DBEPV Chapter 40 Vegeta’s Decision, Raditz’s Suspicion

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 Planet Vegeta turned to dust in the universe.

Although the final explosion was incredibly dazzling and bright, it was only for a brief moment.

With the destruction of Planet Vegeta, Frieza, leading his subordinates, left the area filled with planetary debris in his spaceship.

To him, it seemed like nothing at all.

One day later.

In a certain ruin on the Planet Larp.

The smoke from the explosion mixed with the pungent smell of blood, creating a nauseating stench.

Looking out, all one could see was endless ruins and corpses scattered everywhere.

There was no doubt that this was the work of Vegeta’s squad.

Led by Vegeta, with Nappa, Raditz, and other warriors, they spent an entire month slaughtering the entire Planet Larp, completely conquering it.

Now, Vegeta’s squad was resting in a relatively clean area among the ruins.

A group of people sat around a campfire, eating the meat of some unusual animal to satisfy their hunger.

‘Beep, beep, beep…’

At this moment, their scouters simultaneously received a message from the Frieza Force.

Nappa was the first to read the contents, his pupils suddenly shrinking as he shouted in disbelief.

The two warriors beside him had the same reaction, both horrified.

“Prince Vegeta! A message from the Frieza Force says that our Planet Vegeta exploded due to a collision with a massive meteorite a day ago!

“Most of the Saiyans died in the explosion, and those who survived… other than us, there probably aren’t many left.”

Nappa arrived beside Vegeta and reported.

In a month, Vegeta’s strength had grown rapidly, releasing his potential through bloody battles.

His power level had already exceeded 4000! It was even approaching 5000!

Upon hearing Nappa’s words, Vegeta coldly took a bite of the roasted meat in his hand, showing no reaction, his demeanor indifferent.

“Hmph! It’s already destroyed, so what? As long as we’re not dead, the Saiyans will never go extinct!” Vegeta’s response shocked Nappa and the other two Saiyans.

Vegeta’s ruthless nature redefined their understanding of him.

Not long ago, the deaths of three comrades were considered by Vegeta as the sorrow of the weak. Now, even the explosion of the planet didn’t affect his heart.


This word flashed through their minds.

Even the elite warrior Broccoli gasped.

He was an elite and a royal guard!

Vegeta’s ruthlessness was just like King Vegeta. To put it bluntly, he was really King Vegeta’s son; he was exactly the same as him.

Because of Vegeta’s indifference, no one wanted to offer him any more comfort.

The few of them discussed among themselves, trying to decide what to do next.

With Planet Vegeta gone, they no longer had a home planet, which meant they were now homeless.

What about Vegeta?

He completely ignored his subordinates’ conversation, immersed in his own world.

An meteorite impact caused the planet to explode? That’s utter bullshit!

If such a coincidence existed in the world, there’s no way it would go unnoticed.

Even if a planet came crashing down, it could simply be blown up!

Vegeta didn’t know the truth, but he knew one thing: the message from the Frieza Force was not trustworthy.

Without Planet Vegeta and without resources and backing, Vegeta struggled internally for a long time before making a bold and significant decision.

Even if Frieza would be his enemy, even if the destruction of the planet and the near extinction of the Saiyan race were linked to Frieza, he had no choice but to bide his time and slowly develop under Frieza’s rule.

On the side, Raditz was plunged into deep despair.

[How could this happen? How could Planet Vegeta suddenly explode… Father… Mother… Talot, Salari… and Kakarot… they’re all…]

Raditz did not want to accept this reality.

But he had no choice. Just after receiving the news, he immediately used his communicator to try and contact others, but all he got was a busy signal.

His family had all perished in the massive explosion of the planet…

Everything happened so suddenly, leaving him completely unprepared.

[No, wait! Two months ago, Mom said that Kakarot was sent to a planet called Earth! Could it be that Dad and Mom had already anticipated this? This isn’t an accident; it’s a conspiracy! And Talot, he must have left Planet Vegeta long ago too!] Raditz’s thoughts became clearer and clearer.

He didn’t know whether it was his own realization or because Talot had influenced his thinking over the years, allowing him to grow more mature.

Looking at Vegeta, then at Nappa, Broccoli, and Darsis, he wanted to speak but ultimately swallowed his words.

Some things can be said, while others cannot.

He wasn’t stupid; he knew that in the current unclear situation, without any backing, he had to stay as low-key as possible.

Otherwise, he would end up like the other two upper-class warriors of his age who had been discarded.

In the blink of an eye, another day had passed.

On Planet Ouyun.

During these days, Talot, along with Gine and Salari, had been conducting a thorough exploration of Planet Ouyun.

Although they were only roughly scouting various parts of the planet, they had already become well acquainted with the general landscape.

In fact, the exploration of Planet Ouyun was mainly for three purposes.

The first was to find the blood-red fruit’s tree.

The second was to find the Ouyuns.

The third was to see if there were any special powers or unique beings on this planet.

Summarizing their findings over the past three days, they hadn’t found another blood-red fruit’s tree nor discovered anything worth obtaining or exploring further.

As for the Ouyuns, they had indeed found them.

As initially predicted, these guys did not live in the forest.

That was why the three of them had not encountered any Ouyuns before.

Ouyuns were also humanoid, but they were large like merfolk and had gills on their bodies that allowed them to breathe underwater.

The information saying that Ouyuns were large was accurate, but all other details were completely incorrect, as if the data had been arbitrarily fabricated.

Because they harbored no hostility, Talot, Gine, and Salari quickly became friends with the Ouyuns.

There was no invasion or conquest; they were able to coexist peacefully.

The Ouyuns were a very kind race. Even though the laws of nature were incredibly cruel, they have high-level intelligence, though they had yet to develop an advanced civilization of their own.

It is believed that with enough time, or perhaps with the guidance of some alien technology, the Ouyuns could soon advance.

Of course, the progress of a race also means they are bound to face unimaginable challenges. A single mistake could lead to their extinction in the long history of the universe.

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