DBEPV Chapter 45 Talot: You are a Namekian

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 “Salari has a point; neither of these two look like Earthlings! I don’t know the identity of the black-skinned one, but I’m somewhat familiar with the other person. He should be a Namekian, right? How could he be on Earth?” As soon as the words were out, a sense of relief washed over Talot.

He wasn’t good at lying, but this was a lie he had to tell.

Hearing Talot’s words, Gine was shocked, while Salari’s eyes widened in curiosity.

“Are you sure, Talot? He’s a Namekian?” Gine asked.

She couldn’t help but immediately fall into deep thought.

If there were Namekians on Earth, it would mean that alien forces had already invaded, which would be terrible news for her Kakarot…

When she saw Talot nod, Gine gasped, murmuring under her breath, “Kakarot, please be alright.”

Salari didn’t think that far ahead, but Talot noticed Gine’s distress and quickly realized what was going on. He hurriedly said, “From what I know, Namekians usually have a very high power level, at least comparable to us Saiyans. But this Namekian seems weak, and besides them, there’s no stronger aura on Earth…..Could it be that, like Kakarot, this Namekian was sent to Earth as a child, so his strength is weak?”

He provided an explanation to calm Gine down and keep her from panicking.

Upon hearing this, Gine snapped out of it.

Indeed, they hadn’t sensed any strong aura, and the scouter hadn’t detected any high power level readings.

So, it didn’t seem like Namekians with high power levels had invaded Earth.

The three of them continued discussing.

About ten meters away.

Kami and Popo’s hearts were racing.

Things had developed to the point where they felt completely out of control, and now, with his extraordinary hearing, Kami had overheard Talot’s words. This threw him into deep contemplation.

Although he was shocked that the people who arrived were a woman and two children, and was intimidated by their power, nothing mattered to him now more than the revelation that his real identity was that of a Namekian.

【I… I’m actually from an alien race… a Namekian?! No wonder I look nothing like Earthlings! No wonder I went through so many hardships before I was accepted as Earth’s Kami! No wonder I’ve been waiting all these years and never found my family! I, the Kami of Earth, am actually an alien…】 Kami’s mind was racing with these thoughts.

Next to him, Popo was oblivious to the fact that Kami had overheard the conversation and was lost in his own thoughts.

Sweating profusely, Popo didn’t dare make any move.

Strictly speaking, he was just an attendant. If Kami didn’t speak, he had no right to say anything.

The atmosphere grew more and more stifling.

At this time, it was still Kami who took the initiative to come back to his senses, trying his best to pretend to be calm as he walked forward.

Even though his heart was in turmoil, his expression remained composed.

“Welcome to Earth, guests from afar. I am the Kami of Earth, and this is Lookout.” Kami spoke first.

As soon as he spoke, Salari, standing by Talot’s side, was surprised.

“God? Brother Talot, he says he’s a god. But isn’t he a Namekian? How can he be a Namekian then?” Salari turned to Talot with a puzzled look. [TN: Kami can also mean god.]

In truth, the biggest surprise to her was, “Why is a God so weak?”

Gine was also looking at Talot.

Ever since they left Planet Vegeta, she had let Talot take charge. Even though Gine was an adult, she had entrusted the leadership role and decision-making to Talot.

“The universe is truly full of wonders—a Namekian becoming Earth’s Kami.” Talot pretended to be shocked, as if he hadn’t known this already.

Hearing these words, Kami felt his world crumbling around him. His identity was now crystal clear.

Popo, meanwhile, glanced in surprise at Talot and then at Kami.

The tension in the air seemed to ease.

“It was just by chance. I never imagined that I would be an alien… Thank you for informing me that I am a Namekian,” Kami said, maintaining a friendly demeanor.

With his power being weak and not knowing why Talot and the others had come, it was best to stay humble and amicable.

Seeing Kami’s response and then looking over at Popo, Talot had no intention of making things difficult for them.

Before he could speak, Gine couldn’t hold back any longer and said, “You say you’re the Kami of this planet, Earth. From what I know, a god should be omnipotent, right? Since you call yourself a god, does that mean you know everything about Earth?”

“Although I don’t control everything, as the Kami of Earth, I do have a good grasp of most things on Earth. Is there something I can help you with, visitors from space?” Kami, holding back the turmoil in his heart, subtly inquired without directly asking their purpose for coming here.

Hearing this, Gine hesitated no more and spoke directly, “I need your help finding someone—my son. He should have arrived on Earth a few months ago.”

As she said this, Gine wanted to explain more but suddenly found herself lost for words, unsure of how to describe her situation, feeling awkward.

Seeing this, Talot gently tugged on Gine’s hand, signaling her not to worry. He then said, “Let me explain, Aunt Gine.”

After Gine nodded in agreement, Talot locked eyes with Kami again.

He could sense Kami’s unease. “There’s no need to be nervous; we come to Earth with no ill intentions. First, let me introduce ourselves—we are Saiyans from Planet Vegeta. As for why we are here, a few months ago, Aunt Gine’s son was sent to Earth due to some unforeseen circumstances. Now, we must find him. So, as the Kami of Earth, can you help us locate him….?”

As Talot revealed more details, Kami finally understood the situation.

At the very least, now that he knew their purpose and background, there was no reason to be as tense.

Even though the three of them possessed great power, since they weren’t here to invade or destroy, they were not enemies.

Kami relaxed; though he cannot completely let go of the vigilance against Talot and his group, it is already not necessary to worry so much.

To Kami’s great surprise, he hadn’t expected the one leading the conversation among the three to be this child, instead of Gine.

“So, can you help us find him?” Talot asked again, inwardly hoping that Kami wouldn’t be able to locate him.

At least, not right away. If they couldn’t find Kakarot for a while—at least until his head injury—that would ensure Kakarot would turn out like the Kakarot in the original work.

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