DBEPV Chapter 43 Half a year later! Earth!

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 Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, half a year has passed.

In a remote corner of the Milky Way, within the North Area…

The Solar System lies at the edge of the Milky Way Galaxy.

A disc-shaped spaceship, like a streak of light, was traversing the vast sea of stars.

After who knows how long, the spaceship passed by the solar system’s sun and finally halted its journey, stopping outside the atmosphere of a blue planet.

This blue planet is Earth.

The spaceship belongs to Talot, Gine, and Salari.

Inside the spaceship, the three of them were gazing through the protective glass at the small blue planet in front of them.

“We’ve finally arrived on Earth,” Talot exclaimed, a smile spreading across his face.

Six months of space travel—honestly, he felt like he was about to grow fur.

If not for their strong sense of purpose and the experience of two months of prior space travel, it would have been difficult to survive in such a cramped space for six months.

In the end, they didn’t want to waste any time, so they didn’t use the hibernation chambers—otherwise, it would have been over in the blink of an eye.

In the past six months, Talot’s strength had improved dramatically.

Before leaving Planet Ouyun, his power level had broken through 2,000, and now it had reached 2,500.

This was the result of relentless Ki training.

Like Talot, Gine and Salari also made notable improvements in strength, though not as significant in terms of power level numbers, but their training and usage of Ki had progressed greatly.

Gine, power level 1,250.

Salari, power level 980.

In comparison, Talot’s improvement was much more pronounced.

However, Talot did not let this go to his head. After all, such a small improvement was basically nothing much.

Placed on Earth, he would indeed be invincible, and even on most planets in the current era, he would be considered a very powerful being, especially considering he was only six years old.

“This is Earth? It’s not a big planet, but it’s so beautiful,” Salari was already captivated by Earth’s beauty.

After all, planets with such an ecological environment are rare in the universe. Even Planet Ouyun, with its perfectly balanced and beautiful ecosystem, is slightly inferior to Earth when it comes to the ratio of land to ocean.

“Yeah, it’s beautiful,” Talot murmured.

Looking at Earth, Talot couldn’t help but feel old memories resurfacing in his mind.

Even though this wasn’t the Earth from his previous life, as the Earth from the Dragon Ball world, the center of the universe and the starting point of everything, it still gave Talot a sense of belonging.

In any case, he had already decided in his heart that he wanted to settle down on Earth in the future.

“On the surface, Earth does seem quite impressive. As a low-level planet, its apparent value is already enough to place it among the mid-to-upper-level planets,” Gine’s words were rather blunt.

However, it’s indeed quite fitting to evaluate Earth using value.

“I wonder where Kakarot landed on Earth?” As Gine asked this, Talot raised an eyebrow.

Sure enough, as soon as they arrived on Earth, Gine’s first thought was to know about this.

“I’ve already tried using the spaceship to pinpoint the exact location of Kakarot’s ship, but there’s no accurate information. I think either the ship was damaged, or the place where Kakarot landed is very special, and the signal is blocked,” Talot responded vaguely.

Hearing that, Gine grew a bit anxious, “Then let’s land quickly. If something happened to Kakarot…”

“We need to wait a bit longer. Let’s check out the auras on Earth first. I’m curious if there are any powerful beings on this planet,” Talot said intentionally or otherwise.

Cautious, careful—that’s how Talot always was.

Gine and Salari assumed Talot was simply being cautious for safety, so they didn’t object and began using their sensing abilities to check out the auras on Earth.

In truth, Talot was just putting on an act.

Since he had never been to Earth and didn’t know its situation, if he acted as if he knew everything about the planet right away, not only would Gine be suspicious, but even Salari would find it strange.

The three of them simultaneously activated their Ki Sense, covering most of the planet.

In an instant, countless life forms’ auras entered their perception.

When converted into power levels, the vast majority were only in the single digits, with some even so weak that they barely registered.

However, there were a few individuals with power level in the triple digits, who on this planet would likely be considered among the strongest.

As for those with double-digit power level, Gine and Salari paid them no mind, and Talot had already guessed who they were.

Undoubtedly, they were the notable figures of Earth from the past hundred to two hundred years.

People like Turtle Hermit, Crane Hermit, Mercenary Tao, and Son Gohan. In addition, there were a few other Earthling auras, likely reclusive masters living in hiding on the planet.

But none of this concerned Talot. His attention was instinctively drawn to the other side of the planet.

Following the trail of the two strongest auras on Earth, Talot pinpointed their locations.

Earth’s Kami and Kami’s attendant, Popo.

Talot clearly remembered that in the original work, they were assigned power level of 220 and 1,030 respectively.

However, after sensing Popo’s power level, it was clear that it was nowhere near 1,000, or even 500.

Judging by the intensity of his aura, it was probably between 200 and 300, roughly on par with Kami Piccolo.

After thinking about it, Talot didn’t delve much deeper. After all, the 1030 power level mentioned in the original work’s official book was during the Saiyan Saga, after Popo had trained with Krillin, Tien Shinhan, Yamcha, and Chiaotzu for half a year and then trained hard for another half a year by himself.

Even if he had this power level before, it was only after Goku arrived at Lookout that he started training.

“Brother Talot, it doesn’t seem like there are any beings with high power levels on this planet,” Salari suddenly spoke, interrupting Talot’s thoughts.

“The only strong ones have power levels around two to three hundred at most,” Gine added.

Talot nodded.

Their Ki Sense ability wasn’t weak, so it was normal for them to sense this.

“We’re new here and don’t know much about this planet. How about we visit its strongest inhabitants? They might be able to help us,” Talot suggested.

“That’s a good idea. Maybe they know where Kakarot is,” Gine said.

After all, those with some strength might have noticed Kakarot arriving in his spaceship.

Hearing that, Talot suddenly became tense but he quickly relaxed.

In the original work, Kami and Popo didn’t know Goku’s true identity at first, so Kami probably had no idea where Goku was either.

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