DBEPV Chapter 51 Gravity Chamber

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 Talot, Gine, and Salari didn’t say anything else.

The existence of the Dragon Balls and the wish-granting power of the Eternal Dragon had sparked thoughts in all of them.

Of course, even though they knew how special and precious the Dragon Balls were, none of them had any intention of stealing them.

This was mainly due to the profound influence Talot had on them.

Unconsciously, both Gine and Salari had become people who wouldn’t easily argue with others, let alone fight to seize someone else’s belongings.

After a long time passed, a voice drew the attention of the three once again.

Without a doubt, the newcomer was Brief.

Talot recognized him instantly. Although he appeared much younger than in the original storyline, his appearance and clothing were almost identical.

“Are you the guests my daughter mentioned? I heard you need my help to make something special,” Brief said as he walked in, with Tights naturally following behind him.

The two of them sized up Talot and the others. Thanks to his daughter’s heads-up, Brief knew it was the boy who was seeking his assistance.

“Hello, Dr. Brief! I’ve heard that you’re the creator of Hoi-Poi Capsules and the most talented scientist on Earth, so I’d like to ask for your help in making something,” Talot greeted him warmly.

Flattery never fails, and though it might not mean much to Brief, almost everyone likes hearing good things about themselves.

“Not at all, we have many renowned scientists on Earth. I just happen to excel in certain areas,” Brief responded modestly.

He then sat down, with Tights following suit on the sofa. She took the initiative to ask, “Now that my dad’s here, just let us know what kind of help you need.”

With that, Talot got straight to the point: “Since that’s the case, I won’t waste any more time. What I need is for Dr. Brief to help me build a device that can control gravity.”

“A device that controls gravity?” Brief and Tights were both stunned, clearly surprised.

“I know it might be hard to understand, so let me explain it in another way. I need you to build me a room where gravity can be adjusted and the room must be large,” Talot clarified.

Hearing this, both Brief and Tights were stunned.

“I’m curious, what do you need such a room for?” Brief asked, lighting a cigarette, possibly a habit when he had to think deeply.

At the same time, Gine and Salari were curious as well—they had no idea what Talot was up to.

Facing the question, Talot didn’t hold back and directly answered, “For training!”

“Training? So, you’re a martial artist?” Tights asked, surprised.

Talot understood what she meant by ‘martial artist,’ and even with Gine and Salari present, he didn’t hesitate to reply, “You could say that. Basically, I need gravity to assist in my training so I can become even stronger.”

Tights was even more shocked by his response.

Though she didn’t know much about this field, she understood that using gravity for training sounded insane.

What shocked her most was that Talot looked much younger than her.

“While I’m impressed by your thinking, I have to tell you that manipulating gravity is no joke. Judging by your age, you’re probably no more than eleven or twelve. If you try to endure gravity that exceeds several times Earth’s normal gravity, your life could be in danger,” Brief warned.

His concern was valid—for an ordinary person.

“You don’t need to worry about that. My strength is far beyond what you could imagine. For instance…” Talot walked over to a massive, seemingly heavy tea table and casually lifted it above his head with one hand.

His demonstration of strength left both Brief and Tights in shock.

Talot didn’t hesitate. While setting down the heavy tea table, he continued, “If I weren’t confident enough, I wouldn’t be so reckless! Besides, we’ve survived in places with ten times Earth’s gravity, so even handling several dozen times that gravity is no problem! With you being Earth’s top scientist, I’m sure you can build it, right?”

Even though Brief was shocked by Talot’s words, he thought for a moment and then stubbed out his cigarette. “Building it isn’t the problem, but it can’t be controlled without limits. Even if I manage to create such a room, the range of control won’t be very large. Plus, the cost will be quite high.”

“Money doesn’t matter. For now, I only need it to reach about a hundred times Earth’s gravity,” Talot said, unconcerned.

“I’m not talking about the money. Some of the materials are difficult to find in West City. So even if I can make it, it might take a long time. Are you willing to wait?” Brief replied.

Of course, to him, money was just a number.

“Tell me what materials you need. As long as they exist on Earth, I can get them. Even if it’s something from beyond Earth, I can manage that too,” Talot responded without hesitation.

Though he didn’t spell it out, his determination was clear.

Gravity Chamber is too important—it’s like a cheat code in the early stages. If he couldn’t obtain it, it would be like having a mountain of treasure and leaving it untouched.

Seemingly moved by Talot’s sincerity, Brief rubbed his chin thoughtfully for a long while before finally saying, “Let me research this for a bit before I give you an answer. Coincidentally, I’ve been wanting to explore and discover new fields. It shouldn’t take too long—maybe ten days to two weeks, and I’ll have a definite answer for you.”

“That’s fine!” Talot nodded with a smile.

With that, the matter was settled.

Tights, Gine, and Salari were still in a state of confusion, feeling as though they were in a fog.

Time flew by, and nearly another hour had passed.

They chatted casually, discussing various ideas.

Although Talot didn’t understand much, as a transmigrator, his bold speculations and the vast knowledge from his past life sparked great inspiration in Brief.

In short, in this short time, the two had established a good relationship.

Before leaving, Brief kindly invited Talot and the others to stay for dinner.

“Thank you, but we still have things to do. We’ll visit again in a few days, and we might even stay with you for a while then,” Talot politely declined.

It had been almost two days, and not only had everyone’s emotions calmed down, but they had also indirectly taken care of some matters. Now, it was time to head back to the Lookout.

Before leaving, Talot took out a transparent crystal stone that glowed with a blue light and gave it to Brief.

Brief’s eyes were immediately drawn to the blue crystal.

Though he didn’t specialize in crystals, his years of experience told him that this blue crystal was unlike any known crystal on Earth.

“This is a small gift. Next time we meet, I’ll bring you a bigger one, and I might need your help again then.”

After leaving Brief’s house, Talot together with Gine and Salari left using Flight.

Seeing Talot and the others flying, Brief and Tights were once again left in shock.

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