DBEPV Chapter 34 Great Increase in Strength

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 As Gine and Salari ate the fruits, they exclaimed about how delicious they were. In a short amount of time, the special power contained within the fruits washed over their bodies, enhancing their strength.

Just by sensing their auras, Talot knew that their strength had greatly increased.

Even though it wasn’t as much of an increase as his own, their power level definitely increased by more than 100.

The scouter analyzed them, and shortly after, Talot had the exact data.

Gine’s power level increased to 830, an increase of 130.

Salari’s power level increased to 440, an increase of 150.

“Amazing! This is my current strength. Brother Talot, my power level has reached 440, and I can sense Ki more clearly!” Salari exclaimed, unable to contain her excitement.

In her understanding, as a low-class warrior, it was impossible to compare herself to upper-class warriors.

However, with her current strength, even if she wasn’t as strong as those highly talented upper-class warriors, among people her age, possessing such a power level undoubtedly places her among the upper-class warriors.

Simply put, this power level is almost unheard of among low-class warriors, especially since Salari is only five years old.

“I never expected my power level to jump so much in one go,” Gine remarked with emotion. Her power level had previously been stuck at 600 for years, but in just two months, it had increased to 840.

Is she lucky? Definitely!

But she also felt that it was thanks to Talot. If she hadn’t come along with him, if she had stayed on Planet Vegeta, she would still be the same as before.

“Aunt Gine, Salari, can you eat more?”

As Gine and Salari were reflecting on their improvements with great excitement, Talot’s voice interrupted them again.

If the first time eating the fruit had this effect, they can try a second time.

After all, they didn’t know how long these fruits could be preserved. Regardless of the outcome, it was best to eat them as soon as possible.

Gine and Salari nodded in agreement. Without hesitation, Talot quickly took out more blood fruits from the spaceship.

The second tasting was much simpler and more straightforward than the first. They already knew what the fruit tasted like and what effects it had, so they ate more decisively.

Talot: Power level 1580.

Gine: Power level 900.

Salari: Power level 510.

【Just as I expected, the continuous consumption is definitely affecting the rate of increase. But I’m not sure if it’s because the fruit’s effectiveness is diminishing or due to other reasons.】Talot mused as he analyzed the situation.

His mind raced. First, he considered the possibility that their overall strength had increased, making subsequent gains less noticeable.

For example, increasing power level from 100 to 200 means a gain of 100. However, if your power level reaches 1000, then an increase of 100 might only represent a small increase at that level.

The fruit’s effect might be decreasing with each consumption, but judging from the current situation, the feeling he was getting from his body after consuming the blood fruit twice hadn’t changed much. So, the first reason seems more likely.

Then, after eating for the third time, their power levels increased again, though the increase was even less than before.

Naturally, this time, the amount of energy absorbed by their bodies from the fruit wasn’t as strong as the previous two times.

So, it was clear that the effects were weaker, or perhaps their bodies were developing a resistance to the blood fruits.

After that, Talot, Gine, and Salari decided not to continue eating the fruits.

First, they genuinely didn’t feel hungry anymore. On the contrary, eating three fruits in a row made them feel very full. This confirmed what Gine mentioned about the fruit being able to alleviate hunger; otherwise, considering the Saiyans’ appetite, three fruits wouldn’t normally be enough.

Second, Talot had an idea he wanted to try: what if they ate the blood fruits after intense physical activity or rapid energy consumption? Would the effects improve?

Before they knew it, Talot, Gine, and Salari had been in the deep valley for several days.

The 24 fruits were consumed by the three of them over several sessions.

All three saw significant increases in their strength.

Talot’s power level reached 1850.

Gine’s power level broke the 1000 mark and is now at 1120.

Finally, Salari showed the most remarkable improvement, with her power level now at 890.

Today marks the eighth day since they arrived on this planet.

In the deep valley, Talot was sparring with Gine and Salari.

Everyone’s power levels had increased dramatically in a short time, each gaining more than 500.

The improvement is too rapid. If they don’t engage in basic training, or combat, this strength will quickly decline.

This is not only to consolidate their strength but also to help Gine and Salari become even stronger, ensuring they don’t waste their potential by not knowing how to utilize their full power.

As it turns out, Talot had completely underestimated Gine.

He always thought Gine worked in logistics and might have forgotten how to fight.

But not only was her real combat ability not low, in situations where their strengths were comparable, Talot sometimes even found himself being overpowered by her.

Of course, this could also be due to the difference in size; after all, Gine is an adult, and even though Talot is well-developed for his age, he’s still only about 1.3 meters tall.

As for Salari, her performance was also outstanding.

In the end, Talot felt that he was the weakest link.

Although their strength wasn’t quite on par with his, when he had that level of power, he wasn’t as proficient as they are.

With this realization, Talot decided to train even more rigorously.

He first focused on Ki training and enlightenment, followed by physical training, technique practice, and combat training, among other things…

After one bout of fight, the three of them washed their faces in a small stream and took a rest.

“You really are something, Aunt Gine. You’re getting stronger and stronger. If my power level wasn’t higher, I wouldn’t stand a chance against you,” Talot praised.

“Oh, Talot, you’re exaggerating. I know you’re just helping Salari and me get stronger. Still, I never expected our strength to improve this much,” Gine replied.

Hearing Talot praise Gine, Salari felt a bit jealous and began to act coquettishly.

It has to be said that recently, Salari has become more open and expressive.

Sometimes she does things that are so intimate, Talot feels uncomfortable.

Perhaps this is the difference between men and women.

If a man touches a woman, it’s considered harassment.

But if a woman touches a man, hugs him, and cuddles with him, and you dislike it, you’re considered insensitive.

Talot didn’t realize that although he used to think Salari was a nuisance, he had gradually gotten used to her and no longer resisted her.

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