DBEPV Chapter 36 Countdown to Planet Destruction, Frieza’s Game

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 One day later.

Planet Vegeta.

With the landing of Universal Emperor Frieza’s flagship on the planet, the plans of both Frieza and King Vegeta officially commenced.

One could say that Frieza deliberately landed his spaceship on Planet Vegeta to give King Vegeta an opportunity. He wanted to see the grand reception King Vegeta had meticulously prepared for him.

For Frieza, this was just a chance to toy with these disobedient and clueless Saiyan monkeys.

King Vegeta had no idea that Frieza wasn’t just here to suppress them; he came with the intent of exterminating the Saiyans and destroying Planet Vegeta.

Having prepared for a long time, King Vegeta thought that seizing this opportunity would allow him to overthrow Frieza and Cold’s rule in one fell swoop.

Confident! Even arrogant!

When one side’s overall strength reaches a certain level, one may inexplicably develop a sense of invincibility.

King Vegeta’s confidence stemmed from the elite upper-class warriors he had assembled, the ones with power levels close to 10,000! Even the lowest among them had power level over 5,000!

Although there were only a few dozen of them, these absolute elite Saiyans were going to take action together. As long as they broke into Frieza’s flagship, they would have absolute control and could deliver a thunderous blow to Frieza.

Even if Frieza’s power level truly exceeded 100,000, they could all transform into Great Apes together.

An individual’s power is insignificant, but after transforming into Great Apes, each of their power levels could increase to several tens of thousands. Especially King Vegeta, who was confident he could fight Frieza, whose power level was 100,000.

King Vegeta’s actions were swift and decisive.

One could say that even the Frieza Force soldiers stationed on Planet Vegeta had no idea.

Along the way, any soldiers from the Frieza Force who obstructed them were instantly killed by King Vegeta.

After a short period, under King Vegeta’s leadership, they finally arrived at the main control room of Frieza’s flagship.

It seemed like everything was set, but just as King Vegeta was about to break into the main control room, Zarbon and Dodoria opened the door, blocking their path.

“You’re really slow, King Vegeta and foolish Saiyan monkeys,” Dodoria sneered with a sinister grin, his expression filled with disdain, not taking King Vegeta or his followers seriously at all.

“Even after we withdrew all the elite warriors, it still took you this long to get in here. With such mediocre strength, you dare to defy Lord Frieza? Ignorance is bliss,” Zarbon said calmly, his gaze sweeping over King Vegeta and his warriors.

Upon hearing this, King Vegeta laughed instead of getting angry. “Still so stubborn at this point?! Dodoria, Zarbon, I know your power levels are high, but it’s time to recognize your situation. We are the most elite Saiyan warriors, each with a power level over 5,000! Even if we aren’t your match one-on-one, we have the absolute advantage in numbers.”

At King Vegeta’s command, the elite upper-class warriors behind him erupted in shouts.

At this moment, everyone believed that Frieza’s era was over.

“Oh? Power level over 5,000? Dodoria, do you think that’s high?” Zarbon asked with a smirk.

“A power level over 5,000, huh? That’s quite impressive, almost a quarter of mine,” Dodoria responded with a playful expression, playing along.

The two of them were treating King Vegeta and his warriors like clowns.

Seeing this, King Vegeta and his loyal followers immediately felt a surge of anger.

Just as they were about to strike down Dodoria and Zarbon, a figure behind them approached, and an icy chill could be felt by everyone.

This scene made everyone’s bodies tremble.

Frieza was sitting nonchalantly in his hover pod.

“Zarbon, and Dodoria, let King Vegeta and his people come in. I must watch this show with my own eyes,” Frieza said with absolute mockery in his voice, a cruel and sinister smile spreading across his evil face.

Zarbon and Dodoria froze for a moment when they heard the order. They did not dare to hesitate and immediately stepped aside, making way for King Vegeta and his people.

“Hmph!! Even your master understands the situation clearly, and you still dare to block my way!” Though King Vegeta was tense, he was fearless at this moment.

However, just as he entered the main control room and was about to speak, one look from Frieza made him feel an inexplicable sense of unease.

“Oh my, so many elite Saiyans. King Vegeta, are you really so confident that you can overthrow my rule?” Frieza said with a mocking smile.

These words pierced deep into King Vegeta’s heart.

“Stop spouting such meaningless words! Frieza!! From now on, I will be the emperor of the universe!!!” King Vegeta, embarrassed and enraged, gritted his teeth and launched an energy wave at Frieza.

He wanted to use his attack to establish his authority and to be even braver.

As they say, when two enemies meet, the brave one wins. With all the advantages on his side, there was no reason to back down!

However, the energy wave, with only a power level of about 10,000, was effortlessly neutralized by Frieza with just a glance. It didn’t even explode but instead dissipated into energy particles that floated in the air.


Seeing this, King Vegeta’s pupils contracted sharply, and he trembled with fear.

Like him, the Saiyan warriors behind King Vegeta were also stunned, their faces showing terror.

“Oh ho ho ho ho~~!! It seems you truly are prepared to die. In that case, there’s no need for me to continue this charade with you…” Frieza’s smile became cruel, and he calmly raised his hand.

In an instant, two death beams shot from his fingers, piercing through both of King Vegeta’s knees.

“This is my return gift.”

King Vegeta screamed in agony as both of his knees were pierced, forcing him to collapse helplessly before Frieza.

The sight made everyone present gasp in shock, their throats instinctively gulping.

The disparity was too vast.

Dodoria and Zarbon watched coldly, silently observing Frieza’s performance.

“Oh ho ho ho ho~! Now, this is more like it. You Saiyan monkeys are only ever fit to kneel before me for all eternity.

“I’m very curious, where exactly did you get your courage from? Was it perhaps from that so-called Super Saiyan legend of yours? To be swayed by such a boring legend, you truly are stupid beyond saving, King Vegeta.”

Frieza slowly floated down from his hover pod, his petite body exuding an overwhelming murderous aura as he arrogantly looked down at King Vegeta.

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