DBEPV Chapter 41 Comforting Gine

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 The sky gradually turned overcast, black clouds loomed overhead, and thunder rumbled in the distance. The entire sky looked as if it was the end of the world, looking extraordinarily terrifying.

In the forest, a fierce wind howled continuously, causing the trees and plants to sway.

As this prelude passed, heavy rain poured down from the sky, covering everything visible to the naked eye.

In a quiet valley.

Talot, Gine, and Salari were inside the spaceship, avoiding the onslaught of the storm.

Unlike the storms on ordinary planets, the storm on this planet was a true tempest, with huge raindrops and intense rain that couldn’t be compared to a regular storm.

There’s a saying from his previous life that perfectly describes the current scene: it was as if the sky was really pouring water.

If Talot hadn’t been sure that the spaceship could withstand it, he would have already piloted it away from the surface.

Inside the spaceship.

Watching the world outside being swept away by the rainstorm, Talot’s thoughts gradually drifted far away.

Unknowingly, nearly two hours passed.

The rain weakened, turning into a light drizzle. Talot was just about to go out for some fresh air when, at that moment, his scouter received a message.

It was a notification from the Frieza Force about the destruction of Planet Vegeta.

It came so suddenly that Talot, who had been expecting this, was momentarily stunned.

“Finally, has it come?”

Talot, his emotions building for what felt like a long time, finally let out a quiet murmur.

Since arriving on Planet Ouyun…


To be precise, since the day he set out, Talot had been calculating the time, constantly planning.

He had prepared so early that it had almost become a habit, to the point where he gradually started forgetting about it.

【I wonder, did Bardock die in the explosion, or…】His mind involuntarily wandered to that side story.

If he died in the planet’s explosion, then he could use the Dragon Balls to wish him back to life.

But if Bardock, like in that side story, traveled back in time to the past, that would be a different matter altogether.

Talot had already considered this possibility.

If Bardock really did travel back in time, regardless of whether Shenron’s power could bring him back, knowing that Bardock would become a Super Saiyan in the past, Talot didn’t want to change that plot.

As he was lost in thought, Gine and Salari, who had been resting in the spaceship’s cabin, rushed out.

It was obvious that they had just seen the message on the scouter.

“Talot, did you receive it? Planet Vegeta exploded due to a massive meteor collision…!!” Gine said nervously, her voice anxious.

Her voice was trembling, clearly shaken by the news, and at the same time, she was panicking inside.

There was no doubt she was worried about Bardock.

When she left Planet Vegeta, she had a strange feeling, and now that feeling of it being the last time seeing him has come true.

Her emotions became increasingly complicated, and the panic caused Gine’s face to turn pale, her body breaking out in a cold sweat.

And in those eyes, there was already a faint hint of tears, showing signs of emotional breakdown.

Just as Talot had thought before, Gine was bound to have an emotional outburst.

“I also received the news about Planet Vegeta’s explosion, but Aunt Gine, don’t worry just yet. If the news is true, what’s done is done. We can’t lose our composure; instead, we should be glad. Because Uncle Bardock and I had predicted it; at least we avoided the crisis of the planet exploding,” Talot said to comfort her.

“Brother Talot and Uncle Bardock predicted this?” Salari chimed in, “Why didn’t you tell me?”

Her words were clearly blaming Talot for hiding this from her.

Obviously, Salari was also struggling to accept it at the moment.

Even though she was only five years old and had few concerns, she was quite mature.

Now that such a huge matter had been hidden from her, it was only natural for her to be upset.

It was like everyone knew this major event was about to happen, but the family deliberately left you out. Even the most oblivious person would feel like an outsider.

“It was my fault for not telling you. I was afraid that if I told you, it would become a burden on your mind. Also, since Planet Vegeta hadn’t experienced any major events recently, and we hadn’t received any bad news, I just naturally thought I was being overly anxious,” Talot explained to Salari, indirectly trying to soothe Gine as well.

Salari was easy to comfort, but Gine was a different story.

Afraid of being blamed by Gine, Talot spoke in this way to distance himself from the situation.

At the very least, he implied that he wasn’t sure and hadn’t expected things to become so serious.

By doing so, Gine wouldn’t develop negative feelings toward him, allowing him to proceed with his next plan.

“I suddenly feel like I’m dreaming. Talot, tell me, Bardock will be okay, right?” Gine kept taking deep breaths, trying to force herself to stay calm and not break down.

She wanted a definite answer.

At this moment, she regretted having Talot modify all the scouters in the first place, making them unable to even communicate. Now they could only passively receive messages.

“I think Uncle Bardock must have planned things out. Besides, after we left Planet Vegeta, Uncle Bardock also went out on a mission. With such a short time, the mission probably isn’t over yet.” Unable to tell the whole truth, Talot could only offer a white lie.

However, he genuinely couldn’t determine whether Bardock was alive or dead.

Hearing Talot’s words, Gine calmed down a bit.

It was something to hold onto, giving her some time to process before knowing the truth.

“I understand how you feel, Aunt Gine. I also know that you might want to go back immediately to see if the news is true, but I can’t take you back.

“This is what Uncle Bardock warned us of before we left! Unless he contacts us or finds us, we must not go back or act on our own.

“Moreover, I suspect that the explosion of Planet Vegeta wasn’t caused by a meteorite collision at all. It might have been Frieza acting in secret! If we go back now, we’ll definitely be killed!”

Crushing any hope right at the outset, Talot kept speaking.

He wanted Gine to understand that they must not expose themselves at the moment; they couldn’t let Bardock’s preparations go to waste.

“But… but…” Gine’s delicate body trembled.

She was torn inside because Talot was right.

“Brother Talot, can we really not go back…? If Planet Vegeta really exploded, then we won’t have a home anymore,” Salari said, her voice tinged with sadness.

“No! As long as we’re together, no matter where we go, it could be our home!” Talot let out a long sigh; he could understand this sentiment.

It’s similar to how he can never return to Earth from his past life; that Earth was what Talot considered his true home deep down.

This feeling didn’t change, even after spending five years on Planet Vegeta.

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