DBEPV Chapter 37 King Vegeta’s Despair

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 “Da-damn you, Frieza…So the reason you’ve targeted us Saiyans is because you fear the birth of a Super Saiyan, someone who could kill you…

“…Even if I fail… you will definitely die at the hands of a Super Saiyan….in the future!”

King Vegeta seemed to already know his fate, but instead, he laughed grimly.

At this moment, he displayed the dignity befitting a king.

Hearing these words, Frieza’s eyes filled with murderous intent.

“Ho ho ho ho…!! You’re truly impressive, still arguing with me while facing death.” His sinister laughter echoed in the control room, making everyone feel suffocated.

At this moment, the temperature in the main control room dropped sharply, and everyone felt a chilling cold that penetrated to the bone.

Even Zarbon and Dodoria, Frieza’s closest followers, were terrified by this aura.

Not to mention those so-called elite Saiyan warriors; at this moment, they even regretted following King Vegeta in rebelling against Frieza.

“You say I fear your kind’s Super Saiyan, but that’s just a boring joke you’ve made up in your head.

“Before you die, I might as well tell you a secret.

“My power level is… 530,000!!!

“What do you think the power level of your legendary Super Saiyan is?”

Frieza’s voice echoed around King Vegeta like a demon’s whisper.

At this moment, King Vegeta’s pupils contracted sharply, his mind blank.

While, all the Saiyans’ hearts stopped for a moment.

They previously speculated his power level to be only around 100,000, but they never imagined it would be 530,000?!

All the elite Saiyan warriors began to feel hatred towards King Vegeta.

He brought them here to die.

“530,000, impossible! There’s no way it’s possible…” King Vegeta forcibly maintained his composure, but in reality, his mind had already accepted this fact.

Fear was inevitable.

Even a Super Saiyan probably doesn’t have a power level of 530,000, right?

What an exaggerated number; they couldn’t even imagine it.

“Still unwilling to believe? Very well, considering you are about to die, I’ll tell you another secret. On top of my 530,000 power level, I can also transform.” Frieza’s sinister laughter seemed to drag them into hell.

“Y-you can transform?” King Vegeta struggled to breathe.

530,000 was already unimaginable for him, and if Frieza could transform, did that mean his power could reach a million?!

Seeing King Vegeta lose his last bit of support, Frieza aimed to break him completely: “I can transform three times!”

Three times!!!

Everyone was stunned.

Including Dodoria and Zarbon.

Especially Dodoria, who now completely understood Lord Frieza’s secret.

Zarbon was so shocked he could hardly speak. Although he knew Lord Frieza could transform and that his power level would certainly exceed a million, he had no idea there were three transformations.

[It’s over.]

This thought wasn’t just born in the minds of Zarbon and Dodoria; everyone in the room had these words in their heads.

“Have you completely lost the will to resist? How boring.” Frieza casually raised his right hand, Death Beam forming at the tip of his finger, his face full of contempt making him look even more terrifying.

King Vegeta lost the will to resist; his spirit already broken.


The Death Beam shot out, piercing King Vegeta’s heart, killing him on the spot.

King Vegeta’s followers were dominated by fear and had no will left to fight back.

Seeing King Vegeta fall, everyone dropped to their knees; some begged for mercy, some pledged loyalty, and some even blamed King Vegeta, claiming it was on his order that they rebelled.

“Ohohohoho~~!! Your king is a weak and useless wild monkey, and you, as his subordinates, are no better.”

As Frieza finished speaking, without needing any further orders, Dodoria and Zarbon understood his intent.

The two of them attacked simultaneously without hesitation. In just a few seconds, they put on a gruesome display of slaughter for Frieza.

All the elite upper-class warriors were ruthlessly killed in a single move.

Blood stained the entire control room, and the air was thick with the smell of blood.

“As expected of my personal guards. Now, have someone clean this place up. It’s almost time for the final show,” Frieza said, causing Dodoria and Zarbon to shiver slightly.

Knowing that despite being aware of King Frieza’s secrets, they would not be in any danger, the two of them quickly sprang into action.

Along with the subordinates who were already prepared, they swiftly cleaned up the blood and corpses from the floor.

The spaceship took off and soon reached the outer atmosphere of Planet Vegeta.

“Come to think of it, it’s been a long time since I last saw a beautiful display of fireworks. I’ve really missed it,” Frieza said, his hands behind his back, gazing at the beautiful Planet Vegeta.

In truth, if not for the orders from Lord Beerus, he would have been somewhat reluctant to destroy this planet.

After all, there were few planets like Planet Vegeta that could serve as his personal playground.

The smile on his face grew more sinister and terrifying, making Zarbon and Dodoria, his trusted aides, immediately realize that Frieza intended to destroy Planet Vegeta right then and there.

“Lord Frieza, many of our Frieza Force soldiers are still on Planet Vegeta. Should we give the order for them to evacuate first?” Zarbon inquired.

“Zarbon, too much compassion only adds burdens to oneself. Those stationed on Planet Vegeta are nothing but insignificant, useless people. Let them disappear along with Planet Vegeta. Only in this way can we conceal the fact that it was me who destroyed Planet Vegeta.

“After all, among those foolish Saiyan monkeys, there are still a few worth keeping around—like our adorable little Prince Vegeta. He’s quite suitable for my amusement. Hohohoho~~!”

As Frieza spoke, he let out a cold laugh.

God of Destruction Beerus had ordered him to annihilate Planet Vegeta and exterminate the Saiyan race, but he wanted to leave a few alive.

He particularly admired little Prince Vegeta, and this would be an entertaining game of raising him.

Making Vegeta serve the one who killed his father, annihilated his race, and destroyed his planet, believing it was only an asteroid collision that caused Planet Vegeta’s explosion. Slowly, he would uncover the truth, ultimately falling into despair and completely submit to him.

Arrogance made Frieza feel that everything was under his control!

These words caused Dodoria and Zarbon to feel a terrifying chill.

They had seen planets destroyed before—indeed, they themselves had destroyed many planets. But every time they saw Lord Frieza do it himself, it deepened their terror.

What terrified them the most this time was that their Lord Frieza was willing to kill all the troops stationed on Planet Vegeta as well.

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