DBEPV Chapter 47 Three Days Later

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 Time flew by in the blink of an eye.

Before they knew it, three days had passed since Talot and his group had arrived on Earth and reached the Lookout.

During these three days, under Kami’s arrangement, they temporarily stayed at the Lookout.

Due to their agreement with Kami, they remained on the Lookout the entire time without going to the mortal world.

What seemed like a simple task was actually quite difficult to accomplish.

As Kami explained, every day numerous meteors fall to Earth. Many of them burn up due to atmospheric friction, while some still make it to the ground, though their impact is usually not very significant.

Now, he was tasked with tracking the records of meteor impacts over the past few months, which was extremely time-consuming and exhausting.

Additionally, he had to ensure that the target wasn’t discovered and taken away by someone below.

In short, it all came down to luck—if he was lucky, he could find him in a short time; if not, he might be impossible to locate.

In a word, it was like searching for a needle in a haystack.

At the center of the square in front of the Lookout.

Talot and Salari were sparring.

In terms of strength, Salari was certainly no match for Talot, but the improvement brought about by these training sessions was significant, so Talot never get tired of it.

If it wasn’t sparring with Salari, it was with Gine, and sometimes they even fought two-on-one quite often.

To be honest, it was only because there weren’t better opponents; otherwise, he wouldn’t just focus on Gine and Salari.

For Salari and Gine, fighting with Talot helped them improve even more.

Salari’s power level had finally broken through the 1,000 barrier during these three days, reaching 1,020.

After being suppressed for so long, these three days of release would lead to even more growth for Salari in the days to come.

As for Gine, her power level was similar to Talot’s, only fluctuating by about 10 or 20 points.

After their sparring session, Salari collapsed to the ground, gasping for air.

Only Salari would dare to act so bold and unrestrained.

If it had been any other girl, she might have been a bit more reserved and not so reckless.

However, Salari’s straightforward and honest nature made her all the more adorable to Talot. There was no barrier between them when they interacted, and they were not restricted by a male-female relationship.

“Brother Talot, you’re getting stronger and stronger… Ha… ha…!”

Even though she was exhausted, Salari couldn’t stop praising Talot.

They were both only six years old. If she were a little older, Salari would probably be saying bold things like, “As expected of the man I like.”

“You’re getting stronger too. Not only has your control over your strength improved, but your understanding of Ki has also improved over these three days,” Talot said with a smile.

Hearing Talot’s praise, Salari’s already rosy cheeks blushed even more, and a sense of pride swelled up within her.

Talot was unaware that her admiration for him was growing deeper and deeper, to the point where any compliment from him would send her mind wandering.

After a long rest, Salari finally recovered and sat next to Talot on the steps to take a break.

Their gaze fell on Gine, who stood at the edge of the Lookout.

Over the past three days, even though Gine had calmed down and waited, her worry for Kakarot had only grown deeper.

This worry was different from the concern she had felt for Bardock and Raditz before, because now, they were all on the same planet, yet as a mother, she was powerless.

“Brother Talot, isn’t Aunt Gine going to get sick if she keeps this up? It’s been three days, and that Namekian Kami isn’t just messing with us, right? We still don’t have any news about Kakarot. What should we do next?” Salari, concerned for Gine, asked Talot.

Upon hearing this, Talot’s heart was also moved.

After so many years of being together, seeing Gine like this now made Talot feel a strong urge to tell her the whereabouts of Kakarot.

Although Talot was confident that if he took the initiative to guide Kakarot, he could at least prevent him from becoming an evil Saiyan.

But he couldn’t get past that mental hurdle. After all, just because someone guides Kakarot doesn’t mean he’ll turn into the Goku from the original work.

What would happen if the original work’s Goku was no longer around?

【I’m sorry, Aunt Gine. Just a little longer.】

Talot had already made up his mind. At the very least, he had to ensure that the Goku from the original work was born. After that, even if things changed, it wouldn’t matter.

“Since there’s still no news about Kakarot, why don’t we take a walk around Earth? We might find some clues,” Talot suggested to Salari.

The idea of going down to Earth lit a special sparkle in Salari’s eyes.

“That’s great, Brother Talot, you have no idea, I was about to go crazy here. Although this place is nice, there’s nothing to do here. After a while, anyone would go mad!” Salari was the type of person who couldn’t sit still.

Seeing her like that, Talot smiled. The two of them stood up and walked over to Gine.

After some discussion, Gine was convinced as well.

Rather than waiting around, it was better for them to go down and search. At least it would give them some hope.

Kami didn’t stop them either. After all, if they were only going down to the mortal world to look for their family member, stopping them might backfire.

Still, Kami was generally reassured about Talot and his group.

After spending three days with them, he had concluded that although Talot and his companions were incredibly strong, they didn’t seem to be inherently evil, and a basic level of trust had been established.

Of course, trust is one thing.

As the saying goes, “One should not harbor ill intentions toward others, but one must always be cautious of others.”

Kami still left some room for caution.

For instance, he had already found what they were looking for, but he hadn’t said anything.

He wanted to observe Talot and his group a bit more carefully. A short time wasn’t enough to truly reveal someone’s nature. Letting them go down to the mortal world was the perfect way to further evaluate them.

“Kami-sama, now that they’ve gone down to the mortal world, do you want me to follow them?” Mr. Popo asked.

Clearly, even though he understood Kami’s plan, Popo was still concerned and wanted to help relieve some of Kami’s worries.

“No, let them move freely for now. We’ll observe the situation first. You’ve worked hard these past few days—go rest,” Kami replied.

“Alright, Kami-sama,” Popo nodded but didn’t leave.

Kami didn’t mind and focused his attention on watching the mortal world.

At that moment, he wasn’t just watching Talot and his companions leave—he was also keeping an eye on a remote mountain area in the mortal world.

According to Earth’s geographic names, the place was Mount Paozu!

He had found the space pod and also Kakarot.

Kami was keeping the information to himself because he couldn’t afford to take the risk, nor could he gamble on the outcome.

Even though Talot’s group consisted of just one woman and two children, the power they wielded was immense.

If they found that child Kakarot and suddenly decided to attack Earth, the planet would fall into their hands in an instant.

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