re overthinking it.”

Seeing this, Gine chuckled and then said with a smile, “Alright, alright, I won’t tease you anymore. By the way, Raditz is back. You haven’t seen him in a long time, and he’s very curious about how much your power level has improved.”

Her husband had returned, her eldest son had also returned, and now the whole family was together. It was something she had been looking forward to for a long time.

As for Talot, he was like half a son to her and always a part of the family.

“Is that so? I’m also curious about how much Raditz’s power level has increased after training with Prince Vegeta’s team these past few months. The last time we met, he was already at 500,” Talot replied casually.

The two of them chatted and laughed as they headed next door.

At this moment, Raditz was circling Kakarot’s incubator, scrutinizing his younger brother.

Of course, this wasn’t his first time seeing him, but he had been away from home for two or three months.

“You’re still as small as the last time I saw you, Kakarot. When will you grow up?

“Your power level is the same as before, too. It hasn’t changed at all—still only 2 points.”

Raditz muttered, feeling a bit disappointed as an older brother.

But soon, Raditz set aside his disappointment.

After all, as the elder brother, even though he was an upper-class warrior, family came first, and his younger brother was still his younger brother.

If his brother was weak, he could always become a support-type Saiyan in the future.

With him as the older brother to protect him, it would be enough.

At this time, Raditz was very different from the Raditz of the future.

At least now, in a happy and harmonious family, his young heart was filled with a strong sense of responsibility, something Bardock had taught him.

“Grow up quickly, Kakarot. No matter what happens in the future, your big brother will always protect you!” Raditz’s words seemed to have a kind of magic.

For a moment, it seemed as if Kakarot, inside the incubator, had heard him. His small body twitched a few times and then suddenly opened his eyes.

Their eyes met, and Raditz excitedly shouted.

This also attracted the attention of a few people who had just heard Raditz speaking.

Bardock and Gine were very pleased with Raditz’s behavior and were also happy that Kakarot had opened his eyes.

While Talot was a bit surprised that Raditz could say such things.

Of course, he didn’t show any abnormal reaction, only internally muttering, ‘Raditz looks like a righteous big brother protecting the weak.’

The changes between his childhood and adulthood can only be attributed to the environment in which Raditz grew up in the future, which warped his psyche.

After Kakarot closed his eyes and fell asleep again, everyone left the room.

At the dining table.

“It seems that being by Prince Vegeta’s side has helped you grow a lot, Raditz,” Bardock said, sitting at the head of the table, praising his son.

His initial worries had long since vanished.

His biggest worry was that his son would be influenced by those so-called elite superiors and become arrogant and clueless.

“Hehe, Kakarot is my brother. Isn’t this what I should do, Dad?” Raditz’s straightforward and earnest reply showed that he wasn’t acting.

Bardock nodded, and Gine was even happier.

The disparity between the brothers was significant, but at least there was no issue of the older brother despising the younger brother.

“You really surprised me; I thought you’d become very arrogant,” Talot couldn’t help but say at this moment.

These words reached Raditz’s ears, causing him to respond with dissatisfaction, “Tch~! You talk as if you’re an adult. You think I will become arrogant just because you say so?”

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